Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 108: Strike camp

For the sake of insurance, the grain in the barracks is not concentrated in care, but divided into three parts. The place where the ten people of Li Xing went was just one of the three grain grasslands. However, the guards here are still tight, and around the forages, there are guards guarded by bloodstaining five or more.

十 Li Xing ten people all changed into the outfit of the sentry, so at first sight, the guards failed to respond. It wasn't until the other party approached and shot suddenly that they realized it was bad, but it was over.

兴 Li Xing's action was the fastest, his body flickered, the ghost was close to the guard, and he pointed at the opponent's chest with a flick of thunder. With this blow, the violent destructive force completely exploded inside the opponent's body, and the five internal organs and six organs became meat sludge, and the seven holes were sprayed with bleeding mist, which immediately broke the air.

Packed up the guards, Li Xing and others threw a small bag of phosphorus powder into the grain storage piles, and immediately "screamed", and set off a few meters high flame. Phosphor powder is specially made, and once burned, it is difficult to extinguish.

The grain and grass were all lit, and the army barracks were immediately stunned. A large number of warriors were besieged.

"Don't let go!" A thunderous thunder rang, but a captain under His Majesty Su Zhanshan arrived at the scene and directed the annihilation.

Li Xing sighed, "Fight!"

Nine people's shadows flickered, and the dragon-spinning formation was instantly formed. The nine-handed black iron knife was formed into a dragon-like style, like the same machine that cuts life and swept everything. Li Xing stared at the commander in charge, yelling, turned into a red light, and rushed forward.

"Hum!" The captain was a blood-thirsty warrior with a sword in his hand and staring at Li Xing coldly. When he approached, the sword flashed, and he slashed to Li Xing's face.

Li Xing's knife is faster, more powerful, and thousands of blood, far more than this Captain.


Li Xing's sword is the Tianlei sword method in the Tianlei Wujing. Sky Thunder Sword, like the name of Sky Thunder Boxing, sky strike, Sky Thunder collapse, Sky Thunder split and other moves, but the lethality is greater than Sky Thunder Boxing.

His whole body seemed to be entangled with a layer of red thunder and lightning, "cracked" and exploded. It was cut off with a strong electric light. The sound was terrifying and the wind was blowing.

"not good!"

都 This Du Wei has been in the field for a long time, and he felt the danger of Li Xing. But at this moment, he couldn't retreat, he could only fix it. He smashed his whole body blood, and the sword was more fierce.


Two black iron knives smashed together, sparking tens of millions of sparks, the knife in the hands of Du Wei was blown off, Li Xing's sword was fierce, and "Sen" cut it into two pieces.

On the other side, the mid-level group's spin-dragon killing array exerted a terrible power, as if a knife wheel was spinning, and wherever it was turned, someone was twisted into minced meat. Every approaching warrior, no one can block the spin dragon to kill, and was forced to retreat again and again.

兴 Li Xing killed Du Wei and yelled, "Retreat!" The mission of this trip was to cause chaos inside Su Zhanshan. Burning of grain and grass may not really cause major losses, so the purpose has been achieved and can be retired.

The mediator dragon kills the battle and Li Xing retreats, and more and more warriors arrive, but Li Xing's blood is tyrannical and he often kills. Spinning dragons are also very fierce. Within ten meters of the circle, they can kill everything.

Around the military camp, the black pressure was full of warriors. Although the spin dragons were sharp, they also began to receive tremendous pressure. The light wheel woven by the sword was shrinking and shrinking. However, the smaller the light wheel, the greater the power.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the barracks if I go on like this!" Li Xing knew how the ants bite the elephant and released the silkworm wing knife. A cold light, moving forward like a blast of electricity, immediately killed more than a dozen blood-training monks.

Tussah wing knife can cut iron like mud, killing people is as easy as chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

"Ah! It's a magic weapon!" The siege siege was terrified. The magic weapon was not what they could compete with, and they retreated.

When the siege of the siege was eased, ten people of Li Xing took the opportunity to rush, breaking through the siege and leaving the camp. Looking from a distance, it looks like a group of sword lights, hovering and rolling, and the sword is full of vitality, killing a blood path among the army and leaving.

"A bunch of waste!"

Su Zhongshan's face was full of anger, and he did not expect that Wang Zixing dared to take the initiative.

Mao Yi said: "The commander was so angry that his subordinates were watching from a distance. The visitor should be a striker battalion. Their operation is very powerful. They have been counted. This time, we died 183 Sixty-seven people were injured. "

"Wang Zixing suddenly started, there must be a reason. His subordinates have sent out the eagle, and there will be news immediately." Then, a sergeant entered the account.

"Report! The army of Prince Xingxing begins to retreat!"

"What?" Su Zhanshan was shocked. "Why did he suddenly retreat?" After thinking about it, he patted his thigh: "He must have learned the news of Wu Ling's troop dispatch, and the coach immediately sent troops!"

Mao Maoyi persuaded: "Master! Wang Zixing is very likely to move to Xuanwu City, but it is also possible to set an ambush on the way, it must be prevented!"

Su Zhanshan said: "It is certain that Wang Zixing must have heard my voice before retreating. Once he was returned to Xuanwu City, this plan was declared a failure. Mao Sen, the fighter fleet was fleeting, and he should not hesitate too much. Prince At this moment, I must be in a hurry, just hunting down all the way! "

After the army, it was Su Zhanshan who had the final say, and Mao Yi had to say, "Even if you send troops, please ask the marshals to lead the team ~ www.readwn.com ~ the main force is behind."

This time, Su Zhanshan promised: "Okay! Pass me on to order, straighten up the saber and get ready to go!"

Li Xing and his party killed a **** road and hurried toward Qingyangcheng. They marched extremely fast and actually overtook the large army.

Qingyangyang City is the 35th city ruled by Wang Zixing. The easternmost city is also the most important gate. Qingyang City, east of it, runs across a precipitous mountain range. There is only one valley less than 30 meters wide to announce things, and it is called Qingyang Valley.

Qingyang Valley is built on the west side of Qingyang Valley. In Guanzhong, Wang Zixing gave 11 wines including Li Xing and laughed, "Brothers have worked hard!" .

"Su Zhanshan will send someone to chase and attack Qingyangguan. The coach decided to fight the enemy outside the customs! In this battle, we must rely heavily on the brothers of the striker camp." Wang Zixing said.

Li Xing said lightly: "Please command the boss."

In Qingyangyanggu, traps were set up, five blood cannons, eighty driving through a cloud crossbow, and five hundred thunderbolt slingshots were prepared in advance, waiting for Su Zhanshan to arrive.

Li Xing led the striker middle road to stay outside the customs, and the two roads lurking on both sides of the cliff, preparing to ambush.

At this moment, Qingyun City, which is relatively located in the west, is facing a crisis.

At the darkest moment before dawn, five hundred masked men in black appeared outside Qingyun City. They were all magnificent and masters of blood training.

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