Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1228: Grand plan

Chapter 1228: Grand Plan

Chapter 1228 Grand Plan

The King of the Deer repeatedly said, "The little thief was lucky today, so that the predecessor suffered. The next time as long as the predecessor is fully prepared, he will be able to destroy the child and report this vengeance."

Blood Soul Datianzun narrowed his eyes and said, "That restraint has a long history and can devour immortality. If you don't have anything to compete with, it won't be easy to win."

The King of Hydra had already stood up at this time, but did not dare to get too close, and flinched and said, "Senior, what is the origin of the imprisonment, why is it so powerful, and what can I do?"

Everyone understands that the so-called forbidden means something that is very powerful. Forbidden device, in fact, is a type of innate weapon. Because its power is too great, once it is born, it will often cause blood and rain, and it is extremely difficult to control, so it is called a taboo device.

Most magic weapons can be contracted as long as the conditions are appropriate, but the restraint is not. No one can enter into a contract with the restraint. Because immobilizers have a very strong self-consciousness, they often act independently when they grow up.

Immobilizers have some special ability. When they begin to walk around the world, their possession and ability often become a force that harms the outside world. For example, the detention of Yin Ling, the object's ability is to capture Wan Ling Qi machine, and then devour it.

If this thing is born, it will swallow the world's souls everywhere to strengthen itself. In this way, it is natural to be a calamity and become a public enemy of the world.

Just because he knew the horror of the restraint, the Blood Soul Da Tianzun fled for the first time, and now he is afraid to look for Li Xing again unless he has a solution.

Hearing, Blood Soul Da Tianzun said: "This thing is called Detention Yinling. It has been rumored that it will be born soon, and you don't want to be met by me. If you want to deal with the restraint, you must use the corresponding magic weapon to restrain it. If you are born with one thing, there must be one The matter is grammatical, and the nemesis is the sunlock. "

"Yang drum?" Dali Deer seemed to think of something. He slaps his head and yells, "Yes, I heard a long time ago that the door of order has a very powerful magic weapon, calling it a slamming Yang lock."

The Blood Soul Da Tianzun nodded: "Gu Ming Yang Suo is a unique treasure that can lock the shape of his life. With Gu Ming Yang Suo in his body, even the characters in the broken ground can be fearless because of its defense It ’s extremely powerful. "

The King of Snakes was overjoyed and said, "In this case, the predecessors can take the fate of Yangming, and then kill the mixed thief."

Blood Soul Datianzun snorted: "You know what the fart is! The life lock is the treasure of the order, how can you easily lend me?" He thought about it, "There are still many twists and turns in this matter, always have to think of a way to make."

King Luli suggested: "Why don't the predecessors unite with the King of Order who has a relationship with Shouwang Mountain, maybe he can think of a good way."

The Blood Soul Datianzun seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and said, "You were right. The upper peak of Watchman Mountain is King Kong Tianzun. He is the nephew of the emperor of order, and may be able to borrow things."

Speaking of this, he gave the two men a severe glance, and said, "Give me a good look at the thief, and wait for me to return!" Then, as a streamer, he went away.

The King of Snakes and the King of Deer looked at each other, both of them were sweating from the back, and said in the same voice: "Good danger!"

King of the Hydra: "This time it was impossible to steal the chicken, but the rice was counter-eclipsed. I was almost killed by that Li Xing. It is really hateful!"

"Brother Snake, don't be angry. The blood soul Da Tianzun will return sooner or later, when Li Xing will die. During this time, you and I will not ask him for trouble. The destined Yin Ling will not even fight with the blood soul Da Tianzun. You and I can't do it anymore. Even the chaos master came up, I'm afraid I can't crack it. "

The King of Snakes said: "It can only be the case, but we must closely monitor the actions of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and do not cause accidents."

After the Blood Soul Supreme Retreat left, Li Xing returned to the military aircraft hall and discussed the aftermath with the crowd. Everyone thinks that the blood soul great deity will definitely come again, and we must have a coping strategy.

"Lord, the Blood Soul Da Tianzun has extraordinary strength. He suffered a loss on the Yinling this time. The next time he comes back, he must have found a way to crack the Yinling. Therefore, his subordinates thought it would be better for me to take it away. "See Zhida Tianzun said.

"It was so easy to return to Beihuang, I just laid the foundation, and I was not willing to leave like this." Li Ba apparently disagreed, his eyebrows tightened.

Everyone held their own opinions and could not compete with each other. Li Xing waved his hands and quieted down. He said, "I already have a solution in my heart, and you go back to each place and practice in peace."

Everyone knew that Li Xing's means were endless, so they all put their minds down and went busy. The emperor and the emperor were left by Li Xing, and he said to the two, "You follow me to the Temple of Heaven."

Tiangong, the emperor sat cross-legged that day, and laughed: "I know you are here. You have to build a mothership of civilization and carry a lot of civilizations. This method is very different from the group plane and inspired by the sky monster battleship."

Li Xing nodded: "The blood soul great deity is terrible. He will come again and be sure to destroy me and wait. By that time, we must not be his opponents, so we must never settle in the Budo continent, but must continue to live in space and time Walking through the turbulence makes it impossible for any force to find it. "

The emperor didn't know Li Xing's specific thoughts, so he said, "Father meant to build a group plane in the form of a battleship?"

The external appearance of the group plane is various. It can be a mountain, such as Ninja Mountain; it can be a forest, such as Ninja Forest; it can also be an area with a round circle, such as the pure land of the gods and the central pure land; For example, Yuseong.

There are also some group planes, which are made into artifacts, such as knives, swords, pens, boats, houses, kiosks, holes, and so on.

Now that Li Xing is going to build a battleship-like group plane, the Emperor thought it was a good idea.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing shook his head and said, "It is not the group plane, but the group civilization."

The emperor was taken aback: "Group civilization?"

Li Xing's idea ~ www.readwn.com ~ was totally beyond his imagination.

"It's a group civilization." Li Xingdao said, "After seeing the Heavenly Demon Warship, I had an idea to make each civilized continent into parts, and use it to build a civil warship to carry all civilizations."

Li Gui stayed blankly and smiled bitterly: "This is an amazing project, and I'm afraid we can't do it right now."

Li Xing nodded: "It can't be done, but with the improvement of strength, one day it can be made. And we must start preparing today and plan ahead." He looked at the emperor, "The design drawings of the battleship will be handed over is you."

The emperor nodded: "This is a huge project, not a day's work. In my estimation, it will take at least three hundred years to complete it."

Li Xingdao: "No matter, in 300 years, I will try to refine the civilized continent as much as possible in 300 years. But before that, you must transform 80,000 Golden Snake battleships and smelt them into an invincible one. Battleships, as our temporary shelter. "


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