Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1236: Plane rise

"Okay! So many of the ultimate civilized artillery shells will be used to confront the enemy in the future. It can literally kill everything. Even if it is a broken character, I am afraid to be afraid of it. By then I will not be afraid of any order door. Li Xing's heart was uplifted.

The civilization power contained in the North Emperor's head was gradually drained. Except for part of it being refined by the ancient civilization tree, most of it was made into the ultimate civilization shells, with more than 3,000 pieces!

It is indeed the power of high-level civilization. After absorbing it, Li Xing's level of civilization rose for the third time. Intermediate nine civilizations!

Although it is still a ninth-level intermediate civilization, the benefits gained by Li Xing are huge. He feels that many ancient trees have evolved again, and each has incredible abilities.

The strength of the protection of civilization has also soared tenfold, and all have a peak combat power of more than a hundred times. Especially the construction of ancient miracle trees, they can already build many complex and powerful weapons, such as the second version of the mixed yuan battleship, large civilization cannons, large plane cannons.

The second version of the Mixed Yuan battleships increased the attack power of a hundred large-scale ancient civilization guns and one hundred large-scale plane cannons by nearly a thousand times compared to the first version of the mixed Yuan battleships! In addition, the second version of the ship's defense has been enhanced to resist the attack of the Immortal God.

Unfortunately, the second version of the warship was too resource-intensive to mass-produce. With the current financial resources of Li Xing, up to ten ships can be built.

Both the ancient miracle tree and the ancient tree have strong construction and creative capabilities. As long as Li Xing can provide enough raw materials, they can create a large number of powerful weapons.

At this moment, after advancing to intermediate civilization, there are more ancient medicines, glorious trees, and thorny trees among the ancient trees. Among them, the ancient yam tree is a supplement to the ancient miracle tree. It can absorb various forces and make yam by itself.

At present, the elixir of elixir made by the ancient tree of elixir can sell up to hundreds of immortal forged elixir.

The glorious old trees and the thorny old trees are supplements to the old trees of war. The glorious ancient tree can release a glorious aura and bless the soldiers on the plane of Hunyuan, greatly improving the combat effectiveness and defense.

The brilliant aura can currently increase attack power by about 30% and defense power by about 20%. Combined on both sides, the halo can increase your own combat power by about 60%.

The ancient thorn tree can release the thorn aura, which is also blessed in your own army. The Thorns Aura has the effect of rebounding attack power, and currently can rebound 10% of the attack.

For example, a hundred pounds of force hit the body, ten pounds of force was rebounded, and it only suffered ninety pounds of damage. Combined with the brilliant aura, this aura can almost increase the combat effectiveness of the army.

The remaining major ancient trees also appeared supplementary ancient trees. For example, the old trees under the weather, the old trees under the stars, the old trees under the fog, the old trees under the fog; the old trees under the ancient trees under the war, such as archery, crossbow, and javelin, are suitable for long-range attacks.

There are also sword walls that protect the subordinates of ancient trees, snare ancient trees, rebound ancient trees, and so on. They all have incredible magical powers and are good weapons against the enemy.

The changes in the plane made Li Xing very happy. He deeply understood his current strength. If he faced the chaos of the Great Emperor in the face, he would be able to fight a battle without having to rely on any external force.

During the refining of the North Emperor's head, more than two hundred years were spent outside. This time, Li Xing spent nearly 600 years.

In six hundred years, many things can happen. For example, Li Taichu has grown up and turned into a beautiful and beautiful boy. His qualifications are amazing, he has approached Li Xing in his realm, and has reached the limit of 80 days.

In addition, Li Taichu's strength is amazing, with 60,000 times of peak combat power, compared with Li Xing that year. The strength of the rest of the people also leaps and bounds, one after another into the boundless realm.

Among them, Li was naturally extraordinary, and he broke through the 96 calamities in one fell swoop and stepped into the state of immortality. You should know that with the assistance of Li Xing, he followed the strongest cultivation method all the way to the present, and it is natural to enter immortality.

Li Xing's nine wives are also very eye-catching, and they have broken through the realm of ninety calamities, with great strength. Especially Xueling, his realm has reached ninety-five calamities, which is the highest immense amount of respect.

In addition, those who followed Li Xing from the Dragon Elephant World also broke through. Heavenly operators, Zhiyi, sincerity, perfection, Dragon Emperor, Demon Emperor, Jian Xingtian, Nangong Xiaoyi, Xun Xiaobao, Jun Qianheng, etc. have all stepped into the infinite realm.

Immediately, the vision was suddenly different. These people did not really belong to the mixed-yuan world. After they broke through, they left the hotbed of the mixed-yuan world to go outside to go through their own experience.

When Li Xing went out of the customs, the crowd was no longer in the plane. He was very relieved that they were finally strong. When they were outside, they would be a hegemon. No one dares to despise.

As soon as he exited, Wutong, Minmin, Xiaoyin, Qijinwu, Chaosheng and others came to see Li Xing, and said that they would also go out to practice. Most of these people are Li Xing's juniors. Li Xing's permission is required before leaving.

Li Xing didn't stop, saying: "You are full of wings, and you are great people outside. It is time for you to go out. This time, you must keep in mind that you must save your life at any time, mix The Meta Plane will always be your home. "

The hearts of everyone were touched ~ www.readwn.com ~ Farewell to say goodbye and walk to the infinite and vast world. They cannot rely on Li Xing for life, it is time to go their own way.

For six hundred years, for the main plane of heaven and earth, just a few flicks, not long. During this time, the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce, which were secretly developed in various places, continuously transmitted messages.

Blood soul Datianzun and others have already left Beihuang, they cannot wait for hundreds of years to capture Li Xing.

In comparison, several big things happened in heaven. First, in the past century, Tianting and Difu have become more and more powerful and powerful. Immortal figures often appear, and even broken figures have begun to intervene.

In addition, among the four wastelands and eight kings, the blood fox king and the king of Tian swallows in the southern wasteland unintentionally offended a tyrannical continent and were completely destroyed. The supreme strongman on that continent smashed tens of thousands of continents in a rage and shocked heaven.

Marshal Bing Ma made a personal appearance, but failed to defeat the strong man, and finally left it alone. And this incident also revealed the rebellious heart of the eight kings, because there are thousands of continents that they actually control.

Marshal Bingma wrote to the Emperor and severely rebuked, but there was no substantial punishment.

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