Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1226: Plane Will

Chapter 1226: Will of the Plane

Chapter 1226 Plane Will

Li Xing's heart was a warning sign, and after he had made the best preparations on the plane, he entered the gate of time to practice. ┝ & Net, at this time, the mixed world of the Yuan Dynasty, as a result of the emergence of the emperor, has in fact been separated from the great deity Li Xing.

Before that, Li Xing was the mixed world and Li Yuan was the same. Now that the mixed world has an objective will and an emperor is born, then it is an objective operating plane.

Although Li Xing can still control this plane, most of the time, it operates on its own and is not disturbed by Li Xing's subjective will.

Therefore, now that Li Xing is practicing again, the Great World of Hunyuan is no longer in the same time and space with him. For example, Li Xing entered the practice between time and spent three days in three days, but the mixed world still runs as usual, just spent three days.

In other words, Li Xing and the mixed plane can do their own things without interfering with each other. This feature is a unique attribute of the high-ranking grand deity, and often only the immortal grand deity can do it.

Moreover, if the state of fragmentation is reached, the plane can even give birth to self-awareness and stand on its own. For example, the first Proterozoic Emperor did not take away the Proterozoic World after Supreme Fragmentation. It is likely that due to this reason, the Proterozoic Plane has become independent.

The Hunyuan plane, if there is no portal to the Great World, will be in an infinite void, where there is no distinction between time and space, and if Li Xing is unwilling to guide, no one can find its place.

With the Great World Portal, foreign talents can enter the mixed-yuan plane through the portal. This is a special situation after the plane produced objective will. After some tyrannical celestial beings fell, the plane it established drifted in infinite void, and the world will never find it.

Entering the gate of time, Li Xing had a feeling of going back a long time and practicing in Sanyi Garden. At this moment he felt that "I" was "I", not the big world.

He even had a hunch that if the mixed plane was cut off at this moment, the mixed plane would become an incarnation, and he would also get real freedom. Only when this idea appeared, Li Xing was shocked.

"Oops! How could there be such a thought, the foundation of the practice of the mixed world, without it, wouldn't I have become a tree without roots, water without a source?" Intrusive mind leads to quickly calm down and focus on cultivation.

This is a very wonderful process. Under the control of his will, the elven continent, the sky demon continent, and the holy spirit continent all enter the gate of time and undergo refining.

The process of refining is quite long, but it is not a problem in the gate of time. Li Xing has enough time to pass away. I don't know how long it has been, it may be 100,000 years, it may be one million years, or even longer.

The three continents have successively been refined and become part of the mixed Yuan world. Of course, in this process, Li Xing also learned about the three civilization forces, namely the spirit civilization, the holy spirit civilization, and the sky demon civilization.

All three civilizations are not weak, all of which are helpful to his realm improvement. Therefore, as soon as he exits the customs, he can start the disaster.

Time seems to have passed a long time, but in fact it has not passed for half a day. With the addition of three continents, the mixed Yuan world has become more stable and vast, which has made Li Xing's strength much higher.

10,000 times the peak combat power, suddenly increased to 24,000 times the peak combat power! More importantly, he can immediately improve his realm and further enhance his combat effectiveness.

Knowing that there would be a strong enemy coming to the door, Li Xing did not hesitate to start the ascent directly in the chaos of time and space. Although the calamity was fierce, it was not enough to hurt him. He went through three calamities and steadily entered the seventy-five calamities.

Unexpectedly, its strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and has soared from 24,000 times its peak combat power to about 90,000 times its peak combat power.

As in previous times, the 90,000-fold defeat of combat power is the limit of the Promise. Next, before he enters the immeasurable level, he will not be able to improve his combat power if he is further upgraded.

Nine thousand times the peak combat power is Li Xing's highest combat power in the Promise. If he wants to break through this restriction, he must enter the realm of immeasurable great deity. Only immeasurable situations can be immensely promoted without restrictions.

In fact, the vastness of the main plane, no one knows how many broken heavenly deities, how many immortal heavenly deities. As for the Infinite, Promise, and Extinct Great Celestial Master, even the lower-level Great Celestial Master, it is even more difficult to count.

When Li Xing was weak, he could not reach the powerful masters. He was peerless and powerful, like a frog at the bottom of a well. He had limited knowledge. Today, his realm is not low, and his strength is quite strong, only to know how big the world is.

It's like a rich man with a family who has ten hanging money and can call the wind and the rain in the village. But when he entered the town, he found that he was just a dumpling and a poor man. It turned out that rich people like him were not in the minority; if he entered the county again, he would be shocked, knowing that there are many more rich people in the world than him .

Li Xing is undoubtedly the original rich man, but he has advanced fiercely and was not disturbed by foreign objects. He has been improving himself, standing taller and looking farther than the original people. He saw a wider world, more powerful men, and more brilliant civilizations.

The size of the world is indescribable. Many of the creatures in the weak plane cannot even walk out of the plane throughout their lives. What they see and know is far less than Li Xing. In their eyes, perhaps Heavenly Man or Heavenly Man is already the pinnacle of spiritual practice.

Li Xing is undoubtedly a lucky man. He can break the cage and enter a wider world to witness the change of civilization and order.

After entering the seventy-five calamities, Li Xing returned to the plane, ready to welcome the arrival of strong enemies.

The Blood Soul Datianzun did not let Li Xingjiu wait for ~ www.readwn.com ~ Three days later, he appeared in spite of time and space, appearing not far from the martial arts mainland. The Blood Soul Grand Celestial Master is a master who has experienced ninety-seven times the Great Celestial Calamity, and his strength is unfathomable.

With two blood shots in his eyes, he shot directly into the martial arts continent, so he saw the elves, the demon, the Holy Spirit, and tens of thousands of immense deities. These are the invaders who were surrendered by Li Xing not long ago, and now all become fighters of the mixed Yuan empire.

The Blood Soul Da Tianzun also regarded these as the foundation of the martial arts mainland, and could not help sneering and sneered, "Hunyuan child, the old man came, will he not come out to die?"

In a shocking weather, Mang rushed out of the martial arts continent and manifested Li Xingfa's appearance. He looked at the person coldly, and said, "What kind of person are you? You are not bad, just afraid you don't have that ability."

Li Xing's momentum really surprised the Blood Soul Datianzun. He has experienced many times and read countless people, but he has never seen such a powerful figure.

He was surprised: "The boy really has some skills. No wonder he speaks wildly and doesn't put the door of order in his eyes!"


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