Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 109: City chaos

109 Chapter 109

有 一 One of the masked people in black was tall and imposing. Obviously, as a leader, he waved and said, "Everyone in Sanyiyuan doesn't stay!"

A few dark shadows struck the city walls. The soldiers and guards of the city drank together yesterday. At this moment, they were still asleep.

人 When the men in black appeared, the Tsing Yi Alliance was continually gathering in a manor house. Today is a special day. It was once the most powerful Sanyi Garden in Qingyun City. Its head is about to visit and discuss the division of power with the Tsing Yi Alliance.

Although the Tsing Yi League has not been established for a long time, it is no less powerful than Sanyiyuan. However, Tsing Yi League is still very careful, so all the forces are gathered here in case of conflict.

Sanyiyuan first proposed to discuss and expressed willingness to give up certain benefits. This is what Tsing Yi League is happy to see. Although Tsing Yi League is not weaker than Sanyiyuan, its foundation is still shallow. It takes time to develop firmly.

Outside the Tsing Yi League Manor, there are rolling houses, and the people of Sanyi Garden are hidden in the dark. Further afield, Li Yingzheng summoned several of his staff.

"Done?" Li Ying asked.

"Master, it took three days. The lower part of the manor had been hollowed out, and a thunderbolt was buried, leaving a lead. As soon as it was started, no one could leave this place alive!" The man said in a deep voice.

英 Li Ying nodded with satisfaction: "OK! If you can destroy the Tsing Yi League in one fell swoop, you will make a great contribution!"

Twenty-five hours later, Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong appeared at the manor house, and several leaders of Tsing Yi League came out to greet them. The two parties entered the living room and discussed how to divide their interests in the future.

The discussion process was very fierce, Li inch did not leave, and Tsing Yi League did not let go. Two hours later, Li Yingshen said: "Sanyiyuan has made the biggest concession. If Tsing Yi League does not agree, they will meet with each other!"

As soon as this remark came out, the subordinates brought by Li Ying all stood up, looking like they were about to use force.

The Tsing Yi League also warned, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

In Tsing Yi League, one person laughed: "Since Sanyiyuan insists so much, please let us think about it one night and discuss it tomorrow. How about it?"

Li Ying snorted: "Okay, I'll give you another day, think about it!" Then he took everyone, and strode away from the manor.

As soon as the people in Sanyi Garden left, a leader of the Tsing Yi League and the leader of the Short Sword Society sneered: "Li Ying thought that Qingyun City was still his only place in Sanyi Garden, but it was so tough! Tomorrow, we will never make concessions. Sanyiyuan begins war! "

Tsing Yi Qingpao smiled mysteriously: "Understand, he will give in!"

Li Ying just came out of Sanyi Garden, and suddenly heard the sound of the whistle.

"There is something wrong with Sanyiyuan!" He was startled, hesitated slightly, and still humane to him, "Start!"

Li Ying and others rushed towards Sanyi Garden, and there was a loud noise behind them, and the fire was soaring into the sky. The manor just discussed has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the people in the manor were all killed and no one was spared.

In the Sanyi Garden, it has become a corpse blood. Five hundred masked men in black, all of them good players, rushed into Sanyi Garden and killed when they saw someone. No one stayed!

The powerful figures in the Sanyi Garden went to talk with the Youth League, and there were not many experts left. The strength and quantity of black masked men have advantages, and the situation is sideways. The servants, the niece, the old man, and the children fell into the pool of blood one by one.

When Li Ying arrived, five hundred masked men were besieging the last group. Li Jie, Chen Xia and others formed a battlefield and barely maintained.

Squinting his eyes to see the fire in the garden, the body was everywhere, Li Ying red eyes, roared, turned into a phantom, and rushed towards the enemy. He has two blood training skills. Once he exerts his power, his lethality is horrible.

Suddenly, three masked men in black fell down. Chen Jinsong and others were also anxious, killing the enemy with all their strength. The people in Sanyiyuan started to fight back.


The masked men fled immediately, but they eventually left twenty bodies.

"Who are they?" Bai Pingdu's two youngest sons, one wife and three concubines, were all killed, his eyes flushed, and he hissed and asked everyone.

英 Li Ying was somber and murmured, "Tsing Yi League! We are counting Tsing Yi League, Tsing Yi League is also counting us!" At this moment, Li Ying understood.

However, now that all the members of Tsing Yi League have been killed, revenge cannot be reported.

In fact, it's not just Qingyun City that is fighting. In the remaining 35 cities under Wang Xingxing's administration, bloodsheds occurred. With the exception of Qingyun City, Tsing Yi League has dominated the 20 cities and controlled the cities.

In the west, black sergeants appeared on a grassland, and they hurried on horses. On the banner, the book had a large "wu" character, which fluttered in the wind. Their goal is Qingyun City!

Wu Zixing didn't know all this yet, he was preparing to meet Su Zhanshan's pursuit at this moment.

Hundreds of pursuits appeared in the open area at the entrance of Qingqing Yanggu.

They are wearing red armor and sitting on a fierce tiger. The tiger's body is three meters away and red hair is like a red flame. Five meters away, they can sense a violent and dangerous atmosphere.

This is Su Zhanshan's most powerful fierce tiger soldier ~ www.readwn.com ~ They stopped in front of the valley and observed the surrounding situation. A few hundred meters away, Li Xing's striker left and middle were lurking, looking for a shot.

Qi Qingyang Valley is narrow and long. It has a distance of twenty miles from the entrance to the exit, and the ground is not flat. The fierce tiger rode to Taniguchi, patrolling, and seemed worried that there would be an ambush inside.

"The command of the marshal, let us find out if there is an ambush in the valley. If you are attacked by the enemy, you don't have to resist and quit immediately!" The commander of the fierce tiger soldier ordered to drive the tiger into the valley.

More than a hundred fierce tigers rode into the valley and went deeper and deeper. Along the way, they carefully looked around and found no signs of ambush. Until he was about to leave the valley, he saw the banner on Qingyang Valley far away, and the tiger soldiers had to stop.

"Director, it seems that Wang Zixing has gone far away and will not set foot here." A subordinate said.

Wu Liehu riding the general manager shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple. If I were Wang Zixing, I would definitely set it here. The question is, how does he set it?"

On the Qingyangguan Pass tower, Prince Xing dressed as a small school and observed the trend in the valley. When he saw the fierce tiger soldiers appeared, he sneered and said to everyone around him: "The first batch can be attacked!"

There was a bang, and hundreds of soldiers suddenly appeared under the cliff, beating the boulder, alder, fire oil, etc. without a thought. At the same time, Qingyang Pass opened wide, rushing out thousands of warriors and rushing over.

At this time, Li Xing's confrontation battalion, as well as the blood cannon, etc., were hidden in secret, still waiting quietly.

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