Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1235: Immeasurable level!

Many ancient trees have been upgraded and evolved, with more functions, and several kinds of ancient trees have appeared. Ancient civilization trees bloom for the first time, and all trees are flowers of civilization. . . This flower is quite large, its color is white, and its fragrance is fragrant.

Each flower has a different shape and a different breath. In the following years, a small number of civilization flowers bloomed one after another, and a guard of civilization was born in each flower. These civilization guards all have immense combat power, holding civilization swords, patrolling the Quartet, and defending the mixed Yuan civilization.

The civilized swords are all innate magic weapons. The power of each sword is amazing, and the light of civilization blooms sharply. During the three hundred years of Li Xing's practice, a total of sixty civilized guards were born.

However, on the entire ancient civilization tree, there are a total of 330,000 flowers of civilization. If they can be fully bloomed in the future, there can be 330,000 civilization guards, forming a combat force that cannot be ignored.

I don't know how much time it took, Li Xing went through the disaster of Datianzun continuously, from 76th to 78th, 79th to 80th, to 80th, and then they hit all the way and entered the 84th day.

At the moment when he entered the immeasurable realm, Li Xing's prodigal fetal metamorphosis transformed into a supreme primordial god, which is called the **** of life. This **** of life can travel in all directions, even if the physical body falls, it can also be used as a seed of life to re-cultivate a physical body and transform it into a new life baby.

The god-dealer, the **** of destiny, dominates his own destiny, is not afraid of heaven and earth, and is not afraid of life and death.

The emergence of the **** of life, on behalf of the cultivation of Li Xing, officially entered the realm of immense amount of great respect. For a moment, he felt his strength soared, 200,000 times the peak combat power, 300,000 times, and finally rushed to the peak of 3.6 million times the unlimited combat power!

At the same time, the mixed world has become extremely vast. The central location is a huge and boundless Central Continent continent, and its surroundings are more than 300 civilized continents refined by Li Xing.

The Central Continent Continent is the foundation of Li Xing and belongs to the theme. More than 300 surrounding continents belong to the subplane. On each sub-plane, a small ancient civilization tree was born. They represent the ancestors of the ancient civilization and manage everything on the sub-plane.

At the moment of immense ascension, the level of civilization was raised again, directly from the sublimation of the primary civilization, to the completion of the primary civilization, which led to another great change.

The ancient trees have continuously evolved. For example, the ancient war tree can make war tools by itself, such as war ships, war cannons, cross-border crossbows, and plane bows, each of which has great power.

For example, the war warship can carry many war tools, and the overall lethality can definitely kill the immense peak of the Great Celestial Master.

Another example is the realization of the ancient tree of Taoism. Nowadays, the monk's qualification and understanding can be raised to the state of immeasurable greatness. Of course, Wudao ancient trees still can only play a supporting role. The cultivation mainly depends on personal opportunities and qualifications.

Similarly, the evolution of civilization has caused more flowers of civilization to bloom in succession, and the number of civilization guards has reached 300,000.

The whole world of Junyuan has undergone tremendous changes. There are more than 300 sub-level planes, and there are 8 million Jingsheng spirits, among which there are countless large Tianzun, as many as 4 million! There is no great number of Tianzun, reaching three trillion people!

As for the theme of the mixed Yuan, the vainless monk has reached as many as 100,000, and the Promise Monk has 800 billion people!

Although Promise and ordinary immeasurable monks are not as good as ants in Li Xing's eyes, they can't hold many people, and the amount of trillions is definitely a horrible fighting force.

In the mixed plane, an independent space has been opened to carry the 670 million monks in the outer heavens. Those monks were generally not strong, so they were taken into the gate of time by Li Xing and experienced the time grind with him.

Up to now, most of them have died, and only ten trillion people remain. They are all elite figures, all of whom have the practice of the Great Celestial Master.

During this period of Li Xing's practice, he also experienced more than 300 years outside. In three hundred years, the emperor has completed the design of the civil warship, but this civil warship needs at least 129,600 civilization continents.

In contrast, the continent found by Li Xing is still far behind, which is indeed a huge project. However, once the battleships come out in the future, the combat power will undoubtedly be terrible.

However, after saying that Li Xing stepped into the immeasurable level, he was not in a hurry to go out. He decided to stabilize the realm for a while, and then refine the North Emperor's head!

The emperor's head is not trivial. That Northern Emperor was a broken-world figure at that time, and how horrible his skull can be imagined. However, after all, he is a fallen person. When he is alive, this head is limited in strength.

Since he felt that his realm was stable, Li Xing fetched the altar of the Proterozoic and released the head of the Northern Emperor.

The skull is extremely huge, spanning many planes, and once it comes out, it releases boundless emperor's power, making people feel cold. Li Xing sighed, running 3.6 million times the peak of infinite power, embracing both hands to form a powerful force field.

This force field unexpectedly blocked Diwei. He couldn't help but show his joy, and with this test, he could be sure that the skull of the emperor could now be refined.

In the void, the roots of countless ancient civilization trees stretched out, and one after another tried to stab the head of the North Emperor. At the same time, three hundred thirty thousand civilization guards appeared one after another to assist the attack of ancient civilization trees.

Each of these civilized guards has more than ten times the peak combat power, and they are united ~ www.readwn.com ~ The combat power is not weaker than Li Xing.

When the three parties joined forces, the North Emperor's head could not support it, and the barrier was broken with a "click". The roots of hundreds of millions of civilizations and ancient trees were stabbed in, and they began to absorb the civilization.

A huge amount of civilization power was absorbed by the ancient trees of civilization. At the same time, Li Xing realized that the civilization created by the emperor belonged to advanced civilization, and the first of twenty-four advanced civilizations!

Such a civilized force is undoubtedly a great complement to the ancient civilization. It can't even absorb these tyrannical forces of civilization. After absorbing about one-tenth of the civilization's power, the ancient civilization tree refined itself, but the absorbed power was directly made into civilization artillery shells.

The power of artillery shells made by the civilization of the Northern Emperor is undoubtedly terrifying. Even the large civilization ancient artillery can not fire such artillery shells. Only the ultimate civilization ancient artillery can fire.

But unfortunately, with the current strength of Li Xing, it is not yet possible to control the ultimate civilization ancient cannon. However, it is a good choice to be able to make some ultimate civilization artillery shells at the moment, and you can prepare for the future.

Li Xing expected that when his civilization entered the advanced civilization, he should be able to control the ancient civilization's ancient artillery.

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