Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1241: Miracle Shop

Chapter 941 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Miracle Shop (1300 plus flowers)

Chapter 1241 Miracle Shops (1300 flowers plus more)

The eighteenth prince was very surprised. He walked into the shop with the director and looked around, but didn't see anything on the table. Then he asked the boy, "What do you have here?"

The boy replied with a smile: "What do the guest officers need?"

The director sneered: "It's not a small tone that can't be achieved. What do we need, what will you sell?"

The boy answered honestly: "That's not necessarily true, but most of the things can be provided in the shop. [! 网"

The eighteenth prince thought for a while and said, "My prince wants to buy ten‘ hunhundan ’, can you have them here?”

Huanhun Dan is a magical elixir that can be used to refine life-saving babies. The quality is medium. The eighteenth prince called out this thing, but he only tried it out and didn't mean to make trouble.

Upon hearing the miracle boy, Guanghua flashed on the table, and a jade box all appeared. Inside, ten Huanhundans were regularly arranged, and the quality was excellent.

The eighteenth prince brightened his eyes and said, "Take another ten 'Jin Tang Dan'."

Jin Tang Dan is much smarter than Huanhun Dan, which can strengthen the plane. One is about five immortal forged Dan. This elixir can not be refined by ordinary people, but it can test the strength of the store.

After listening to the miracle boy, there was still a flash of light on the table, and a jade box appeared, containing ten jintangdans in the middle, with the same excellent quality.

The eighteenth prince nodded slightly, and said to Li Xing, "Yes, how many shops do you have?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "How much is required." This is not a boast. The ancient civilization tree can indeed provide countless ancient miracle trees without any limit on the number.

The eighteenth emperor thought for a while and said, "It seems that your shop has a special transportation route, which is good, but it is not enough." He told the main pipeline, "You try it."

The director understood the meaning of the eighteenth prince, and said to the boy, "My prince wants to buy ten five-element battleships. Are you here?"

The Five Elements battleship is a unique battleship of the Five Elements Spirit Land, capable of killing immense enemies. In addition, five or more five-element battleships can, to a certain extent, fight against the immortal-level Great Celestial Mastery, and their combat power is very powerful.

The Five Elements battleship is a regional thing that only appears near the Five Elements Spirit Soil. It is not easy to find in other parts of the Northern Wasteland. So this is a more difficult transaction.

The miracle boy was not surprised, but just smiled and said, "Big objects like battleships must be booked in advance and provided with samples."

The sneer sneered: "Provide appearance? Really a joke, do you know how much immortal fortune is worth a five-element battleship? How easy can it be for you?"

The miracle boy is not humble, and said, "Back to this guest officer, there are some battleships in our chamber of commerce, and the Five Elements battleships are not a big deal." Then, outside the shop, a "bang" sounded, and a battleship appeared.

This battleship is the second version of the mixed yuan battleship. It is equipped with one hundred large-scale ancient cannons and one hundred large-scale civilization ancient cannons, which are powerful and amazingly lethal.

The eighteenth prince is a person who knows goods. When he saw the ship, he was taken aback and shouted, "What kind of warship is this?"

He was about to take a closer look. The Yuanyuan sky rail flickered a little and then the Yuanyuan battleship was removed, which made the Eighteenth Prince very sorry. He looked at Li Xing and said, "What kind of battleship is that?"

Li Xing laughed: "That is a battleship built by my chamber of commerce, not the most powerful one. So, what you call the five-element battleship, it is not difficult for us to build it."

The eighteenth prince was silent, and the miracle shop's ability to show him was startled and could not help but be moved.

"Seventeen has been pressed on my head. I am not as good as him, and I am not as good at him as my career. Even my favorite women are taken away by him. I can't swallow this breath. If this person can help me to surpass Tianbao Chamber of Commerce, It is possible to consider cooperation. "

He thought so, but his face was full of disapproval expressions, saying: "Your shop has some meaning, but you have to cooperate with the prince, how much profit are you willing to contribute?"

When asked by the other party, Li Xing reassured, which shows that the eighteenth prince had already intentionally cooperated. As long as he is willing to cooperate, the rest is easy to talk about.

With a slight smile, Li Xingdao said: "Our request is only one, that is, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce must have the right to operate independently and not be interfered by anyone. Every year, the Chamber of Commerce will share 30% of the profits to His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness must also be in When necessary, give the Chamber of Commerce sufficient support. "

The 18th prince waved his hands again and again, saying: "The prince cannot accept 30% of the profits."

Li Xing thought for a moment. Considering that the main purpose of this visit was to enter the Five Elements Lingtu market, the amount of profit was not very important. Thinking of this, he said: "Okay, effective cooperation, I am willing to give up another 10% of the profit. 40% to the prince. This is the bottom line. If the prince does not agree, then he has to leave and seek another partner. "

This move of Li Xing made the eighteenth emperor's heart sink. If he ran to cooperate with the seventeenth emperor, it would be a fatal blow to the benevolent chamber of commerce.

After weighing the eighteen princes, he smiled and said, "Okay, since you are so refreshing, this prince is not very selfish, so I will help you, and I am willing to share 40% of the profits. However, I have another one. Claim."

Li Xingdao: "Your Highness, please speak, I will consider it in the future."

The eighteenth prince said: "Another year is the day when the noble spirits of the Five Elements will hunt. At this time, the prince hopes that you can participate and help me." He looked at Li Xing. Strong, it should be in the legend that the demon in the immense celestial deities exists. With your help, you can let the prince raise his eyebrows and exhale. "

In other words, he explained the matter to Li Xingting in detail ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the course of the expansion of the Five Elements Spiritual Land, it had destroyed a continent that had the same strength as the Five Elements Spiritual Land.

The Five Elements Emperor divided this continent into a hunting ground, and set up many masters on that continent together with Zhenbaodu ### to allow nobles and royalty to hunt and kill at a specific time, in order to sharpen posterity.

This custom has been carried out for countless years, and anyone who has performed outstandingly on the hunting ground can be praised by the emperor and can receive huge material rewards.

The eighteenth prince has participated many times, but each time he returned empty-handed, becoming the object of ridicule by other princes, and even some nobles began to look down on him.

This was regarded as a shame and shame by the eighteenth prince and vowed to change this situation. It's a pity that his realm can't be broken lately, and he can't do anything in the short term. In addition, there is no useful master beside him, which has led to people's ridicule.

The appearance of Li Xing brightened his eyes, and an idea came to his mind, hoping that Li Xing could help him and assist him with a smile.


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