Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1244: Heavenly Holy Land

Chapter 1244 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Heavenly Poison Holy Land

Chapter 1244: Heavenly Poison Holy Land

Li Xing estimated that the lethality of this immortal magic weapon is about one hundred steps of broken combat power, which is between three immortals and four immortals. It is enough to deal with ordinary masters. ,, [

The only purpose of this hunt was to make the eighteenth emperor famous, so it was not appropriate to use excessively overbearing weapons. The bow was just right. For this bow, he was supposed to give it to Xueling, and for the time being he will use it for the time being.

The next day, Li Xing and the Eighteenth Prince entered the Hall of Five Elements together. This is the first time he has been here, and he has met many experts here. Among them, the strongest is undoubtedly the Five Elements Emperor.

Five Elements Great Emperor ###, worship of the hundred officials, the eighteenth prince stand around. And Li Xing's followers followed behind the princes and looked at each other with hostile eyes.

Li Xing knew that the battle between the princes was more fierce than between the princes. After all, the princes fight, it is not easy to tear their faces, there is a limit to how they fight. However, they are different, they are not the prince, but they represent the prince's face, so they are desperate to fight, and they often use all means to suppress each other.

Li Xing ignored many hostile eyes, only secretly looked at the Five Elements Emperor, and estimated his strength.

"This five-element emperor is really horrible, can he have at least 500 million steps of broken combat power?" Li Xing secretly estimated, but he could not be accurate, after all, the opponent was too powerful.

The Five Elements Emperor calmly said: "Today is the day of hunting, everyone in each family has arrived and can begin."

Suddenly, the emperor stood behind a guard with a knife. Although his breath was not as good as that of the Five Elements, he was also very powerful. Li Xing estimated that this man was an immortal powerhouse with a broken combat power of 10 million steps.

According to the eighteenth emperor, this guard is an ancient worm, with powerful strength and strange means. He is one of the top masters of the Five Elements Emperor.

The ancient worm Datianzun said coldly: "The rules are still the same, but this seat must remind you again. First, you must not hurt yourself when hunting, and the offenders will be severely punished! Second, you must not enter the hunting area forbidden area, the offenders will kill! , You must not rob others of their prey, offenders will be fined. "

In other words, he reached out into the air and tore a space wormhole directly to the hunting continent. The first one entered. The others followed suit and rushed in.

Li Xing secretly observed that more than 3,000 people were involved in the hunt, most of whom were followers. These people who participated in the hunting are all masters, and the worst ones are the immeasurable celestial beings of ninety calamities.

Li Xing is very conspicuous among such a group of masters, because only his cultivation is less than ninety calamities. However, he disapproved of those cold and strange eyes, followed quietly behind the eighteenth emperor.

"His Royal Highness, what is the restricted area on the hunting continent? Why not allow it?" Li Xing secretly asked the eighteen princes as he passed through the wormhole. Previously, the three bans of the ancient worm Da Tianzun, which did not allow to enter the restricted area, made him suspicious, so he must understand.

The eighteenth prince responded: "This matter is a royal secret and it should not be told to outsiders. However, Brother Li is his own person, and it is okay to say it." He paused. "The hunting area used to be a very powerful force called Tian Poison Holy Land. "

"The leader of the Heavenly Poison Continent is called the Heavenly Poison Lord. Its strength is not weaker than that of today's Five Elements Emperor. However, the Heavenly Poison Lord has made a mistake when practicing a secret poisoning technique. The Five Elements Continent took the opportunity to destroy the Heavenly Poison Holy Land and unified this area. "

"But the Lord of Heaven's Poison is a trivial matter, but he cannot be killed. With a strange poison, he lives in a tenth of the mainland, and even the emperor dare not enter. This area was sealed by the emperor by incomparable means. That is forbidden ground. "

Speaking of this, the eighteenth emperor smiled bitterly: "It is said that those who have entered the restricted area died, in fact, once they enter it, they will undoubtedly die, and there is no need to lead death."

Li Xing nodded and said nothing, but was very curious. Actually, with only one kind of strange poison, you can hold a large area, and even a terrifying master like the Five Elements Emperor can't break it. What kind of poison is that? It is so powerful!

The wormhole shuttle soon ended, and after a strange scene changed in front of everyone, everyone went to the Heavenly Poison Holy Land, which is now a hunting continent.

On the mainland, Li Xing faintly felt uncomfortable, like a mortal, feeling that there were thousands of poisonous snakes staring at him nearby, and he would rush to swarm him at any time.

He understood that this feeling must have originated from the so-called restricted area. People with this feeling are not just Li Xing. Everyone glanced in one direction in fear, and then quickly looked away. It seemed that one more glance would lead to disaster.

The Ancient Worm God announced: "The hunt has officially started, and everyone can perform their skills."

Thousands of people immediately spread out and flew each in the selected direction. Li Xing was not in a hurry, but stood on the ground, until everyone dispersed and walked away, then the anxious 18th Prince said: "His Royal Highness knows what the most fierce monster on this continent is?"

The eighteenth prince widened his eyes: "What do you ask this for? Do you want to shoot them?" After he said, he shook his head again and again, "This is absolutely necessary, the human face has thousands of spiders, no doubt he will be killed by his nets Let ’s not provoke it. ”

Li Xing asked about the origin of the human face spider. According to the eighteenth prince, human face spiders are indigenous creatures here. They can be powerful and small, and are good at spinning and killing. The spider silk they spit out is very tough, and even immortal weapons are not easy to cut.

And ~ www.readwn.com ~ That spider silk has a peculiar effect, which can paralyze prey and lose its fighting spirit. This is not the most terrifying thing. The terrible thing is that human spiders often come in groups. As soon as one appears, more human spiders will appear one after another and attack the prey.

After hearing about it, Li Xing learned that the combat effectiveness of human spiders is not very good, and the unit combat effectiveness is about 50,000 to 60,000 peaks of unlimited combat effectiveness. It's just that they spit out a lot of spider silk, and they flocked in during the battle.

After thinking about it, he smiled slightly and said, "His Highness rest assured that although the human spiders are powerful, I have a way to deal with them. Your Highness please indicate the direction, and I will come as soon as I go."

The eighteenth emperor pondered for a while and said, "Okay, this emperor can trust you! Pay attention here, there are cocoons formed by spider silk in the lair of the human face spider, and you can just come out of a few cocoons. This The spider silk drawn from a cocoon can be used to make a very powerful weapon. "

Li Xing laughed: "It's easy, Your Royal Highness will wait a while, I'll come and go." After that, his body flashed, and he flew away in the direction of the eighteenth Prince.


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