Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1248: Life contract

Chapter 1248: The Life Contract of Jiuyang Xiejun (2000)

Chapter 1248 The Life Contract (2000 plus more)

However, only one person can grasp the imprint of his life, even if he is a master of thirty-two broken pieces, he cannot analyze the imprint of a mortal life unless the latter is willing to contribute. . . ┝ & 网 ,,

In this sense, any life is equal, they have a unique code of life and cannot be deprived of by anyone. This is the imprint of life.

At the moment when life was matched, Li Xing grasped all the secrets of Chaos Bow, and Chaos Bow also mastered his secrets, and each other felt the improvement of the quality of life.

In particular, Chaos Bow, when he came into contact with Li Xing's imprint of life, he was exposed to the mixed Yuan civilization. There are similarities between the original and the original meaning of Shaanxi, which can be used for reference and complement each other.

Li Xing has also benefited. Within the chaos bow, the civilization of shooting is opened up. This is a killing civilization that greatly improves its combat effectiveness.

There are various types of civilizations. A civilization established by a certain race is called racial civilization, such as the elven civilization, the Holy Spirit civilization, and the sky demon civilization; the civilization that aims to kill is called the killing civilization, such as the sword civilization, the sword Civilization, shooting civilization, etc .; the civilization that evolved from the avenue is called the avenue civilization, such as Xuanhuang civilization, Yinyang civilization, and so on.

Among them, the killing of civilization is most conducive to key killings and enhances combat effectiveness.

Therefore, within a short time, Li Xing's combat power rose from 3.6 million times to the peak of immeasurable, to 6 million times to the peak of immeasurable, approaching the fighting power of the immortal Great Celestial God.

Six million times the peak combat power, roughly equivalent to a thousand steps of broken combat power.

At the same time, the strength of the Chaos Bow has also improved, and he couldn't help laughing: "Fantastic! Fantastic! After life fits, I feel the power has more than doubled!"

With a slight smile, Li Xing put the chaos bow down to the ancient village of civilization, nourishing its growth with civilization phosgene. The Chaos Bow also began to absorb the flavor of civilization greedily, and the time of its birth was just around the corner.

After doing all this, Li Xing looked around the environment and frowned slightly. Flowers and grass on the ground, mountains, stones, soil and water, are all colorful. Although they are good-looking, they are highly toxic and die when they touch them.

He has been on guard since entering the forbidden area. The Lord of Heavenly Poisons is here, but at the same time as the five-level Emperor, he was super scary. He didn't want to be killed for unknown reasons.

Based on this consideration, Li Xing didn't want to stay here for a long time. He put the divine thought into the door of faith, and wanted to use the power of the master in the door to open the prohibition and leave.

When he was about to communicate with the door of faith, he suddenly saw a young girl coming forward. The young girl was wearing colorful clothes, she was beautiful, but her eyes were extremely cold.

She walked a long distance in three or two steps, and in front of Li Xing, looked up at Li Xing and asked, "Little man, who are you, do you run to the place where you are old to die?"

The other party was old-fashioned, but Li Xing didn't dare to laugh at her, and quickly performed the rituals of the juniors, saying, "Predecessors must be the Lord of Heavenly Poisons.

Reaching out and not smiling at people, Li Xing complimented her. The coldness on the girl's face was a little less, and she said lightly, "You can talk to your mouth, and say, isn't the disgusting man of the Five Elements Emperor sent you?"

Li Xing hurriedly said: "Of course it isn't, the monks of the Five Elements are not here, but they are from outside the country. By accident, they didn't mean to disturb seniors."

"It's nonsense. The prohibition here is huge. Can you break in casually?" The Lord of Heavenly Poison looked cold and murderous.

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said, "If the seniors don't believe it, the younger people are willing to try to lift the ban."

The Lord of Heavenly Poison appeared in amazement, and said, "Okay, I'll see how you can break the ban."

Li Xing said positively: "Please leave the seniors a little bit away, and the younger ones will work hard."

The Lord of Heavenly Poison was amused by his words, and laughed: "Little devil, if you do your best, you are the Five Elements Emperor and you will not hurt me."

Li Xing nodded, and secretly communicated the door of faith, saying, "Can the seniors in that door be willing to make a deal?"

An old voice came from the door of faith: "Who are you? Where is the backlight?"

"Dead." Li Xing did not hide, "This door belongs to me now."

The other side didn't take it seriously and said, "Okay, first hand over the Dachaohuadan. As much elixir as you give, I will give you as much power as possible."

Li Xing said nothing and threw 3,000 Immortal Great Fortune Dan directly into it. At present, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce operates normally, and Jinjin fights for gold, but he has a lot of immortal creatures.

The old voice laughed: "You are bold, naturally the old man will not let you down, you are optimistic."

Li Xing quickly tore apart the time and space in front of the door of faith, ready to unleash the opponent's power at any time.

Sure enough, a moment later, an incomparable, great majestic force bombarded it, which was more arrogant than the two palms hit by the backlight.

At the same time, Li Xing pretended to push forward, pretending to open up a space channel secretly to guide the great force out. By his means, doing this kind of thing is just a small trick of carving insects, without any difficulty.


This power is boundless, and the ban will be lifted instantly, and the Lord of Heavenly Poison will be aside, his face will change greatly.

As soon as the ban was lifted, Li Xing said nothing and rushed to the gap. It's a pity that he was forced by a five-color smoke with his body together, and there was a coquettish laugh in his ear: "The little ghost has two hits, but you want to leave like this, my sister can't agree."

Li Xing was speechless for a while, and said that the old woman didn't know how many epochs she had lived. She even claimed to be her sister, and her skin was not ordinary thick. However, on the surface he smiled and said, "The seniors are clever and the younger generation admire them."

The girl "giggled" and smiled: "Little devil ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't think it sounds good now." She walked to Li Xing and looked at him carefully.

Li Xing could feel the breath she exhaled, exhaling like blue. However, he didn't dare to breathe. In front of him was the Lord God of Poison. Who knew if the breath was poisonous?

This woman caused Li Xingqi to encounter the five poisonous cults in the dragon elephant world, get the poisonous fetus, and refine it into a big poisonous magic. Although this is a long time ago, the foundation has remained.

Later, he practiced deeper and deeper, and the great poisonous technique became a poisonous tract, hidden in the imprint of his life. However, compared with the woman in front of him, his poisonous tract is ten thousand miles away, not at all a grade.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Xing secretly operated mixed yuan, and calculated the poisonous civilization. It didn't take long for him to reveal the breath of poisonous air in his body, which immediately made the Lord of Heavenly Poison feel a lot closer.

She looked happy: "Little devil, where did you get the poisonous heritage, it is so pure!"


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