Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1218: 3 big avatars

Chapter 1218: The Three Great Avatars

Chapter 1218: Three Great Avatars

The masters on the Suyin continent are like clouds, not counting many slaves. There are thousands of non-gravity masters, plus a large number of slaves. │Li Xing continued to manifest Falun Gong in the Suyin continent, releasing the breath of civilization and educating everyone.

Above the mainland, monks below the order of magnitude quickly surrendered and faithfully believed in Li Xing. But there are nearly 60,000 people with immense amount of great respect, but they have a strong will, and it is really difficult to refine them.

However, it is not difficult for Li Xing. He used the ancient trees of civilization to operate the merits of creation, and on the Suyin continent, he constantly built all kinds of things that the immense amount of celestial monks had never seen and heard.

Old trees in space, old trees in miracle, old trees in weather, old trees in thunder, old trees in hurricane, old trees in reincarnation, old trees in war, old trees in war, old trees in guardianship, etc., all manifested one by one.

In particular, the realization of the ancient tree of Taoism can directly improve people's qualifications and effectively enhance their realm. Another example is the ancient miracle tree, which can provide what they need at any time.

What Li Xing has shown is actually the charm of civilization, which is his unique right as a civilized god. The other uncivilized deity, even if it is immortal, does not have his ability.

Gradually, these immeasurable gods have no worship and gradually began to believe in civilization and Li Xing. When countless monks, especially the nearly 60,000 immense gods of the faith, all fed back to the deities.

Li Xing immediately felt that this avatar suddenly arrogant a lot, breaking through the realm repeatedly, from infinite to infinite, and then to the peak of infinite, the strength soared.

On the Xuanhuang continent, there are also many masters. But by comparison, this place is much easier to control, so those unweighted characters are mostly Tao soldiers, war spirits, magic soldiers, crickets, and so on.

These existences are controlled by Li Xing, and their will is manipulated at will, so they naturally believe in Li Xing.

When the faith in all three places is completely concentrated, the power of the deities is soaring to the peak of 80,000 times the fighting power! This combat power is eight times that of Li Xing's deity!

"Although the power of faith is external, if it is used properly, it is equally powerful." Li Xing felt in his heart, and he secretly planned that in the future, he would have the opportunity to let the deities go to the pure land of the gods to further enhance their strength.

According to the experience of several **** kings, the power of belief in the gods is the purest, and the higher the level of belief in the gods, the stronger the power of faith. And, the truly powerful deities, the believers are all high deities.

The mixed world is developing silently, Li Xing is constantly improving its strength, and the Quartet Chamber of Commerce is gradually expanding.

Unconsciously, three years have passed. In the past three years, not only has the **** avatar become very powerful, but the Jiuyang avatar has also enhanced its strength, and further refined the power of Pan Guzhu, which is not much weaker than the **** avatar.

Moreover, during this period, Li Xing also refined seven-colored glazed eggs and successfully transformed them into seven-color avatars. That seven-color avatar is not everyone can refining, even after refining, you can only get seven special means.

Li Xing is different. After refining the seven-color avatar, he used the mixed-yuan civilization to blend the seven colors into one, turning it into the color of glass. That is, he combined the seven special abilities into one, making the seven-color avatars possess a special constitution, the seven-color glazed body.

Part of the awakening of the seven-colored glazed body tells Li Xing that the seven-colored glazed body belongs to the class of the blood of the ancient people. Such civilizations belong to ethnic civilizations.

There are many ways to divide civilizations. One of them is to determine whether a civilization is completely created and unique by a certain race. If it is, it is racial civilization, if not, it is called non-racial civilization.

For example, if the Xunyuan civilization established by Li Xing is to flourish in the future, the monks who can reproduce this civilization will certainly be Xunyuan real people. At that time, the hybrid civilization could also be called racial civilization.

The seven-color civilization represented by the seven-color continent is a typical ethnic civilization. Only the seven-color glazed body can create this civilization.

After the birth of the Seven-Color avatar, their strength increased rapidly, and soon reached an infinite number of peaks. In this way, the combat power of the three avatars surpassed the deities.

In addition, each of the three avatars has an immortal-level artifact, one of which is obtained from the treasure of the four seas, called the four sea urns, and held by the gods. This puppet is powerful and slightly weaker than the gossip door.

Jiuyang splits the door to gossip, which belongs to the innate magic weapon and has the most powerful power. As for the seven-color avatar, it holds an immortal weapon in the treasure of the dragon elephant and is called a thunder halberd. The power is still above the three hammers, the heavy sword and the large-shaped sword.

At the time of Li Xing's steady development, the Great Emperor of Chaoangu secretly came to Beihuang and summoned the King of the Hydra and the King of Deer among the four kings and eight kings. These two kings both dominated the Northern Wilderness.

In a mysterious time and space, the two kings respectfully worshiped the Great Emperor Luangu, and the king of the Hydra said: "If the master comes, what is the command?"

Luangu Datianzun said: "Bingma Datianzun sent a person named Li Xing to enter the Northern Wilderness. The purpose of this person's coming here is most likely to be to investigate you and give me some care."

The King of Great Deer didn't take it seriously and said: "Lord, the two of us seem to control five hundred continents. In fact, each one controls four or five thousand continents. Based on our strength, what if the soldiers and horses are so close?"

Chaoan frowned and said, "Luli, you are getting more and more arrogant. Don't forget your mission!"

King Luli's heart froze, and he bowed his head quickly: "Yes, his subordinates are so forgotten, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. But that little person is really not worthy of attention, and it is simply destroyed.

Luan Gudao: "In short, you two must be careful during this time, once you find an opportunity, you must get rid of this. However, you must not do it on the surface, otherwise the heaven will not be easy to explain."

"Jesus rest assured, we can use this power of a few continents to make this person fly away. In addition, we must also tell the Lord the good news that the two of us are preparing to build a group. By then, we will gather thousands of continents, millions of millions With great power, the construction of the group will be extremely powerful! "

Liangu Datianzun snorted coldly: "Although the group plane can increase its strength, it also weighs a lot."

The Hydra smiled: "The Lord's skill is world-leading, but he is the first master in heaven, with a peak power of 8 million. How can I compare? I have to use the group plane to enhance my strength."

Liangu Datianzun nodded: "If you are acting cheaply, if you have an accident, you must report it to me immediately. Especially Li Xing, every move of him, you must see clearly and not to lose!"


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