Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1246: Into the forbidden area

Chapter 1246: Jiuyang Demon Prince Blasts Into the Forbidden City (1800 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1246 Blasting Into the Forbidden Area (1800 Flowers and More)

At this time, the backlighting Tianzun is staring at a prey with full attention. This is a violent ape with great strength. He can move mountains and mountains. He is tall and is looking at the backlighting Tianzun with his cold and cruel eyes. It seems to be Feel the danger. ╚ ^ Net

The practice of this violent ape has definitely reached the level of immortality. It has more than 600,000 times the peak of immeasurable combat power and can kill the general immortality.

The Emperor Backlight is very calm. He is holding the Extermination Bow and has locked the Ape, ready to launch a critical strike at any time. But at this time, a sharp arrow came down, like a thunderous nine-day thunder. After the violent ape was bombed and killed, a huge explosion sounded.

Backlit Datianzun suddenly turned his head, his cold and brutal eyes glanced at Li Xing, and he moved away instantly, without saying a word, and continued to find the next target.

Li Xing sneered. The glance of the backlighting Tianzun was even more ruthless than that of the violent ape. He could be seen as a bite-killing man. He thought in his mind if he could find a way to kill the person and take the bow of destruction. .

He had a hunch that the bow of extermination of God was an extraordinary thing, and it was revealed from above that the atmosphere of civilization that responded to the backlighting Tianzun could be seen.

"Lord, Xiao feels that bow has an innate fetal body, and Bacheng is an unformed magic weapon, and the realm is not low." At this time, Ju Gong spoke.

When Jue bowed to the court, he served Li Xing and was cleaned up. Now he has been thoroughly brainwashed and became a loyal servant of Li Xing. He has simply forgotten his previous experience.

When Li Xing's heart moved, he remembered the innate instrument, and there were many similar examples. Because it was discovered too early, the magic weapon inside was not fully mature, resulting in the inability to fully exert its power.

And those who find the magical spirits do not necessarily know what they are getting, they just feel a little extraordinary. There are various types of magic treasures. Some are stones, some are shaped objects, even human-shaped creatures, beast-shaped creatures, and so on.

The exorcism bow in the hand of Backlight Datianzun is obscure. It may be a magic fetus that has not yet awakened. The words of the bow make him more convincing.

"If it is the magic weapon Yuanling, it should be an innate magic weapon. I have a lot of immortal magic weapons in my hand, but there are not many magic weapons." He turned his eyes, and followed the backlit Great Heavenly Supreme.

Before long, another beast came out. Whenever the backlighting Tianzun wants to take a shot, he must lock down his prey and use a certain amount of time to accumulate strength. But Li Xing is not the same. He pulls his bow and puts his arrow, as fast as he can.

An arrow of light and lightning thundered and killed indiscriminately. In this way, the backlighting Tianzun was uncomfortable like eating a fly. He repeatedly looked at Li Xing with threatening eyes to warn him, but it had no effect.

This was the case for a whole day. When I saw the backlight becoming more and more ugly, the eighteenth prince couldn't see it anymore, and felt uncomfortable in his heart. He secretly said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, I think I'm almost there. Don't bite so dead. "

Li Xing faintly responded: "The rest is nothing to do with His Royal Highness." Without further explanation, he continued to bite the Emperor of the Backlight and not give him a chance to kill him.

In the process of the backlight, Tianzun constantly changed his tactics and was busy increasing his arrow speed, but he was faster and Li Xing was faster than him. Sometimes even the arrows and cannons were fired in succession. I didn't know when to carry an ancient cannon on my shoulder to directly kill the prey.

For such a cruel person, Backlighting Tianzun is very speechless. Although he wants to kill this person who deliberately finds faults, he cannot break the rules.

However, there is a limit to the patience of anyone, and so does the Emperor of the Backlight. On the second day, when Li Xing once again killed a fierce beast, he finally could not bear it, turned and looked at Li Xing, and asked, " When are you following me? "

Li Xing sighed: "Who makes you so lucky and can always find prey, who do I not tell you?"

"Will you keep following?" He asked with a cruel murderous look in his eyes.

Li Xing laughed: "Why not follow? Don't you dare to kill me?"

The other side smiled faintly without answering, and turned and flew in one direction.

Li Xing followed without hesitation. The backlighting Tiantianzun walked fast in the front, and kept on going all the way to a barren land. There is no one here, and even fierce beasts cannot see one.

Backlight Da Tianzun turned around and stared at each other face to face with Li Xing, the former said: "Do you know where is behind you?"

"Is it the forbidden ground in the rumor?" Li Xing said.

"Yes, it's the forbidden ground. Do you know why I brought you here?" Backlight asked coldly.

"You must be jealous that I have hit more prey than you, so you want to lie to me here, trying to kill you." Li Xing looked worried.

Backlit Datianzun has vomiting blood ###, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "You're wrong, to attract you is to send you into the forbidden area."

"Depending on you?" Li Xing smiled and said disdainfully, "I'm afraid I don't have this ability."

"Really?" Backlighting Tianzun raised his right palm with his palm facing forward and pushed forward slightly.

Suddenly, an overwhelming mighty power hit him. This strength was so strong that Li Xing could not resist it at all. He felt that even if the Five Elements Emperor launched such a palm, it was nothing more.


Zhen Fei was smashed into his palm, the restraint behind him was broken, and the whole person was submerged. However, just as soon as he fell into the forbidden area, he reached out and grabbed a hand, and a suction force settled the sneering backlighting Tianzun.

The latter looked screamed and was dragged into the forbidden ground together.

Light and darkness alternated in front of me, but soon recovered and entered a strange and colorful world. Both Li Xing and Backlight Da Tianzun lay on the ground, one vomiting blood and the other was terrified.

The nature of vomiting blood was Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ That was a terrible moment. It almost shattered an auxiliary plane, and was killed by many people. But the emperor had the means to resurrect, and it was not a loss.

He propped himself up, staring at the backlight, and smiled, saying, "Your palm is very powerful. I don't know how you did it?"

Tianguang Zun stared at Li Xing fiercely, angrily, "You beast! Bastard! He even pulled me here, I will kill you!"

Before he could sit up, Li Xing took a slap to shoot down. At this moment, he exploded his full combat power. He broke the combat power in 600 steps and blasted it into the ground. , Seven holes bleeding.

After hitting the other side of the plain, Li Xing calmly said: "Although I am not as powerful as you were, I can beat you even worse. What can you do?"

The backlighting Tianzun “sucked” and vomited a tooth, raised his right palm and pushed Li Xing slightly.


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