Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1219: Ultimate defense

Chapter 1219: The Ultimate Defense

Chapter 1219: Ultimate Defense

Seeing that Emperor Luangu attaches such great importance, the King of Hydra couldn't help wondering: "Lord, is this Li Xing very powerful? The Lord not only sent a avatar, a special reminder, but also repeatedly reminded me to pay attention to this person. Things...【"

Luangu Datianzun said: "This man has great potential and may become a peerless enemy at any time. He is not only the righteous brother of the ninth emperor, but also a civilized emperor, and now he is valued by the soldiers and horses. Once a person rises, it will be a big threat, and one cannot but take it seriously. "

The two kings nodded again and again and said, "Be assured of the Lord, since this son has arrived in the North Famine, he is already in trouble and will surely die."

Liangu Datianzun nodded: "Okay, you two are careful." Then he faded, disappearing until he disappeared.

After the master left, the Hydra King laughed: "Brother Lu, Li Xing now occupies the martial arts continent. On your site, this matter will bother you."

King Luli said faintly: "A little man, no matter what his origins, will die the same. However, since the Lord attaches so much importance to him, use a more secure method."

"Oh? Is there a plan in Brother Deer's heart?" The Hydra king asked.

"There are three continents near our martial arts continent. These three continents have strong overall strength, so I use their power to get rid of Li Xing." King Luli said, "This is only the first step. I also He will send 100,000 immeasurable celestial masters to assist him. "

Speaking of which, Luli King said: "Brother Snake, you have 80,000 golden snake warships in your hands. There is no barren north, and you have not lost a defeat. You must help me then."

The King of Hydra said: "Naturally, you ca n’t let the deer brother alone contribute, otherwise it will not be good to hand over to the Lord in the future. All 80,000 Golden Snake battleships will be yours to call. In addition, I will send a hundred peaks of immeasurable big heaven to help out. "

King Luli laughed: "This is really a chicken knife for killing chickens, but in order to be foolproof, we can only do so. But this plan takes six months to a year to prepare and let the little thief of Li Xing live for a while. "

He said, however, that Li Xing knew that the Second King of the Northern Wilderness was calculating him, and that he had been under construction. His gains were so great that he not only improved the three major avatars, but also paved the shelves of the Quartet Chamber of Commerce.

Today, the Quartet Chamber of Commerce has opened branches in tens of thousands of continents, which has attracted many local monks to trade and has bright prospects.

When the third year was about to end, the martial arts civilization was finally successfully built, and the mainland was restored to life. Moreover, the martial civilization established by Li Xing has more potential and vitality than the original.

After the restoration of martial arts, the emperor began to deploy forces as soon as possible according to the actual situation. The entire Budo continent is manifested as part of the Great World Gateway.

The Xuanhuang continent, the mixed Yuan theme plane, and the Suyin continent are all hidden behind, and do not directly contact the foreign affairs office. In this way, if an enemy invades, the Budo continent will bear the brunt.

Therefore, the Emperor made it a top priority to strengthen the fighting power of the martial arts continent. The emperor belongs to Li Xing's objective will and mixed Yuan civilization. His words and deeds, every move, represent wisdom and efficiency.

Unlike Li Xing's previous tactics, the Emperor implemented a policy of elite soldiers. The main forces are all composed of voluminous fighters, including war spirits, puppets, Tao soldiers, and magic soldiers, all of which are included in the main force. There are about 200,000 such soldiers.

In the second category, they are all composed of Wuxi Tianzun, who are mainly responsible for the operation of the equipment. Such as ancient civilization cannons, plane cannons, war warships, etc., are mainly completed by such people.

The third human beings are all the Great Desolation, they are mainly responsible for combat on board.

Today, the Hunyuan plane has accumulated a large number of warships, which have been captured, manufactured, and included in the treasure, and have reached a staggering number. In particular, the emperor learned about the characteristics of various warships, and created a new type of warship called the Mixed Yuan battleship with the help of the ancient miracle tree.

The combat and defensive capabilities of the mixed warships are powerful. If they are lethal, they are far above the royal battleships, order warships, and warships. They are not less than ten plane warships.

The number of such plane warships can be loaded with a hundred plane cannons or civilization cannons. Both ancient guns were also copied by the emperor, and their power was not weaker than the original.

In addition, each battleship of Yuan Dynasty can take up to one billion people to consolidate into Yuan Dynasty to kill all enemy forces.

The power of the mixed yuan battleship is undoubtedly strong, but unfortunately the materials needed to build it are too rare and numerous, so the emperor only made one hundred ships. In order to manufacture these ten warships, more than half of them have been accumulated in the plane, which has been consumed, which can be described as expensive.

In addition, the emperor will further upgrade the sky orbit and fuse it with the ancient trees in space to form the second generation sky orbit. The second-generation sky rail is no longer limited to fighting in the plane of the Hunyuan, it can be moved outside at any time, and it operates finely.

Nowadays, all combat capabilities have been incorporated into the second-generation sky system, with unified command and unified operations to form the strongest combat effectiveness.

In addition to making preparations for the deployment of soldiers and the improvement of the command system, the accumulation of war resources during this period has also made gratifying progress. Plane cannons and civilization cannons require the support of plane cannonballs and civilization cannonballs, respectively.

As for the plane shells, ten plane warships absorbed a lot of Proterogeneous lights. In addition to repeated battles, a large amount of world power was condensed from the body of Datianzun, condensing the shells.

Therefore, the current number of plane artillery shells is about 1.2 million, which is enough to handle several large-scale operations.

As for civilized artillery shells, it is easier to refine. You know, Li Xing successively refined the Suyin continent and Xuanhuang continent ~ www.readwn.com ~ The core of these two continents contains a lot of civilized forces.

Suddenly added so many civilization forces, the ancient civilization tree is now full of energy, the speed of making civilization artillery shells is very fast, three years have accumulated nearly 4 million civilization artillery shells.

The ratio of the number of the two artillery shells is consistent with the ratio of the number of ancient civilizations and planes. On a hundred mixed-yuan battleships, there are about 2,200 ancient cannons and about 7,800 ancient civilizations.

In general, a hundred mixed-yuan battleships can fire 520 times without having to worry about the lack of shells, which is enough to deal with most powerful enemies.

When the defense of the martial arts continually improved and the three avatars continued to improve their strength, Li Xing's deity was anxiously waiting for the result, because his fourth child was about to be born.

Murong Jiaojiao has been in the delivery room for three full days. Outside Li Xing walked around, sometimes sighing, sometimes cheering, until Yan Zhen really surprised in the delivery room: "Xing brother, come here, Jiao Jiao gave birth to a freak! "


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