Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1247: Chaos Bow

Chapter 1247: The Chaotic Bow (1900 Flowers)

Chapter 1247 Chaotic Bow

This time, another great force of terror came over, but Li Xing's figure shook, and it disappeared into light rain. Σfé, his true body, appeared behind the backlit Datianzun, and it was going to shoot again.

This time, he hid a blow in the past, causing the skin to bleed against the light, and the flesh was rotten, almost immature.

Li Xing stared at him coldly and said, "Although I don't know what method you have used to make such a horrible hand, I can see that you can't control this power at all, you can only borrow it rigidly. And once others When you discover this secret, your move is tantamount to no use. "

The backlighting Tiantianzun's eyes were full of resentment, staring at Li Xing, saying: "I won't let you go!"

"You won't let me go? If you're dead, how can you let me go?" Li Xing shook his head, sighed, reached out and lifted him up, blocking his strength.

At the same time, countless predatory seeds plunged into its plane, searching his body by the way, and exploring the mystery of that palm. Soon, he discovered the reason. There was a portal in this person.

The portal is not tall or gorgeous, and it is rusty. Inside the door is a dark void, and I don't know where to go. However, Li Xing could feel powerful fluctuations from it.

"What is it?" Li Xing was very surprised. He reached for the infant's life and asked, "Say, where did this door come from, and what are your two shots, but it is related to it?"

Backlighting Datianzun ’s life is controlled, which means his life is threatened. At this time, he can no longer be tough. He has to answer: “This is the door of faith. It absorbs the power of the beliefs of the heavens. ### A master?”

"Who is ###, and how do you borrow its power?" Li Xing trembled and asked quickly.

"I don't know. I only understand that this person is very powerful and can borrow power to use against the enemy." Backlight Datianzun said, "However, borrowing his power has to pay a price, which is to provide him with a lot of good fortune. Dan. "

Speaking of this, the Emperor Tianguang said: "I just borrowed his two palms, and the two thousand immortal forged alchemy that I had accumulated on my body were consumed."

Li Xing nodded and said, "In your plane, you already have a preliminary sense of civilization. It seems that you want to build an arrow civilization and have achieved results. Unfortunately, you are going to die today."

Backlight Datianzun loudly said: "Don't kill me, I can tell you a secret!"

"Does your secret refer to the Extermination of the Bow? Do you want to say that it is a magic weapon, isn't it?" Li Xing asked coldly. "And it is still a civil weapon, and your arrow civilization will suffer. It's inspired. "

"How do you ... how do you know?" Backlighting Tianzun felt desperate, and immediately roared, unwilling and desperate.

Li Xing sighed and said, "I didn't want to kill you, I just wanted to grab some of your prey. Why do you have to put me to death? Why do you have to enter the restricted area and commit a ban, I must not let you go Go, otherwise the news leaks, the Five Elements Emperor will have to kill me. "

"You can't kill me! Damn it! I am a civilized deity, and my future is immense, and no one can kill me!" The backlighting deity knew that he had no luck today, and suddenly became hysterical. As a result, Li Xing thought and plundered The ancient tree grew wildly, completely controlling him and turning it into a war puppet.

After plundering the ancient trees into the intermediate nine civilizations, the way to control the puppets is even more superb. Although I have erased my consciousness, wisdom is not diminished. I can still cultivate, but I will be loyal to Li Xing all my life.

In other words, although this backlit great deity has become a puppet, he can still be promoted to the civilized great deity in the future, but he will be loyal to Li Xing without any regrets.

After controlling the backlight, Li Xing took out the door of faith and took the bow of destruction. As soon as the extermination bow started, he sensed a strange sensation, a whisper of thoughts conveyed: "Who are you and what's your name?"

It's as if an uninformed child is asking an adult question.

Li Xing said in his heart, "I am the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, the ancestor of civilization, who are you?"

"I am a chaotic bow. I was taken away before I was born, and now I cannot grow up. Since you are the ancestor of civilization, can you help me?"

It seems that Chaos Bow is not malicious, Wen Yan asked Li Xing for help.

Li Xing asked, "Why did you call you the Bow of Extermination?"

"He said it was to hide people's eyes and ears, so that others would not take me away and refine it after they knew it," said the idea.

Li Xing laughed: "You are deceived, he doesn't want you to be taken away by others, and the person who robs you will never refine you, only treat you well and hope to reach a contract with you."

"Really? It doesn't make any difference to me. I just want to know if you can help me." The other asked again.

"Of course, but you have to promise me a condition." Li Xing took the opportunity to mention the conditions.

"You said."

"I can nourish you with a sense of civilization and make you a successful birth. However, you must now reach a contract with me, would you like it?" Li Xing asked.

"Establishing a contract is a lifelong event. How can I make such a hasty decision? I have to think about it," the other said.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "If you don't agree, let's sleep here until it turns into decaying dust."

Hearing that, the idea said: "You are the great deity of civilization, and it is not a loss to establish a contract with you. Okay, I promise."

Li Xing was pleased. Among the three emperors, now only the emperor does not have a smooth weapon. This chaotic bow is not a mortal thing, which is just right. He laughed at the moment: "Okay, let's conclude a contract now."

In other words, he conveyed his life-branded message to the past, and within the bow of extermination, there was also a life-branded. The imprint of life is the whole life information of a person, and the imprint of each person's life is absolutely different. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

From refining gas, refining gods, fetuses, and Tao fetuses, Li Xing has been enriching and perfecting his life. It can be said that his core secret will never be told to a second person.

However, if you want to establish a contract with the innate magic weapon, you must exchange the brand of life, so that you can reach the life contract and establish a relationship of mutual assistance.

After looking at Li Xing's life contract, Chaos Bow exclaimed: "Your vitality is so strong and so perfect, it seems that I have taken advantage."

Li Xing also laughed: "Your life is not bad, and you will be able to step into the broken world in the future, but you don't know if you can touch a severe broken one."

"You can, I can," said Chaotic Bow. "The imprint of life can be perfected."

In the imprint of life, all information of the person is recorded, from which we can see that a person's qualifications, potentials, vitality and other factors are the basis for the existence of a living being.


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