Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1237: 33 heavy days

In addition, there is another major event, the Great Emperor of Chaoan Ancient broke through immeasurably and entered the immortal realm. . . Congratulate the dynasties, and hold a celebratory banquet in the highest space. The specifications of the banquet are extremely high, and most of the people who are going to the party are immortal or immortal combatants.

The emperor was so close and gave a gift. The panic happened at this time. A master tore the void and stabbed a sword, trying to kill the Emperor. The emperor did not move, and there was a powerful shot to retreat.

The assassin who assassinated the Emperor missed and immediately retreated, but no one could stop him. It is rumored that although the sword qi sent by that sword did not hurt the Emperor, it seriously injured many people around him, and the most severely wounded in the chaos of ancient times, and half of his body exploded into blood mist.

This incident caused a great shock to the heavenly court. After the emperor returned to the dynasty, he immediately declared a full-scale war on the earth government. It can be seen that the assassin should come from the prefecture.

Li Xing was very indifferent to the news that it was going to be heavy. He knows that the world is big, and the masters are like clouds. The emperor is able to rule this era because of luck. It does not mean that he is the first master.

In fact, since refining the north emperor's head, he has stepped into immeasurability, and he is no longer as ignorant as he was then. There are some memories in the emperor's head that give him a better understanding of the world.

Some things can never be known without stepping into them, and even if others know, they will not be told to you. Because at this time, even if I knew it barely, it was not a good thing, but it interfered with Daoxin.

According to the memory of the Northern Emperor, Li Xing knew that the immortality of the twelve calamities was a state of fragmentation. The broken realm is different from the previous division.

The calamity experienced by the immortal Datianzun is very different from all previous Datianzun disasters and has great danger. After the ninety-six robberies entered immortality, it was only the beginning. Then, after each disaster, a qualitative leap in strength occurred.

Therefore, there is a huge gap between immortality and immortality. The two immortals who have spent two disasters can easily defeat the one immortal who has only experienced one disaster. Of course, this is just the usual situation. There are also some tyrannical characters who can retrogradely kill high-end immortal deities.

However, compared with the broken, the immortal gap of the twelfth order is not much.

The broken realm divides into thirty-three heavens.

According to rumors, there are thirty-three barriers beyond the main plane. The more they go out, the stronger the barriers are. And within every heavy sky, there are a lot of tyrannical existence.

The division of the level of the broken realm lies in whether the practitioner can break through the 33 barriers and break through several barriers. A breakthrough of one weight can be called a broken one, and a break of two weights can be called a two broken.

By analogy, breaking through the thirty-twofold is the thirty-twofold shattered Great Celestial Master. The Northern Emperor was a powerful man in thirty-two broken places.

When the thirty-three barriers are broken, it is called supreme fragmentation, which is the highest state of fragmentation. Of course, when you reach this level, you can break through the constraints of the main plane and reach the other side of freedom.

The gap between every heavy sky is huge, reaching thousands of times! A double fragmentation can kill a single fragment without any exception, because the double is the double, and the so-called thirty-three division is the division by strength.

The 108th robbery is called the perfect robbery, the broken robbery. After this robbery, the plane has been fulfilled, the life of God has been fulfilled, and the avenue has been fulfilled. Therefore, it is very difficult for the characters in the broken world to improve their strength.

Because everything has reached perfection and everything is perfect, how can it be improved under such circumstances?

At this step, the only way to improve your strength is to create! Create new mysteries, exercises, and even new civilizations. Only by creation can it be possible to continue to improve and have strength, step by step towards thirty-three times supremely broken ###.

However, a considerable number of people in the Broken Realm have never been able to achieve a heavy crush in their entire lives, nor have they been able to enter the first heavy sky. Such masters in the Broken Realm are sometimes called off by masters in the Unbounded Realm, leading to beheaded.

Generally speaking, the masters of the broken heavens of the heavy heaven will mostly stay in the cultivation of the heavy heaven, because the environment of the heavy heaven is the most suitable for the breakthrough of cultivation of the people of the heavy heaven. The second level of broken territory is also practiced on the second level.

This is not absolute, and the broken power of various levels sometimes stays within the thirty-three heavens, each with its own plan.

After entering the broken realm, the last way to increase strength is to create civilization. And the power of the realm, after creating civilization, has access to the source of civilization.

According to the memory of the Northern Emperor, the source of civilization belongs to the core area of ​​the main plane. Only the Great Celestial Master who broke more than one weight is eligible to sense its existence and be able to enter it.

The road into the source of civilization is called the Broken Road. Of course, it is not only the Great Celestial Master of the Broken Realm who can enter the ancient path. There are also immortal, infinite, and even infinite figures who want to set foot on the ancient road.

These low-level characters want to strengthen themselves through the ancient road, hoping to reach the broken realm before entering the source of civilization. However, most of these people fell on the way, and very few people could reach.

In the future, Li Xing will also embark on this ancient road, which is also called the strongest ancient road and the ultimate trial ancient road. Only the most powerful people can go to the end and enter the source of Fang Mingyuan.

The Northern Emperor had entered the source of civilization that year. Only in the source can he further perfect his civilization and make the biggest breakthrough ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unfortunately, this memory of the source of civilization, Li Xingping He didn't get it, so he didn't know much.

With these insights, Li Xingfang knows how high the sky is and how thick the ground is. He never thinks he has any greatness. Compared to the powerful existence in the thirty-three heavens, he is not even a small ant.

This is the broadness and magnificence of the theme. Whenever you jump out of a circle and enter a higher circle, you will find more masters and see a more extraordinary world.

In view of this, although many major events have taken place outside, but Li Xing does not intend to participate in it, all he has to do now is to collect the civilized continent and continue his civilized warship while practicing and improving his strength.

In addition, there are some things to do, such as travel to Tianwaitian and Proterozoic World.

Regarding Tianwaitian, Li Xing has always had doubts about Tianwaitiandatianzun's words. He didn't understand how Tianwaitian knew his origins, and what he said in the mouth "What is the meaning of this game of yin and yang ji, now he wants to find out."

At the same time, Tian Waitian clearly has a relationship with Master Tianxie, who is a mysterious figure. Li Xing also wanted to know more about his deeds and news through Tianwaitian.

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