Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1234: Refining continent

The young man in red "haha" smiled and said, "Okay, listen to the arrangement of the third child, and then cut the blood soul first, then slaughter the lunatics."

Li Xing naturally did not know that there were powerful figures to deal with him. After swallowing up the star continent, he continued to attack other continents controlled by Hercules Deer King. The continent's continent, the ethereal continent's continent, and the pearl's continent were swallowed up one after another.

Based on the principle of "do not act rashly," the deer king has always ignored and left Li Xing to plunder. However, he soon couldn't sit still, because Li Xing was swallowing the mainland too fast.

In just one month, nearly a hundred continents disappeared and all were swallowed up. At this speed, within a few years, the site of the strong deer king will return, which is unacceptable to him.

In desperation, the deer king appealed to the king of snakes and the seven kings of the east, the west, and the south for help. The four desolate and eight kings have always been more united. After discussion, they decided to send some forces to help Li Xing.

The seven kings dispatched a total of 50,000 people and 18 immortal artifacts. At the same time, they also borrowed contacts and invited eight immortal deities.

This is undoubtedly a very powerful force, but Li Xing is not afraid. After learning about the news, he continues to do what he wants and continue to devour the mainland. Whenever this force approached, he had already changed places and started on the second continent.

No one knows exactly how Li Xing snatched a continent, because he still had a powerful restraint on his body, so he acted very carefully and did not dare to approach. In this way, Li Xing was given the opportunity to walk away calmly every time.

Day after day, year after year, three months passed and Li Xing swallowed three hundred continents. Although the strong deer king was extremely painful, he failed to catch Li Xing at one time. He could only keep cursing in his heart. At the same time, he hoped that the ancient Great God and the blood soul Great God could come out early.

The day of hope finally arrived. On this day, the Blood Soul Datianzun suddenly descended on Luwang Mansion. This time, the Blood Soul Da Tianzun is not alone. He is accompanied by two immortal masters, an old woman with a goose crane hair, and a majestic middle-aged man.

The King of Deer suddenly relieved, greeted people happily, and asked, "Senior, can you have a destiny?"

The Blood Soul Datianzun pointed at the middle-aged man and said: "This is King Kong Datianzun, and Shouwangshan was founded by him, and the destiny sunlock is on him. As for you, there is still one on the thief. I am inviting a veteran of the Order Gate, Myra Po, who has a powerful broken weapon on her body to restrain her. "

The King of the Deer hurriedly paid his respects to two or two big men, and said, "Several of them can drive, the thief will surely escape!"

King Kong ’s Da Tianzun snorted coldly: “This son overthrows Watch Mountain, and this king will destroy his nine families and devour his life!”

Dali Deer King repeatedly said, "The little thief is now very arrogant. He has repeatedly attacked the villain over the past few months and swallowed more than 300 continents. Now he is in a state of arrogance. Get your hand. "

The Blood Soul Datianzun said impatiently: "Let's talk nonsense, quickly lead the way to catch the little thief." All his blood souls were taken away by Yin Ling, and he could not wait to get revenge for Li Xing.

"Yes, the villain is leading the way!" Dali Wang nodded his head and drew his waist, and personally led the three powers to slay Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing had just seized a continent. When he moved, he suddenly urged the Yuanyuan snake ship to leave the scene, hurried in one direction, and made the snake ship invisible.

Soon after the snake ship disappeared, one of the blood soul gods appeared, but where was the figure of Li Xing?

"Asshole! Humans?" The blood soul Da Tianzun angered, there is a kind of ### to kill.

The King of Deer was anxious, and said, "This little thief has slipped hard. He must have sensed danger and fled ahead of time."

That Mi Luopo said: "It's okay, wait for the old man to calculate." She stretched out her thin five fingers, and for a moment, she looked at Li Xing in the direction of escape, and said, "Chasing!"

The four of them flew towards Li Xing, with all their strength.

At the same time, Li Xing felt that Promise jumped a bit and sneered: "It's really delusional to want to calculate my position." He transferred the exercises and pushed the other side back, and immediately changed the escape direction.

He said that Mi Luopo's calculation suddenly made a "snap" and said: "The boy has a secret calculation method, and I can't determine the position now."

King Kong Tianzun frowned: "Are you going for nothing?"

The King of Deer hurriedly said, "Three don't worry, this thief will definitely appear, and he will not escape next time."

In desperation, the party could only return temporarily and decided to capture Li Xing another day.

At this time, Li Xing had passed through the wormhole and limped for a very long distance. At this moment, he didn't even know where he was in Beihuang, but only knew that he was very deep.

"Presumably the blood soul Datianzun arrived, and he must have found a way to deal with the Yin Ling. If there is no Yin Ling, I am definitely not their rival, but it is better to avoid it temporarily."

Li Xing made up his mind, hid the battleship, and cultivated in peace. During this time, a total of 340 continents were swallowed up, which happened to take advantage of all the refining and refinement to enhance its strength.

Li Xing feels that at least ten of these 340 continents contain the intermediate civilizations he needs, which can help improve his strength. If they are all refined, he can impact the immense amount of great respect, thereby greatly improving his strength.

There is no amount of great respect, the plane can be infinitely large, and the strength can be infinitely strong. Among them, the evil spirits can be called broken, ignoring immortality, and have powerful combat power. Only by stepping into immense volume can Li Xing become a true master.

The Xunyuan Plane ~ www.readwn.com ~ After Li Xing made some preparations, he entered the gate of time to practice. In order to prevent the Blood Soul Grand Celestial Master from finding his way, he decided to temporarily close the portal of the Great World and let all people in the plane retreat for a period of time to practice.

As for how long it takes to cultivate, it depends on how long it takes him to refine these three hundred continents. Because the adjustment ratio of the time gate to time is also limited, if the time required is too long, the time spent outside may also be long, and he must be prepared.

There is an emperor sitting on the plane, and there are many experts to help him. He has nothing to worry about, and directly enters the state of in-depth cultivation.

In the gate of time, Li Guang couldn't feel the passing of time. He only knew that civilizations from one continent to another were enlightened one by one, so the mixed-yuan civilization continued to improve.

After one hundred continents were refined, the ancient civilization shook, and Li Xing's primary civilization finally broke through. From the basic primary civilization, it entered the stage of sublimation.

With the sublimation of the primary civilization, the entire world of the mixed Yuan immediately changed dramatically!

(Last six days, I owed a lot of debt. Anyway, I broke out for six days, and the promise of 100 spends more is unchanged, so look down.)

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