Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1221: Strong enemy

Chapter 1221: Jiuyang Evil Monarch

Chapter 1221 A Strong Enemy Comes To The Door

The so-called Holy Spirit refers to the humanoid race that was born from the will of the avenue and blessed with the Holy Spirit. For example, Li Xing, the great deity, and the glorious deity around him, all belong to the Holy Spirit. They belong to the three thousand special time and space.

Some Holy Spirits are scarce and there is only one between heaven and earth, while others can multiply in large numbers. When there are enough of them, it is possible to establish racial civilization, which is the origin of the Holy Spirit civilization.

The holy spirits on the continent of holy spirits are all stone holy spirits, all of which are life erupted from stones. They are inherently powerful and almost immortal. The strongest of them, riding on the Holy Spirit Stone Horse, have become the Holy Knights, and their combat effectiveness is the most powerful.

On the continent of the Holy Spirit, there are thousands of massless celestial deities, and the number of soldiers is as high as one trillion. Many holy spirits are currently ruled by a force called the Holy Spirit Hall, with military and political integration.

In addition, the elven continent and the heaven demon continent are also the inheritance of various types of civilization, and their comprehensive strength is not under the Holy Spirit continent. Among them, the elven continent is dominated by archery, and the magic weapon of every elven monk is bow and arrow without exception. Therefore, the archers of the Elven Continent are very powerful. They can kill all enemy forces in a short period of time and kill the enemy general.

Compared to the threat of the elven archers, the Tian Yao mainland is even more terrifying. Sky demon is a transformable race. They can use themselves as parts to form huge fighting tools, such as the sky demon battleship.

Tian Yao mainland went out to fight, never sent only one Tian Yao battleship. And this battleship contains all the combat power of the Sky Demon Continent, and any force that can be used can become a part of the battleship.

According to preliminary estimates, the power of the demon battleship that day was definitely still above the surface battleship. In addition, the characteristics of the sky demon battleship is that it can emit the light of the sky demon and demonize everything. Any enemies that are killed by the killing light will become part of the battleship. As a result, during the battle, the Sky Monster battleship became more and more powerful.

After analyzing the three continents, Li Xing looked dignified. He was not afraid of the three continents, but was worried about the background of the three continents. Who directed them to the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce?

The door to order?

This possibility is not great. With the powerful strength of the Gate of Order, if you really want to deal with him, you can directly come to the door without resorting to the power of the three continents.

Then, the person to whom he started may be the seventh emperor, or the king of the nine snakes and the king of the deer among the four wastes and eight kings. These two people live in the northern wasteland, and we should know his arrival.

Li Xing's analysis was very accurate, and he quickly speculated about it. The purpose of his coming here is to find out the details of the Eight Kings and collect his tone. Characters like the eight kings are impossible to detect, and they are very likely to get started.

It is not difficult to secretly order several continents under its control to destroy a person.

Thinking of this, Li Xing summoned everyone to the military aircraft hall and said, "This time, we may encounter a very powerful enemy. This enemy is most likely the King of Hydra and King of the Strong Deer.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked and saw Zhida Tianzun said: "Lord, the eight kings are huge in power, sitting on thousands of continents, and even the Grand Marshal dare not belittle it."

Li Xingdao: "I naturally understand this, and I can tell you that the eight kings are not only sitting on thousands of continents. The number of continents they control should be far more than that. However, those controlled continents are just their private property. , No external exposure. "

Li arrogantly: "Father, soldiers come to guard, water comes to cover the soil, no matter what he is, no matter how bad he is, how much he kills!"

Li Xing's tone that seemed like ### was very appreciated, and nodded: "Li Ba is right. Fear will not help the battle, but will weaken his own confidence. Now the mixed element is strong Over time, we should have the confidence to face the challenge of any strong enemy. "

Everyone claimed that Tianmu Datianzun said: "Lord, since the three continents were ordered to shoot, then eat it first. If there are strong enemies in the future, it will not be too late. Big deal, leaving this place is, With the supreme power of the Lord, he can come back sooner or later. "

Li Xing nodded: "Okay! Everyone is preparing for the war and fighting to destroy all three!"


Mobilization of the mixed Yuan civilization is extremely efficient, and everything is fully prepared in a very short period of time. At the same time, Li Xing issued an order to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce to let them act carefully and encounter threats so as not to fight with the enemy.

At the same time, Li Xing also withdrew a large number of masters in the chamber of commerce to prevent the invasion of the enemy.

Li Xing's approach was correct. It didn't take long for the three continents to send troops to the martial arts continent at the same time. The spies came to report that the three continents sent a total of two trillion troops.

Among them, the Elven Continent sent a trillion elbow archers; the Holy Spirit Continent sent 500 billion Holy Spirit cavalry; the Sky Demon Continent had only one Sky Demon battleship, but this battleship was composed of 500 billion Demon Warlords and was powerful.

In addition, in another position, two suspicious forces approached slowly. On the one hand, these two forces have about 100,000 immeasurable gods; on the other, there are 80,000 serpentine warships, and there are hundreds of immortal masters.

After getting the news, Li Xing just sneered, his three avatars, each with 10,000 peak combat power, just three shots of them, can basically destroy the enemy.

However, he did not want to overexpose his strength, but to slowly introduce the enemy into the trap and then take it all. These elven archers, holy spirit cavalry, and sky demon, he was very interested, intending to bring them all to the martial arts land, domesticated into the first residents.

Especially the 80,000 serpent-shaped warships seem to be very powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ must also be available to increase the combat power of the plane of the Hunyuan.

Concerned, Li Xing issued an order to allow only a small number of imperial soldiers to go out to seduce the enemy, and the rest remained unmoved.

The army of five parties approached the martial arts continent from five directions. But strangely, they didn't encounter the slightest obstacle along the way. Generally speaking, if a continent is approached by so many powerful forces, it will certainly respond, at least it must strengthen its surrounding defenses.

But the entire martial arts continent seemed to be deserted.

On the Elven Continent, a trillion archers stood by. There are so many masters, among whom the highest is the highest peak, and the weakest has a state of silence. They lined up squares, and many squares formed a large array.

In the forefront of the big array, an immeasurable Datianzun stared at the martial arts continent, with doubts in his eyes. He said in a deep voice: "It said that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty had some means to repel the attack of Shouwang Mountain, how did he attack us? Unguarded, have they withdrawn? "


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