Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1227: Power of Prohibition

Chapter 1227: The Power Of The Imprisonment

Chapter 1227

Li Xing frowned. From the words of the other party, he could judge that this person came from the door of order. The purpose of this trip must be related to the downfall of Shouwang Mountain. [Fè Also, the appearance of this blood soul great deity at this time is most likely related to the two kings of the four wastelands.

With a thought in his mind, he said lightly: "You are so aggressive and fierce, it seems that you must be instigated and the truth is unknown."

Blood Soul Datian Zun snorted: "The deity acts as he pleases, killing you is killing you, it is useless to say anything. Boy, immediately commit suicide in front of my husband, so as not to die in pain for a while."

Li Xing laughed "haha", he knew that it was difficult to be good today, and immediately drank: "I am afraid not only can't kill me, but I will also be killed!"

An emperor-class battleship appeared behind Li Xing, releasing a powerful momentum. Li Xing sneered: "This emperor has an emperor-class battleship. If you are interested, quickly retreat!"

The blood soul Da Tianzun stunned, then laughed loudly, pointing at Li Xing: "Ignorant child, a broken battleship, want to block the deity? Really a joke!"

Suddenly he opened his mouth and sucked, a powerful suction was produced, and he directly sucked the imperial battleship into his mouth. As soon as the battleship entered his mouth, it shrank to the size of a peanut rice, and it was "cheese" crunchy by him.

Li Xing's face changed greatly, showing panic.

The Blood Soul Supreme Venerable asked indifferently: "What else can you do, despite giving it out, the Venerable Master gives you three opportunities."

When he was talking, the blood light behind his head suddenly turned into a stream of air rising and then turned into the sky and rain falling. Suddenly, all sides were easy to appear dense, scary **** war spirits.

Li Xing's thoughts swept away, and he couldn't help but be shocked. The number of these war spirits was as many as Beijing! Moreover, the strength of these war spirits has a level without great heavenly respect!

If you stack up the power of these **** fighting spirits, there will be hundreds of millions of times of peak fighting power!

"Great! I didn't expect this person's cultivation to be so arrogant, I'm afraid that in a single thought, I can be wiped out, and I'm the real strong!" Another magic weapon! "

After all, he took out an immortal magic weapon. This instrument is a gourd, called the Five Elements Upside Down Gourd, which can be used to capture the enemy, and then introduced into the refinery.

The Five Elements Upside Down Gourd is one of the four immortal artifacts that Li Xing obtained from the treasures of the four seas. The power is not weak. However, he does not expect this instrument to be able to deal with the strong man in front of him, but to hide another killer.

The five elements upside down the gourd, pretending that the destiny Yinling, he is now making a bet that the destiny Yinling can deal with the powerful blood soul great deity.

At first glance, Li Xing took out the five elements to reverse the gourd. The Blood Soul Datian Zun was surprised, but still relaxed and sighed, saying, "Unfortunately, although it is an immortal weapon, it is too weak."

"Don't hesitate to speak, this emperor called your name, how dare you agree?" Li Xing said in a loud voice. He was a little nervous, worried that Detention Bell would not be able to charge him.

The blood soul Datianzun snorted. The reason he wasted time was playing a game of cat and mouse. This is one of his hobbies. Whenever he eats a fairly powerful person, he has to play tricks on the other party and find fun from it.

Li Xing's performance made him feel very interesting, so he was given three chances. The Emperor-class battleship was the first chance, and this calabash was the second chance.

"Boy, this opportunity was wasted by you again, you only have one more time." He smiled sternly. "Just call, the deity can promise more than one time."

He didn't say a word, and suddenly felt a tyrannical suction that was so powerful that he couldn't resist it. His face was so scared that he shouted, "What!"

Beside him, blood soul after soul was sucked into the detention gourd, and it was instantly refined. But the Qi of the Blood Soul Datian Zun is consistent with many blood souls, and each Blood Soul is equivalent to his avatar.

Therefore, the Gourd is ordered to treat all the blood souls of Bakkyo together with the deity of the Blood Soul Datianzun. In this way, the strength is dispersed, and the Blood Soul Grand Supreme has found an opportunity to escape.

He screamed, "Dear thief, you dare to conceal the deity, the deity remembers you!"

He didn't care about other things, he broke free of suction and fled in a panic. Although he escaped, the blood soul of Bajing couldn't escape, all of them were ordered to be locked by the Yin Ling, one by one, unable to move, and were sucked into it one after another.

Almost in a blink of an eye, 800 billion blood souls were swallowed up. The Yin Ling also became so heavy that Li Xing could hardly hold it. He was shocked and delighted, and when he took a look at God, he found that the baby in the bell actually opened his eyes, his eyes showed two blood rays, and they penetrated the heavens.

Li Xing was caught by his eyes. Ji Lingling fought a cold war and immediately withdrew his consciousness. He secretly said: "This bell is a great thing. It is not a good thing to stay with you!"

Fortunately, the baby-like existence is still in the placenta, and it is still in the fetal stage. It should not have an adverse effect at present.

Putting down the detention bell, Li Xing wiped a cold sweat. If it weren't for the order of the Yinling today, the Xunyuan plane would have been ruined by the blood soul of the Eight Souls of the Great Soul.

At the same time, he also remembered one thing, that is, the prefecture gave the Yin Bell to Suyin Continent. I'm afraid he was not at ease. He probably wanted to borrow the hand of the Queen of the Yin and feed the bell so that the monster would be born .

"It seems that this object cannot be easily used in the future, or it will attract ominous sooner or later!" He thought secretly.

The blood soul Da Tianzun ran away, this trip can be described as a heavy loss. The blood soul of Bajing was the one who had experienced countless times and ate countless peerless secret avatars made by immense celestial masters, and was swallowed all of a sudden!

Angrily, he returned to Luwang Mansion ~ www.readwn.com ~ His eyes flashed murderously, and he said in a dark voice: "You let my husband take the shot, why don't you tell him that he has an immobilizer?"

The King of Hydra and the King of Deer were pale, but did not know what was happening. They said, "Previous ... What did the predecessor say? How could there be an imprisonment in the hands of the thief?"

The blood soul Da Tianzun looked cold, and the three snake heads of the Hydra snake suddenly burst open. He screamed and rolled with pain. The strong deer king knelt down in a hurry and shouted, "The predecessor was angry, it must have been that the thief was hidden too deep, and he didn't show up until now. Everything is hateful to the thief. Now the predecessor should go to the door of order, please master Go out and kill this little thief! "

Blood Soul Datianzun narrowed his eyes and said, "That person has a very powerful restraint. If there is no Blood Soul clone, the old man would have to confess there!"

Having said that, he shot the case repeatedly and said coldly: "The old man has been crossing all walks of life, and it has always been that others have eaten my losses, and never had a downwind. The thing today is a lifelong shame and shame, and I will definitely ask for it!


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