Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1229: Snake Ship

Chapter 1229 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1229 Mixed Yuan Snake Ship (1000 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1229 Mixed Yuan Snake Ship (1000 flowers plus more)

Emperor Road: "It's easy, as many as March, but as little as one month. [?:! 网"

Now that you have a rough plan, the rest will be much easier and work as planned.

A huge miracle ancient tree appeared, large enough to span many planes. In this miracle ancient tree, ten mixed-yuan battleships and 80,000 golden snake battleships were all contained, slowly melted away, and rebuilt.

In the belly of this huge miracle ancient tree, countless small construction ancient trees appeared, responsible for the construction of various parts of the new large ship.

The construction of ancient trees was one of the two ancient trees that appeared successively after Li Xing stepped into the Seventy-Five Years. This tree is a supplement to the Miracle Ancient Tree. It is more professional and singular than the Miracle Ancient Tree, and it is divided into different species.

There is only one thing that can build an ancient tree. For example, some can only build plane crossbows, some can only build mixed yuan battleships, some can only build ancient artillery and so on.

This ancient village has its own specialty, so its creation requires the interference of the emperor's will, and it is born on the basis of the ancient miracle tree. For example, when the Hunyuan plane requires a Hunyuan battleship, the emperor's heart will move, and a large number of ancient trees will be born in the ancient miracle tree.

Another new ancient tree is called ### 古树. This ancient tree is equivalent to a mobile prison for ### captive enemies. And, a small ### 古树 can be merged into a large ### 古树.

### 古树 中 有 ### The plane can accommodate a number of criminals of varying strengths and weaknesses. The larger the ancient tree, the greater the number of ###, and the higher the strength of ###.

In addition, this ancient tree has a feature that it slowly draws the power of the world from prisoners and then condenses it into plane shells. This is also a by-product of the ancient tree.

The large-scale miracle ancient tree is operating day and night, and after more than a month, the Xunyuan Snake Ship, which combines the best of each family, is released. This ship can be large or small, with only a fist when it is small, and it can connect a billion worlds when it is big.

The Hunyuan Snake Ship combines the advantages of the Hunyuan battleship and the Golden Snake battleship, and with the combination of the Sky Monster battleship, the overall performance and lethality have been greatly improved.

This ship is equipped with 8,000 ancient cannons on the port side, and 8,000 ancient cannons on the right side. A small part of the ancient civilization cannons and most of the plane cannons were rushed out during this time, in order to match them.

In order to make these ancient cannons, Li Xing can be said to have pulled out the entire family's base and barely enough materials.

However, the 18,000 cannons were only secondary guns. Li Xing even equipped eight large civilization ancient guns at the bow. This large-scale ancient artillery requires a larger civilized artillery shell, which is about nine times more powerful than the small civilized artillery on the port side.

In addition, this large civilized ancient artillery has a special ability that can superimpose strength. In other words, this cannon can fire several shells at once, thus generating more powerful destructive power.

After experimenting, Li Xing found that large civilization cannons can fire up to 100 civilization cannonballs at a time. With this conversion, a large civilization cannon can go down, and its maximum lethality can reach a thousand times that of a small civilization cannon!

Eight volleys of large civilizations and ancient artillery volleys in one shot, the combat power is comparable to that of eight thousand small civilizations and ancient artillery, and the killing points are more concentrated, powerful!

In fact, the launching of large-scale civilization artillery is intermittent, but it is too fast to fire cannonballs, which can emit a hundred civilizations with different firing speeds in a very short period of time. In the end, a hundred civilizations will kill the target and reach the target at the same time, resulting in the superposition of power.

The hull of the Xunyuan Snake Ship looks a bit like a snake, but has a magnificent atmosphere and a bit of a dragon. But even more striking is that it exudes a sense of civilization, that is, the power of ancient civilization trees is poured into the hull, creating a level of civilization in the ship.

The control of seasickness is carried out in the civilization plane. At the same time, it can also store troops, warships, and reserve troops. Everything you have in the Yuanyuan World is here.

In fact, this civilized plane was created by martial arts continent. It can be said that the Xunyuan Snake Ship itself is part of the Li Xing World. Its main function is combat, and the second function is the gateway to the Xun Yuan World.

Such a warship was undoubtedly what Li Xing needed. He was very satisfied. He urged the warship that day and entered into an endless stream of time and space. In this way, even if Blood Soul Datian respects the return, it is impossible to find them easily.

Even if found, the snake ship has the opportunity to escape with its powerful attack power and strange speed. All these are the functions that Li Xing envisioned in advance.

The speed of the Xunyuan Snake Ship is very fast, and it can cross countless planes in an instant, and one continent goes backwards, and countless.

Li Xing was in a good mood. He suddenly wanted to know how many continents there were in the Northern Famine. So, he pushed the speed of the snake ship to the extreme, like a lightning bolt, and sprinted quickly, passing through countless continents.

The chaotic flow of time and space cannot affect it, so the snake ship will not be swallowed by the wormhole, but will only fly in one direction.

One day, two days, and three days, countless continents flashed by. Li Xing's chaotic operation was infinite, and the number of continents was estimated. As he stepped into the Promise Realm, the infant was transformed into a Promise, and buried deep in the plane, so the calculation ability was greatly improved.

"It has already crossed the 658 million continent, and it hasn't come to an end yet. This northern famine is really huge! And, I feel that some continents are too powerful, and there is a supreme power on them." Li Xing secretly was shocked.

On the third day ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing stopped. He knew to go on like this, and I don't know how long it would take. The North Famine seemed endless and powerful. The continents he encountered before were all located on the edge of the continent, so they belonged to the lower continents and had very weak combat power.

Today, after flying for three days, he finds some terrible continents, the breath of which is many times stronger than that of Blood Soul.

He didn't want to fly forward, either because he didn't want to waste time, or because he feared that he would encounter terrorists.

The Zunyuan snakeship began to return, but instead of flying as usual, it passed directly through the wormhole and quickly reached the edge of the northern desert.

When the Yuanyuan snakeship ripped open and rushed out of the void, Li Xing suddenly caught a wave of power fluctuations. He immediately made the snakeship shrink to the size of a palm, was invisible, and then flew in the direction of the wave.

The snake ship is not only powerful, but also has many wonderful functions, one of which is stealth. Under the invisible state, even if Li Xing ran outside, he could not find it, and the effect was very good.


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