Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1231: Charge yuan

Chapter 1231 Collecting Yuan Symbols

Chapter 1231 Collecting Yuan Symbols

Fu Huang is furious. He is an immortal deity and powerful. [Without this reliance, he would not dare to send all the soldiers and sit on the mainland alone. He shot the case and said angrily, "Who are you from? I'm so relieved. I think it's you who is kneeling down!"

At a glance, Li Xing saw through the realm of this emperor, the ninety-sixth calamity, the immortal Great Supreme, about 10,000 times the peak combat power.

With 90,000 times the peak of infinite combat power, naturally he would not put this Fuhuang in his eyes. He smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid you can't stand it."

In a word, he punched out. This punch is overwhelming and overwhelming. This fist conceals the true meaning of civilization and the essence of martial arts. Fu Huang did not react until he approached him. He gave a loud scream, an ancient talisman lit up in his hand, and slammed at Li Xing.

Instantly, ancient runes turned into billions of rune lights, and Li Xing was wrapped up into a huge cocoon. Fu Huang laughed and said, "This is an ancient amulet from the Yuan Dynasty. It is mastered by the master. Within ten breaths, you will be made into blood!"

On the Snake Ship of the Yuan Dynasty, everyone was not worried, because Li Xing told him when he went down that no matter what happened, he should not shoot, just watch. People have great confidence in the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty, believing that he will never be stumped by ancient charms.

Fu Huang's laughter ceased, and the large cocoon of Fu Xing, which wrapped Li Xing, suddenly brightened and became as transparent as glass. One can clearly see that Li Xing stood proudly in the cocoon, holding a spear, and seemed to be practicing .

Li Ba's eyes lighted up and he shouted, "Father is practicing mixed-element shooting, should he break through at this time?"

Di Huang Shen said: "Da Tianzun has a long history, but he has never found a chance to make a breakthrough. This hybrid elementary gun method is too overbearing, the world is unique, and it needs an opportunity to be born."

The emperor's words were a little deep, and Li Ba couldn't comprehend it, so he asked, "Please ask the emperor for advice. Why does the mixed yuan shooting method need an opportunity to be born?"

The emperor took a look at Li Ba and asked him: "When you are fighting against the enemy and when you are doing your own exercises, when is the strongest combat intention breaking out?"

Li arrogantly: "When the nature is against the enemy, the pressure of the enemy will make me stronger, more focused, and go all out, because a slight negligence may fall."

"Da Tianzun broke through at this time, the same reason. This cocoon is very powerful, causing great pressure. Under this situation, Da Tianzun will show the strongest gun skills. The hybrid yuan gun has never been born, it is necessary Such an opportunity is now time. "

Among the large cocoons, people clearly saw Li Xing stab it. This shot is so wonderful that it seems to contain all the killing moves in the world, condensing all the killing intentions in the heavens, the earth, and the ground.

The endless killings permeated, and even the cocoons could not be covered.

Fu Huang's face changed drastically, braking the Yuanshi ancient amulets desperately, and screaming, "Give me all my strength to refine, Yuanshi ancient fire!"

Suddenly, the rune burst into countless runes of fire, the flames were soaring, and Li Xing was surrounded in all directions to refine it. Li Xing, however, remained motionless and unaffected. He was still practicing the gun to make it complete.

The ancient fire in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty seemed to stimulate the speed of Li Xing's drill. He suddenly shouted and stabbed the most perfect shot. As soon as the gun was fired, he heard a "sila" sound, and the big cocoon was cut open with a huge opening, and there was boundless murderous rushing out, as well as the figure of Li Xing.

A gleam of light locked the emperor Fu at once, his legs softened, "thumped" and kneeled on the ground with a trembling voice: "I'm willing to surrender, I'm willing to surrender!"

The killing was like substance, which made him guilty. He can be absolutely affirmed. As long as Li Xing stabbed a shot, he would die. In the face of death, everything can be abandoned, so he chose to surrender.

The tip of the gun stopped at his eyebrow, and Li Xing said lightly: "Fu Huang is wise. In the future, you will still be the master of the Yuan Fu mainland, but under the protection of the emperor."

Fu Huang nodded quickly: "Yes, Chen, see the emperor!"

Li Xing nodded, when he was about to bring the emperor to the Snake Ship of the Yuan Dynasty. On top of the snake ship, countless branches of civilization stretched out, and with the help of the Yuanyuan Sky Orbit, the entire Yuanfu continent was controlled in an instant.

Because of Emperor Fu's surrender, there was no resistance on the entire continent. So it didn't take long for the Yuanfu continent to be absorbed into the mixed Yuan plane and began to refine.

The Yuanshi Ancient Rune, which was pierced by Li Xing, has been restored. This charm is very powerful, but Fu Huang cannot exert its full power.

Previously, Li Xing's marksmanship practiced in the cocoons was his own mixed Yuan marksmanship. There are nine types of marksmanship. He just learned the first one. But it is a single-shot method, but it can be shocking and terrifying.

He secretly estimated that if the shot was displayed when it was against the enemy, it could directly kill the master of the same rank. In other words, Li Xing can be killed in one fell swoop in the future if he encounters a celestial force with a peak of 90,000 times and 100,000 times.

This is quite terrifying lethality, and will increase with the rise of Li Xing's strength. In other words, with this type of marksmanship, no matter what level Li Xing is, he can kill enemies with the same level of combat power!

Of course, it is not to rule out that the opponent also has a powerful killing move and can compete with it, then it is another matter.

But he said that ten trillion run soldiers kept chasing and killing, until they reached the old nest of the strong deer king, and killed his soldiers seven or seventy-eight. At this time, the soldiers in the hands of the strong deer king were already less than one tenth of the original.

After the return of 100,000 rune soldiers, Li Xing was directly collected. There are Yuanshi ancient amulets in his hands, and they can be used at will.

This Yuanshi ancient rune is a good thing. It can create runes endlessly. However, Li Xing has not yet realized the Fudao civilization, so he cannot fully control the Yuanshi ancient amulets ~ www.readwn.com ~ and had to put them away temporarily.

After receiving the Yuanfu mainland, Li Xing still had some regrets. The strong deer king ran very fast and had already returned to his old nest. However, he made another plan, that is, to investigate how many characters under the powerful deer king, and then swallow each other's control of the continent one by one, thereby weakening its power.

Of course, he will not let go of the nine-headed ancient snake, but at present, he will deal with the strong deer king first, and then go back and clean up the nine-headed snake. He now has the Snake Ship of Yuanyuan, and his strength is also strong enough, and he can completely face off with the second King of Northern Wasteland.

A few days later, in a turbulent stream of time, the Snake Ship of Xunyuan appeared quietly. Not far away, there is a very beautiful continent. When you look at it from afar, the stars are shining, emitting a faint blue light.

On the snake ship, Li Xing ordered and yelled, "Boom off the barrier and take down the star continent!"

Suddenly, the snake ship fired the side ### continent, and eight thousand ancient civilization guns fired at the same time, emitting eight thousand brilliant brilliance, and banged heavily on the barrier outside the star continent.


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