Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1216: Powerful enemy

Chapter 1216: A Powerful Enemy

Chapter 1216: Powerful Enemy

The ninth emperor said: "Although that is the case, it is better for such people to offend less." Then he smiled bitterly. "Actually, behind the ten emperors, there may be no shadow of the old man. It can be said that the true master of heaven, It is the emperor and the twelve pavilions. "

Li Xingdan said lightly: "It's all irrelevant, as long as the strength is strong, any character can be broken." At this moment, he showed boundless domineering, invincible belief.

The ninth emperor praised: "It is indeed my righteous brother, this is the style of the peerless overlord." Then he laughed, "You can rest assured that the trip to the North Wilderness. I can guard the matter of Makino, the gateway to the world. You closed it. "

Li Xingdao: "No, just in case the prefecture's army has a pressurized environment, and the Grand Marshal cannot be reinforced, aren't you dangerous, righteous brother?"

The ninth emperor waved his hand: "Brother, you are now the Grand Marshal. Do you think he will make me suffer?"

"The Grand Marshal said that he would not be involved in the battle between the emperors, I am afraid he will not help you." Li Xingdao.

"Hehe, if Makino Seki is in distress, he is the Grand Marshal and sends soldiers to help him. It's not a special care, it's just business affairs. He will give you this face."

Hearing that Li Xing understood it immediately and nodded: "Yes, as long as the Marshal does not give you small shoes, Makino Seki will be indestructible. My Great World Portal was established here, but it may cause you trouble, yes It should be removed. "

The ninth emperor: "So what I worry about is your safety, neither Watch Mountain nor the Great Heavenly War. It is not offensive. There is a gate of order behind the Watch Mountain, and I have already inquired about this power.

Right now, he told Li Xing one by one about the situation of the door of order. The gate of order was born in chaos, and was formed by the congregation of chaos. The door is a plane of its own.

The gate of order belongs to a treasure of civilization. The treasure of civilization is a kind of thing that has a higher level than the plane weapon. It is very rare, and the quantity is much scarcer than the great civilization.

Later, the door of order was obtained by an emperor of order, and it was used as the foundation to absorb the order of the world and build a huge organization. This organization has been penetrated in many places, and Watch Mountain is just the tip of its iceberg.

Moreover, the emperor of order should be a broken figure, and he is also a civilized god.

It can be said that the gate of order is the base of those who order in the world. The power is so huge that it is not even willing to provoke heaven. Once there were ten immortal deities, who carried ten immortal-level instruments to attack the door of order, and all of them were chopped without surviving.

After hearing, Li Rong said, "The door of order is really terrible. I will be careful."

The ninth emperor also talked about the Great Heavenly Lord of War, saying: "This man is equally terrible. According to reliable information, this person has beheaded more than a dozen immortal Great Heavenly Kings. And there is another ancestor of the rogue behind him. No rogue The ancestor was a cruel man who once ruled the world. He has played against several court veterans in the heavens, which is unfathomable! "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "It seems that the characters I provoke are all powerful and terrifying."

The ninth emperor also began to sigh: "Chaos, the door of order, and the Great Lord of War, if any one of the three families is determined to kill you, you will not be able to escape. Therefore, you must upgrade your strength as soon as possible for your brother to see Until you step into the Infinite Infinite. I am convinced that the moment you have achieved Infinite is the beginning of your invincible journey! "

Li Xing laughed: "Are you so confident in me?"

"I believe in my vision and hope you will not let me down." Ninth Tianzi said seriously.

Li Xing patted him on the shoulder: "You and I are brothers, and of course I will not let you down." At last, both of them smiled.

On the same day, Li Xing put away the portal of the Great World, bid farewell to the ninth emperor and a group of people, and then went northward. Before leaving, he applied the secret technique of civilization and incorporated the entire outer world into the plane of the mixed element, forming a special space-time and becoming one of the countless space-time of the mixed element.

The first thing to do when entering Beihuang is to find a foothold. Before he came, he had already planned, find a continent, gradually control it, and then establish a big world plane.

In the next step, he will gradually expand the site and refine more continents. At the same time, he will further promote the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce to make it the most important chamber in the Four Deserted Chambers.

After entering the Northern Famine, Li Xing turned into a streamer, flying in the chaos of time and space, searching for the continent he needed. In front of him, one huge group after another disappeared, but he gave up.

Until a continent passed him by, the strong martial arts atmosphere attracted it, and he couldn't help but stop and observe carefully.

"So strong martial arts breath, it must be the group plane left by martial arts civilization." He muttered to himself, as a streamer, falling towards the mainland.

Entering the martial arts continent, Li Xing was dumbfounded. He found that the entire continent was extremely desolate, and there were desert Gobi everywhere. There were no signs of life, which made him wonder.

At this time, Araki's voice sounded in his mind: "Be careful, this place is very dangerous and has been occupied by monsters."

Li Xing nodded, he also felt that the breath of martial arts had been contaminated by the breath of magic, and it seemed that in this place, probably the place had been controlled by the prefecture.

"It is impossible to fight with the people in the land government and take this continent." Li Xingdao immediately released all the momentum. In a short time, the powerful momentum pervaded the Quartet, shaking the continent.

A terrifying howl came from afar, and then the continent trembled. It seemed that there were giant monsters approaching this place step by step ~ www.readwn.com ~ It didn't take long for Li Xing to see, a humanoid monster, seeing blue He had black horns for the first time, and his body was red. He was rushing towards him.

This humanoid monster is very tall, and he can step over one percent of the distance of the martial arts in one step. However, as it approached, its shape gradually shrank, and finally turned into a normal person, standing opposite Li Xing.

Li Xing looked as usual, looking at the other party and saying, "Have you arrived so hastily, did you want to meet me?"


The humanoid monster laughed harshly, and vomited: "Little fellow, my deity feels like you are a great supplement. Come here obediently and make my deity a real treat."

Li Xing sneered: "I'm afraid that your stomach is too small to sustain you!" After all, he was followed by Emperor Huang, Jiuyang, and Destroyer Tianzun.

When three immortal combatants appeared, the humanoid monster howled and shouted, "No man is useless, swallow the magic of the sky, swallow the sky!"


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