Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1242: 600 step combat power

Chapter 1242 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Six hundred steps combat power (1400 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1242 Six hundred steps of combat power (1400 flowers plus more)

Regarding the condition of the eighteenth prince, Li Xing considered that it was not difficult, and nothing more than to come up with a limelight. With his peak power of 3.6 million times, he could definitely sweep the hunting ground and let the eighteenth prince. Take the lead, the scenery is infinite. [Fe ?!

"Okay, I promise," Li Xing said, "but at that time, I still hope that Her Royal Highness can obey the arrangements below, so as not to cause extra branches."

Helping others can, but Li Xing doesn't want to offend people. On that hunting ground, there must be fierce competition, and there is a great possibility that it will conflict with the powers of the Five Elements. This is not something he likes, and he must find a way to eliminate it.

The eighteenth prince laughed: "Of course, as long as you can help the prince to pull off the top spot, everything will listen to you."

The cooperation plan is set, and the remaining things do not need to be intervened by Li Xing. All are handed over to the five celestial deities, Sanqing, Ronghua, Guangyan, Qingyun, and Chaoyang. Sometimes he stays at the Prince's Palace, sometimes Go out alone.

When he was in the Prince's Mansion, he mostly practiced in retreats, practiced enlightenment, and occasionally chatted with the Eighteenth Prince and a number of guests. When he went out, he continued to devour the continent according to the Northern Wilderness Plan.

Unconsciously, three months have passed. With the cooperation of the 18th prince, Sanqing Datianzun and others have basically put up the shelves of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, and the rest is propaganda and sales, which takes at least half a year. Make a name for yourself.

During this time, Li Xing was relatively leisurely, most of the time went out to collect the mainland. One day, the eighteenth emperor invited an immortal deity to go to Wanxian Tower to preach. I want to use this to improve the understanding of the guests, and hope that someone can break through and strengthen the strength of Wanxian Tower.

Li Xing now lived in the Prince's Mansion. After hearing the news, he went to listen to what the immortal deity would say.

At the beginning of the Datianzun Road saying, to observe its breath, Li Xing judged that this person came from the Jade Emperor Earth, and Sanqing Datianzun was a fellow. This person's cultivation is the peak combat power of ninety-six calamities immortal, about 10,000 times.

Such strength is naturally not in the eyes of Li Xing, but since everyone is here, let's listen to it by the way and see how this person's understanding of Xiandao is. For Xingdao, Li Xing is more intimate, because in the world he originally lived in, there are so-called xiandao men. Although the two are very different in situation, they don't seem to be a system at all.

After the initial Da Tianzun came up, it gave people an unpredictable and profound feeling. Of course, it was the person who listened to the Fa. Li Xing had already seen him thoroughly.

Initially, Tian Tianzun said: "If you have any doubts in your heart, you can raise them, and I will answer them one by one."

Li Xingxin said that it was interesting, and it actually made people ask questions. He turned his eyes, and the first one said: "Excuse me, Da Tianzun, within the emperor's fairy land, who is respected, how much is immortal, how much is broken, how broken Can anyone step into a heavy sky? "

This question contains four small questions, the first three of which are root questions, and the fourth is to test the knowledge of the original Lei Tianzun, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Initially, Tian Tianzun heard a lot of emotion, and he took a special look at Li Xing and said, "On the earth of the jade emperor, the emperor of the jade emperor is naturally respected. On the immortal land, there are three thousand immortals and twenty are broken. six people."

This answer made Li Xing a little surprised, and secretly sighed that the Jade Emperor Earth really had many masters!

Li Xing's question, however, aroused the interest of others, and asked one after another what the sky was broken. This involves the field of thirty-three heavens. Few people in the world know that only immortal figures can touch it.

Initially, Datianzun said: "There are thirty-three barriers on the main plane, known as the thirty-three heavens. After Datianzun is broken, you can try to break through the thirty-three barriers."

Someone asked: "Datianzun, the first broken monk, how strong is it?"

Initially, Tian Tianzun smiled slightly: "A power once said that from the moment of entering immortality to the moment of breaking, there were 1.296 million steps to go. This sentence spread later and was People see it as a measure of the greatness of the immortal and broken. "

"For example, if a person has just stepped into immortality, and his strength is medium, then he has ten steps of broken combat power, which is equivalent to taking 1.296 million steps and taking ten steps. Then when he enters After the ninety-seventh calamity, there were about thirty steps of broken combat power; after the ninety-nine calamities, there were about one hundred steps of broken combat power; after the ninety-nine disasters, there were roughly three hundred steps of combat power. " If this person can successfully progress to shatter, there will only be 300 million steps of shattering combat power. "

One humane: "So, approaching a few steps towards a severe fragmentation is a few steps of combat power. So can the Broken Heavenly Master enter a severe fragmentation? What is the difference between a severe fragmentation and a heavy fragmentation?"

The original Datianzun said: "I don't know the difference between the one-day and the two-day. But I'm afraid it's not 1.296 million steps, and the distance is far beyond that."

Li Xing heard this statement for the first time, and calculated in his mind: "My strength should be broken in six hundred steps, roughly between the ninety-nine calamities and the one hundred calamities."

This result made him feel sad for a while, compared to the distance of 1.296 million steps, he has just begun. Moreover, even after a heavy break, there is still a long way to go.

"Fortunately, now I have stepped into a state of immeasurability, and my strength can be infinitely increased. I don't know what level my combat strength can reach before entering immortality. "

The preaching was not over ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing quietly left. He decided to enlighten the second type of mixed gun in the following period. The power of the second form will be much stronger than the first form. If you can understand it, your strength will be greatly enhanced.

As soon as he walked out of Wanxian Tower, Li Xing's body disappeared. He stepped into the gate of time and was preparing to retreat for a period of time. Now, the only way he can improve his combat power is to study martial arts.

In fact, after reaching the state of fragmentation, due to the successful completion of his practice, Da Tianzun often needs to study the killing tricks and mysteries to improve his combat power. Li Xing is now working on this aspect, which can make future practice smoother. It can be said that he is planning ahead.

The time set by Li Xing for himself, he realized that the mixed yuan gun is only half a year empty, and after half a year, he will come out of the gate of time. Presumably at that time, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce was on track.

However, before Li Xing had time to enter the gate of time, he felt that the immortal Great Supreme was in the beginning and actually followed him with divine thoughts. With a sneer in his heart, he did not return to the Yuanyuan plane for the time being, but walked out into the wilderness deliberately. He had to take a look at what the original Datianzun had done.


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