Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1245: Backlight

Chapter 1245: The Backlight (1700 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1245: Backlighting (1700 Flower Plus Even More)

Soon after flying, Li Xing saw glittering spider silk starting to appear below, entangled in trees and rocks, forming traps one after another. #_ 网 ┛ 是 死 了。 Some spider silk actually nets in the air and is invisible, it is easy to catch monks in flight.

Thanks to Li Xing's eyes possessing the characteristics of civilization, you can search Zhou Tian all the time, and the invisible cobwebs can not hide him, and are avoided one by one.

Soon, a nearby human spider found Li Xing and rushed over. When I saw a large spider the size of a pot lid, it ran like lightning, and a white light was sprayed halfway towards Li Xing.

Li Xing knew how powerful this thing was, and didn't even look at it, raising his hand was an artillery. It turned out that he carried an ancient civilization cannon with a shrinkage on his shoulder. This ancient gun can be fired on the battleship, and naturally it can be used on the shoulder.

The small civilized ancient artillery was so powerful that the human-faced spider and the cobweb blasted into scum at once.

It doesn't matter at this moment, it's tantamount to stabbing the ant honeycomb. In a moment, thousands of human-faced spiders rushed in front of them.

Seeing these monsters, Li Xing scalped for a while, without a word, immediately mobilized the Yuanyuan orbit, and ten second versions of the Yuanyuan battleships were released.

A thousand large civilization cannons on ten warships blasted out at the same time, and all of a sudden they swept past like a violent wind and waves. Not to mention the human face spider, even the earth and air height were torn apart and turned into powder.

The huge sound and strong shock shocked many people who came to hunt and looked at Li Xing. However, they all knew it was the site of human spiders, so no one dared to pass by.

After killing this group of spiders, Li Xing put away the sky rail and the battleship, and began to search for cocoons. After a short search, thousands of miles to the left and found the lair of the human face spider.

In the lair, there are indeed a large number of cocoons, with thousands of them. Of course, Li Xing was rude and put it away. He decided to give the 18th prince three or two at that time, and the rest would be used for refining artifacts.

After getting the cocoon, when Li Xing returned to his place, but found that the eighteenth prince was missing, he urged the contact sign in his hand to ask, only to know that the eighteenth prince met the seventeenth prince and followed him together.

Fu Zhong heard the excited voice of the eighteenth emperor: "Brother Li, seventeen is about to hunt down an immortal stone tiger. You must hurry up and kill the stone tiger in advance!"

Li Xingdao: "Her Royal Highness, wait a minute, I'll be right there." After saying that, he tore up the space and reached the position of the eighteenth emperor.

When he stepped out of the void, he found a stone tiger running wild. This stone tiger undoubtedly belongs to the category of the Holy Spirit, but it has just experienced the disaster of the Great Heaven and entered the immortal state, so it is very weak.

When he finished his robbery, he met the hunter. The stone tiger was furious and ran away. The seventeenth emperor had a son and a follower, and he pursued it behind him.

Li Xing saw the situation at a glance. He nodded to the 18th emperor who was watching in the distance, and then pulled out the bow and pulled the string. The bow resembles a full moon, the arrow resembles a cold electricity, "true", and the bow is astonished by a thunderbolt.

An arrow mang chasing light and chasing electricity, in a split second, it was chopped on the stone tiger and split it in half.

Everyone was stunned and stopped attacking. Various complicated eyes projected on Li Xing. Only the eighteenth prince was ashamed, "Haha" laughed and shouted, "Good arrows!"

The seventeenth prince's handsome face was overcast, he stared at Li Xing fiercely, and then said to the surrounding people: "Go!"

The ancient worm Da Tianzun announced the rules, and he should not **** prey. Naturally, he cannot violate it, but can only retreat with resentment and continue to find the next target.

The eighteenth prince rushed over, collected Shi Hu's body, and smiled: "Brother Li is so brave, he can shoot an immortal beast with a single arrow."

Li Xing disagreed, saying: "This stone tiger has just been robbed and its attack and defense have been greatly reduced, otherwise I may not be able to shoot it with a single arrow."

The eighteenth prince said: "In short, Brother Li has done a very good job. Let's follow Seventeen, don't let him succeed!"

Li Xing secretly sighed that the eighteenth prince really had revenge, and everything had to be done against the seventeenth prince. However, this person is the object of his current cooperation and can only help him.

He nodded and said, "Please Your Highness lead the way."

In this way, the two Li Xing hung behind the seventeenth prince not far and near. Once they found the prey, they would shoot at it with an arrow and kill the prey. The power of the absolute bow, combined with his extraordinary combat power, basically, no fierce beast can escape.

In this way, after three days of hard work, the seventeenth prince was still empty-handed. From time to time, he glared at Li Xing with killing eyes, forbearing no hands.

On the fourth day, Li Xing finally said: "His Royal Highness should be enough. Don't force his dog to jump over the wall. It's not beautiful."

The eighteenth prince has been in the limelight for a long time, and he is in a good mood. He said with a smile, "I'll let him go once." He also said, "Brother Li, let's continue to hunt for prey, we must pull off the leader of this hunt! "

Li Xing said lightly: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to get ahead." His eyes fell into the distance.

There was a young man there, with a deserted background, carrying an ancient bow, and shooting more prey than Li Xing.

The eighteenth prince saw this man, and the muscles in the corner of his mouth ### A few times, his look was not natural, and said: "I almost forgot him, **** thing!"

Li Xing noticed this person from the beginning. His cultivation is not high or low, ninety calamities of immeasurable great respect. However, the bow in his hand is a bit weird and amazingly powerful.

In addition, Li Xing felt a weak sense of civilization from this person. In other words, this person's plane may be brewing to develop his own civilization. If this is the case, he is a genius and a great civilization in the future.

"Who is he?" Li Xing asked, full of curiosity.

The eighteenth prince snorted: "A foreign monk ~ www.readwn.com ~ Taoist backlighting, currently serving in the army, because of his outstanding military merits and being sealed by the soil, was eligible to enter the hunting continent.

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "This person is very strong, and the bow in his hand should have quite some origin."

"That bow, which should be called 'Death Bow', was not a very noticeable thing, but after it fell into his hands, it suddenly became very powerful and surprising." The eighteenth Prince said.

Then he looked at Li Xing nervously: "Brother Li, are you really not sure of winning him?"

Li Xing laughed: "It's easy to win, just follow him."

The eighteenth emperor immediately understood what he meant, and laughed: "Yes! Brother Li's arrow is dead, and he dies with a single arrow. As long as he hangs behind this person, he can hunt first!"

Li Xing said: "Try it out." He strode forward to the skylight.


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