Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1220: Taichu Hualin

Chapter 1220 Jiu Yang Xie Jun

Chapter 1220 Too Early To Change Liner

Li Xing was taken aback, hurriedly entered the delivery room, and saw Murong Jiaojiao's expression of embarrassment. In her arms, it was a mass of phosgene, resembling a lotus flower, exuding a sense of civilization.

Yan Zhenzhen was worried and said, "Xing brother, how can Jiao Jiao give birth to such a freak without a human figure. How can this be good?"

Li Xing, who was panic-stricken at first, showed a look of joy and laughed: "Really, I was shocked by you. What a freak is this? He is the son of civilization."

Yan Zhenzhen seemed to think of something, patted his head and said, "Yes! Xing brother is the great deity of civilization. The son born is naturally affected. Once born, he has the foundation of civilization. He is the son of civilization!"

Murong Jiaojiao was very pleased and said, "Xing brother, I didn't let you down and gave you an amazing son."

Li Xing nodded with a smile, and said, "Jiaojiao, you're good at rest. My son will take me first. He hasn't manifested himself since he first arrived, and he can recover after a while."

Talking, the lotus phoenix suddenly shook for a moment, slowly blooming, Yu Lianxinzhi ### now is a chubby baby. The baby had a pure, early breath.

At this time, Araki's disillusioned girl came and admired: "The little boy was born in the lotus of the early days.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of the baby's appearance, not paying much attention to Araki's words. Murong Jiaojiao hugged her son for the first time, kissed it gently twice, and smiled, "Good boy, have you finally come out?"

The baby opened his eyes, his eyes clear, and he giggled, and the room was filled with lotus flowers, overflowing with fragrance. At this moment, someone was rumored outside that four immortal gods worshiped.

Li Xing was shocked and had to hold his son's ### to hug his son and go out to meet guests. In the Hall of Mixed Yuan, four immortal deities are sitting side by side, without saying a word, they all seem to be waiting for Li Xing.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, the four got up quickly, and said in unison: "See the emperor."

These four people were very eye-catching, and Li Xing hurriedly said, "Four polite people, you come to the door, I don't know what to teach?" The words were very polite.

One immortal Dazun said: "In the lower Laoyang Dazun, the other three are Shaoyang Dazun, Laoyin Dazun, and Shaoyin Dazun. I sat together and talked with each other yesterday, and suddenly I felt my heart shaking, and I knew that Supreme figures came to the world. After calculation, I waited to know that Taichu civilization was born in the martial arts continent, so I came to visit. "

Li Xing calmly said, "What are the reasons for the four people who calculated the civilization in the early years?" He did not immediately say that the child was born.

Laoyang Datian said: "I have four people in one unity, collectively known as the Four Elephants. I have cultivated the twelfth century. Now, they have reached the bottleneck. If we want to make another breakthrough, we must look for another opportunity. It coincided with the birth of the civilization in the early days. We want to be the guardians of the early civilization, and hope to make a breakthrough. "

Li Xing was pleased that these four people actually came to be the protectors of the younger son. This was not a bad thing. He thought about it and said, "Thanks to the four people who look down upon me, my younger son has just come to the world, and he is shocked. However, this matter is significant, and it has to be discussed with my wife. "

Upon hearing the four of them, they were taken aback, and they looked at Li Xing carefully, all of them were surprised: "It's me who is rude, it turns out that the emperor is the civilized deity, no wonder you can have such a son, good It seems we are not wrong! "

Li Xing laughed: "Four more people, please wait a moment, I'll come and go." After all, he ordered Li Ba to come out to accompany the guests, but went to see Murong Jiaojiao himself.

The child is not his own, is it right to allow the four outsiders to be the guardians of the younger son, he must discuss with Murong Jiaojiao.

Li Xing returned to the house and told the situation. Murong Jiaojiao laughed: "Xing brother, this is a good thing, of course I agree. But are those four people reliable?"

"You can rest assured that when the four of them spoke, I secretly performed 'Ask Mysteries', and I was sure that every sentence they said was the truth without any suffering." Li Xing said with certainty.

At this time, all the ladies were here, Xiaoxiu said, "Xing brother, you haven't named your child yet."

Li Xingdao: "I thought about the name long ago. The child was born in the lotus in the beginning of the year, so he is called Li Taichu. The word" Taichu "will be his channel number in the future."

Murong Jiaojiao was very satisfied and said with a smile, "This child is really lucky. He will be protected by a superior once he is born. His future achievements must be unlimited."

Everyone was talking, and the little guy "giggled" again. He smiled, and the surrounding civilization was full of coyness, which was very comfortable.

Araki then broke out: "I want to take care of the young master until he grows up."

When she mentioned this request, everyone was surprised. Li Xing was a little surprised and asked: "Araki, this kind of thing is done by girls and maids. How can you do it?"

Araki shook his head and said, "I feel that staying with Little Master is good for my own cultivation. Please promise."

Naturally Li Xing will not object. The strength of this Araki is getting stronger day by day. Accompanied by her, it is not harmful to Taichu, so he nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

After agreeing, Li Xing immediately returned to the hall and told the four things about the matter. The four immortals were very happy, saying that they would go back and cook the things that happened each other, and return within one year, at which time the formal civilized guardians.

For several months, Li Xing had been training his youngest son, Li Taichu, and did not hear about foreign affairs.

On this day, the Quartet Chamber of Commerce in the three continents had bad news at the same time. The three branch chambers clashed with the monks in the Heaven Demon Continent, the Elven Continent, and the Holy Spirit Continent.

The reasons for the conflict are similar to www.readwn.com. All customers are dissatisfied after buying something, so they go to the club to make trouble. Of course, the people who sit in the branch are not soft cripples, but those who are in trouble directly have learned a lesson.

Who knows, this is a disaster. On the three continents, there was a great deal of enthusiasm. At that time, a large number of masters were mobilized to take revenge. The three major clubs naturally did not suffer the immediate losses, walked directly through the sky, and reported the situation to Li Xing.

When Li Xing got the news, he immediately called the heads of the three chapters to make detailed enquiries. Under the circumstances, he told the crowd: "The three continents were clearly provocative. To me. "

The establishment of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce is itself a huge intelligence network. It didn't take long for the relevant information of the three continents to be sent to Li Xing. After investigation, all three continents have been unified and have considerable strength.

Moreover, all three continents belong to the heritage of ethnic civilization. Among the Holy Spirit continents, all the monks living above are the Holy Spirit monks. They are physical, powerful, and highly capable.


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