The continent of the star is a civilization inherited from the star civilization. Long ago, it was occupied by the deer king with a plan, and it supported a puppet regime to establish rule.

The creatures on the continent can draw the power of the stars between the heavens and the earth, temper themselves, and have strong fighting power. On the star continent, there are eighty-one star power pillars. These eighty-one star power pillars can draw the power of the stars on the continent, thereby constructing a defensive cover to protect the entire star continent.

The star shield is very sturdy, and once there were six immortal celestial masters bombarded together, none of them could break its defense. Later, King Luli broke a star force column with a conspiracy, and finally broke into the star continent and controlled it.

But the volley of the eight thousand ancient civilizations was too powerful. Even the star shield could not be blocked, and it was broken instantly. Under the tremendous destructive power, more than half of the 81 star power pillars exploded directly, completely losing their defensive function.

The Xunyuan Snake Ship drove straight in at this time and landed on the star continent. At this time, on the mainland, tens of billions of kills were blasted out, all hitting the Yuanyuan snake ship. But they were soldiers on the continent, and they launched star power cannons together.

Star Force Cannon is a cannon that uses Star Force as its energy source to bombard the enemy. However, the power of this gun is limited, which is roughly equivalent to the lethality of the Promise.

Therefore, although these artillery lights are extremely gorgeous and explode around the snake ship, they cannot cause the slightest damage.

Li Xing hummed and said, "Ten trillion trillion soldiers, all attack!"

The mixed orbit sky appeared, and immediately moved 100,000 rune soldiers under the star continent and rushed around. At the same time, Li Xing and the three majors rushed out and went straight into the Temple of Stars to capture the head of the Star Continent.

The Xingdian defense was strong that day, but it was bombed by a shot from Li Xing. All the people inside were blown up. One of the most immense peaks was repaired to the strongest.

Li Xingda grabbed the palm of his hand, created an endless suction from the air, took the person who was about to escape into his palm, and asked, "You are the Lord of the stars?"

The man had a split stomach and shouted, "You villain, don't kill me!"

Li Xing said: "All those who ordered you surrendered, otherwise the emperor would pinch you immediately!"

This is not a threat. As long as he pinches lightly, this so-called peak immeasurable big deity can be squeezed into a flesh, and the strength gap is there.

This man is the head of the star continent, calling him the star emperor. Seeing 100,000 soldiers, his side has no chance of winning at all, and he gives up his intention to resist.

In the end, the command was quite effective. In addition to a few to resist, the others stopped attacking, surrounded by runes, and then was taken away by ### 古树.

The Xunyuan Snake Ship is a huge and efficient war machine. Once it is mobilized, the star continent is quickly under its control, and finally it is easily absorbed into it and begins to refine.

Not long after the Snake Warrior swallowed up the star continent, and soon went away, the King of Deer got the news. The deer king was furious and roared like a thunder, blaming others for being unfavorable, and beheaded several relevant generals on the spot.

The deer king camp account, the strong deer king is sitting there with a calm face, hiding a charming woman's body in his arms. This woman is a man of no great deities, and the deer king pulled him out for the purpose of venting fire. However, he was in a very bad mood, and in the process of doing things, he strangled the woman to death.

While playing with the soft neck of the woman, he stared at the generals in the account and asked, "Why don't you talk? No one can figure out a way?"

Most of these generals are immeasurable gods, but in the presence of the mighty deer king, one by one they are tame like little sheep, all with their heads bowed. Only one person was thinking, he twisted three long beards, and said, "King, first of all, you must confirm who started, and then discuss the others."

The King of Deer snorted: "Who else can there be? Except for that mixed Yuan emperor, who has a billion continents nearby, who is also wild in his own land!"

That man was the chief military under the throne of the mighty deer, and the road knew the opportunity. Zhiji Datianzun nodded: "Subordinates also think that the sudden disappearance of the martial arts continent must have been taken away by the emperor of Yuan Dynasty."

"In the early days, the king and the Hydra king used the martial arts to march to the mainland. It is impossible for the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to know who the master is behind. Later, the blood soul Da Tianzun came back, and the Yuan Yuan must also know. Therefore, he definitely hated the king, and at this time he took revenge, which was also reasonable. "Zhiji Datianzun analyzed.

Hercule deer king gritted his teeth and hated, "Mixed Yuan thief, this one will chop you in Japan!"

After the hair is sent, you still have to face the current situation. Dali Wang asked: "Military division, do you have a way to deal with the mixed thief? He has a detention bell in his hand. It is very powerful. I can't match the King of Snakes. "

Zhiji Datianzun said: "The subordinates thought that at this time, it should not be taken lightly, so as not to give the opponent a chance. It is only a few continents. If you lose it, you can lose it. You can attack it in the future. It's the mainland. "

Hercule Deer nodded: "It makes sense, the mixed yuan thief swallowed up the mainland is false, and the opportunity to make a secret calculation of the king is true! If he is near, the detained vulture is a terrible thing, be careful!"

Zhiji Datianzun nodded: "Exactly! The king can only hold the soldiers, and measure how many continents the mixed Yuan emperor can capture? As long as the blood soul Datianzun comes, he can be removed, probably not too long ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Delicious Deer King is still a bit uneasy. After thinking about it, he groaned, "According to the information, the entire star continent and the Yuanfu continent have disappeared. Is it also refined by him? "

The color of doubt in the face of the strong deer king, we must know that each continent contains a certain civilization, and it is so huge that it cannot be refined at all, even if the other party is a great civilization.

Otherwise, in countless epochs, the four wasteland continents have long been refined and clean, and they will not have the scale they are today. The general refining continent relies on some special treasures to extract the civilized forces in it.

Therefore, the strong deer king does not think that Li Xing has refined several continents, but is worried that Li Xing has something powerful that can devour the mainland.

Zhiji Datianzun said: "His subordinates have heard before that when the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty occupied the Xuanhuang continent, he had a special method and finally moved it away. Presumably, he must have a very powerful magic weapon in his hand. Make it happen."

Having said that, Zhiji Datianzun's face is not very good-looking, and continued: "Dafans who can refine the mainland's magic weapons are mostly forbidden devices, otherwise they cannot devour civilization and refine the mainland!"

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