Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1217: Devour the Magic

Chapter 1217: Nine Yang Demon Prince

Chapter 1217 Devouring Heavenly Demon Gong

The roar of the other party, a magical force that devoured everything, emerged from the huge mouth opened by the humanoid monster, which was extremely domineering. . . Each of the four people present at the scene felt a huge threat and found that their strength was constantly being lost.

Li Xing took the initiative and sang, "Go to the plane of destruction, fast!" He felt that the so-called devouring magic was very horrible. It seemed that the power of the entire martial arts continent had been drained by him.

Destroyer of the Destruction of Heaven, immediately acted with all his strength, instantly ingesting everyone into his plane of destruction. But in this way, his own defense was greatly reduced, and the power of the plane began to be lost.

In the plane of destruction, the emperor's face was ugly and he said, "Father, this man has too much magical power. I am afraid that no more immortal master can restrain him. We still leave here quickly."

Li Xing said: "You can't get away unless you kill the demon." He sneered, "Let me try if this thing can accept him."

In other words, he took out the detained bell and shook it. The bell was surrounded by three blue lights, and he shouted loudly, "That devil, can you dare to report the name? I am the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, protected by heaven and earth How dare you, a demon like you, kill at will? "

"Haha ..."

The devil laughed loudly: "I swallow the heavenly demon, swallow the heavens and the earth, how are you protected by heaven and earth? I will also die in the hand of the deity!"

As soon as his voice fell, the destruction of the Great Celestial Desolation was ashes, and all his power was devoured by him. But at the same time, the detained Yin Ling was also exposed, emitting a faint cold light, and fixed the demon head.

As soon as the Devastation Demon felt that the infant was tight, he saw the Yin Ling, and his face was unexpectedly mixed with a horrible expression, and shouted, "Impossible! Why is the Yin Ling in your hand?"

Li Xing did not answer, because the next moment, the big devil turned into a streamer and was sucked into the bell. The bell sank, and the continuous screams of the devouring demon were heard inside.

After ten breaths, the screams disappeared. Li Xing was surprised to find that the detained Yin Ling oscillated slightly and gave a crisp bell sound, which seemed very cheerful.

He immediately observed with the consciousness and found that the placenta in the bell had undergone major changes. The huge baby above the placenta has grown a lot and has begun to stretch his legs slowly, but has not opened his eyes.

Just looking at it, Li Xing immediately returned, because he felt a huge threat from the baby and was afraid to get too close.

"This bell must have hidden secrets. Is that baby the unborn magic weapon?" Li Xing secretly.

At this time, the Emperor said: "It's a pity that the Destroyer of Destruction was consumed."

Li Xingdao: "It doesn't matter, it's just a puppet." Then he looked at the deserted martial arts continent and shook his head. "Unfortunately, this continent is no longer valuable.

The emperor thought for a while, and said, "My father's martial arts are amazing. Why not make up the martial arts above after refining this continent?"

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he had obtained the "Book of Martial Arts". In addition, he has ancient trees of civilization and can indeed rebuild martial arts civilization.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded: "This is a good idea. The process of rebuilding civilization is also my process of promoting civilization and achieving a complete civilization. It is harmless."

Immediately, Li Xing's consciousness spread out in all directions and began to refine the martial arts continent. Today's martial arts continent has nothing but appearance. In addition to the remaining martial arts breath, it has no inner core, just an empty shelf.

Refining such an empty shelf is naturally very easy, and it will be done instantly.

Later, Li Xing began to use his understanding of martial arts civilization and the help of the ancient trees of civilization to reconstruct the civilization of the mainland. This process could not be completed in a short time, Li Xing settled down and stayed in the martial arts mainland temporarily.

According to Li Xing's estimation, it takes about three years to rebuild the martial arts civilization. Although this move is time-consuming, once successful, the benefits are tremendous. For example, this martial arts continent can exist as a side surface of Li Xing.

Moreover, if he wishes, this martial arts continent can become a martial arts avatar, and become the third largest avatar of Li Xing after being a Jiuyang avatar and a **** avatar.

The process of refining was very long. Li Xing gave most of it to the emperor, and he devoted most of his energy to the construction of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce.

At first, he tried to establish a chamber of commerce in Beihuang, but because of the appearance of Watchman Mountain, he had to die halfway. Now that he has returned strongly, of course, he has to regain his old career, but he has regrets.

I have had the experience of establishing a chamber of commerce, and this time it is even more effective. In addition, in the mixed world, there are nearly 200,000 immense celestial beings available for dispatch, with sufficient manpower.

The most important thing is that Li Xing destroyed many great forces. Regardless of the treasures of the Four Seas and the treasures of the dragon elephant, the amount of things collected from the enemies alone is enough to fill the warehouse of the chamber of commerce.

For example, the Suyin continent, the wealth of the Taiyin dynasty has accumulated for many years, and it has become his possession. Another example is Watch Mountain, whose wealth is not small, and also falls into his hands.

There are also a large number of items salvaged in the Abyss and the apocalypse seized in battle with enemies such as the land government.

These are the foundations established by the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce. After all, the core strength of a chamber of commerce still depends on what kind of products this chamber of commerce can provide. The more types of products and the larger the number, the more it can absorb customers and become bigger and stronger.

While building the Chamber of Commerce, Li Xing's deity is becoming stronger now.

Xuanhuang continent, Suyin continent, outer heaven, these three places add up a large number of creatures. If they put their faith in themselves, then the power of the gods will become very strong.

Although there are many creatures in the outer world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because most of them are weak, the power of faith is not so strong. You know, the stronger a person is, the stronger the power of faith they provide.

Through these years of experience, Li Xing has roughly estimated the method of measuring the power of faith. In general, the believer can possess one-third of the power of all who believe.

For example, there are three hundred believers in the deities, and the combat power of these three hundred believers is three hundred. Then the deities can obtain one-third of the three hundred combat power through the power of faith, which is one hundred combat power.

In addition, the strength provided by the power of faith can be infinitely increased, which is similar to that of the power accumulation method of the Devastating Demon. The more it swallows, the stronger it is. The more beliefs it absorbs, the stronger it becomes.

In the first step, the deities appeared first on the Suyin continent, using various means, with the cooperation of the emperor, to conquer the world. This process may seem simple, but it is actually very difficult. After all, for a monk to devote himself to faith, he needs to show his unfathomable strength and omnipotent means, and he must have the character of surrender.


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