Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1243: Great Refinement

Chapter 943 The Nine Yang Xiejun Chapter Refining Living People (1500 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1243 Refining Living People (1500 Flower Plus Even More)

In the preaching, the Great God, suddenly smiled slightly, and said to everyone: "Today's end of the sermon, you will meet again. ,, alas," saying, he vacated and disappeared.

In the wilderness, Li Xing stood by his hands. After a moment, he said lightly, "Why hide and shrink, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Initially, Tian Tianzun showed his avatar, his gaze was cold, and he stared at Li Xing and asked, "Do you know that I follow you?"

Li Xing couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's just your tracking means that can't be rotten anymore. I don't think it's difficult to find you." He turned slowly and said lightly, "Say, what are you trying to do. "

Initial Da Tianzun sneered: "You don't know whether to live or die, you have to run to this wilderness, and I have nothing to hide from a dying person like you." Above his head, a burst of initial air , Condensed into a sword.

"The seventeenth prince wants to explore your bottom line. How can I know that you are just a small and inexperienced person? I ran this trip in person and killed the chicken with a bullsword." Initially, Tiantian Zun said, "However, you The previous question is somewhat interesting. It seems that you know a lot. No wonder you can enter Wanxian Building. "

Li Xing sighed and said, "Where are you a sledgehammer? It is simply a mallet."

At the beginning, Datianzun's face sank: "junior, obedient death, let you die happily, if you say mad words again, I will make you unable to save life, save you from death!" Then, the sword on top of him suddenly shocked, A ray of murder locked Li Xing.

This is a mystery of the fairy house, which can consolidate a power into a fairy sword and kill the enemy. This condensed fairy sword has strange lethality, and its power is not weaker than the real immortal sword.

As soon as the sword came out, Li Xing stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The boundless force hit him, and the sword wave exploded and turned into powder. It was too early to be surprised, and Li Xing's palm was ### down, and he held it in his hands.

He became a three-inch villain, struggling to call in Li Xing's palm, his face full of horror. He couldn't figure out, as an immortal deity, how could he be invisible to the palm of his hands by an immeasurable little person?

Li Xing said coldly: "Initially, you and I could be friends. I didn't want you to insult me. Although you were ordered by the Seventeenth Prince, I still want to kill you."

In other words, ignoring the screams of the original Datianzun, he flipped the palm of his hand, and the rolling civilization lightened down. Suddenly, the initial big Tianzun's body was full of black smoke, and in just a dozen breaths, it was refined into a pill of elixir.

However, Li Xing relied on the ancient civilization tree and the ancient tree of miracles to refine the original consciousness and impurities of the original Great Celestial Master, and only refined him as a whole, and then joined his understanding of civilization to refine Into this miraculous elixir.

Li Xing played with the elixir and said, "After taking this elixir, Sanqing should be able to break through and enter the immortal realm." In the hands of Sanqing Datianzun.

When he saw the elixir, Sanqing's eyes brightened and he shouted, "It is a wonderful effect Dan that can help people break through, and the Lord himself made it for me." He laughed and played to Ronghua and Guang. One step ahead, the first to enter immortality. "

Guang Yan was very unconvinced and said, "Don't be proud, maybe the Lord will also make a panacea for me right away."

Sanqing Datianzun sighed: "I'm afraid you are not as good as me. To know this wonderful effect Dan, you need at least a living immortal Dazun, plus a few magical means of hand, to be successful. Even the Lord Shangken helps you, where can I find the immortal deity born in the light-brained civilization? "

Guangyan Datianzun felt depressed for a while, snorted, and stopped talking.

However, Ronghua Datianzun said, "The Lord will not favor each other. We may gain more than you in the future. I am afraid that Sanqing will be jealous."

Sanqing Datianzun laughed: "In short, I take a step first. The Chamber of Commerce troubles the two chairmen. This Datianzun must return to the Xunyuan plane to make a breakthrough." Then he laughed three times and stunned the scene.

Chaoyang Datianzun and Qingyun Datianzun both sighed and said, "The two of us are too poorly qualified. Although we have taken a lot of elixir, the realm has been difficult to improve."

Ronghua Datianzun: "What else are you unsatisfied with? With your qualifications, if you practice by yourself, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through the legend. Now that you have reached the limitless state, you should be happy."

The two of them suddenly realized that they arched their hands and made a slap, and said in full color, "Teached!"

Killing an initial is not a trivial matter, Li Xing still enters the gate of time to practice. The half-year period was just a short flick. When Li Xing stepped out of the gate of time, the momentum had changed a little.

It turned out that, during this time, although he failed to create the second style of the mixed yuan gun method, he accidentally hit a secret and learned a secret technique. The name of this mystery is **** and is called "Headshot".

When this technique is performed, special means can be used to make the energy of the enemy's deities, holy gods, and even jade gods extremely unstable, exploding in an instant. This is a super powerful civilization secret, combined with a shot of mixed yuan, can basically kill opponents of the same level of combat power.

Half a year later, Sanqing Datianzun successfully upgraded to the immortal Datianzun with the wonderful effect Dan burned from the initial Datianzun. At the same time, under the management of several people, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has entered the right track and started to make a name.

Because the Miracle Ancient Tree can make most of the things, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce has the most complete goods, far exceeding the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce. In addition, some of the most popular things, such as Qixiaodan, can also be provided in large quantities.

As a result, in a short period of half a year, the turnover of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has quadrupled from the original Renxin Chamber of Commerce, reaching about 40% of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce.

This progress made the Eighteenth Prince very happy ~ www.readwn.com ~ He simply closed the Renxin Chamber of Commerce and transferred all the sales outlets to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce at a discount. In this way, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has the strength to compete with the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce.

The first man who couldn't sit still was the Seventeenth Prince. He took a series of measures, such as price suppression, rumors, and sending people to trouble, but they couldn't change the trend.

When Li Xing went out of the customs, the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce was in full swing, and the seventeenth emperor could no longer suppress it.

After leaving the customs, I asked about the development of the chamber of commerce, and he was quite satisfied. By this time, it was almost time for Wuling to hunt.

A few days later, the eighteenth prince came to the door and told Li Xing that hunting was about to take place. I hope he can prepare and set off the next day.

Li Xing didn't think there was any preparation, he just took the smashed bow out of the warehouse. This bow is a change of the Great Bow of Heaven. Anyway, it is an innate tool. Under the baptism of civilization, it has been upgraded to become an immortal magic weapon.


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