Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1249: 9 Strange Poisons

Chapter 1249 The Nine Great Poisons

Chapter 1249: Nine Great Poisons

Li Xing is very speechless about the word "little ghost". He is also a man who has children and children. ,, and he straightened up: "The predecessors, the juniors who cultivated the poisonous path, all of them were enlightened, and there was no inheritance."

The Lord of Heavenly Poisons is even more surprised and praises: "Okay, very good. As long as you have a little qualification, you will be able to develop my poisonous way in the future."

The more she looked at Li Xing, the more she thought it was pleasing to her eyes, and finally she smiled, making Li Xing's scalp numb with a smile, and she didn't know what the Lord Tiandu was thinking of him.

"You devil, you know the poisonous way by yourself. So you have no teacher, so where do you come from?" Tiandu Lord asked with a smile.

Li Xingdao: "The juniors are from the Dragon Elephant World, just a small place."

"Dragon Elephant World" thoughtfully, the Lord of Heavenly Poisons said, "I have heard of Dragon Elephant Lord, he is a famous figure in the world with immense bounds."

Then she said: "No wonder you have such a qualification. It seems that you must have been passed down by the dragon elephant." She stared at Li Xing's eyes. "But the Lord is strange. How did you make that punch?"

Li Xing's fist borrowed the power of the door of faith, and the power was so great that it surprised the Lord Poison.

He instantly turned countless thoughts in his heart, and then truthfully said, "What happened before must have been able to hide the eyes of his predecessors. He broke into this place with another person at the same time and got something from him, called it Door of Faith. Inside the Door of Faith ### A powerful person, I can use his strength to make a formidable punch. "

He didn't tell the truth before, in order to flee the restrictions and flee here. But now that he ca n’t get away, he can only become more honest, or he may suffer the poisonous hand of the Lord of Heaven ’s poison.

Through the previous brief exchanges, Li Xing judged that this apparently harmless God of Poison is actually a moody person who talks about the murderous role of laughter and murder, and cannot be misdemeaned.

Sure enough, he said so, the Lord of Heaven ’s poison laughed: “Little devil, why have you changed **** and do n’t want to lie to me anymore? When you killed that person, the Lord saw the score and you did n’t take a law Device, isn't it? "

Li Xing sighed: "The predecessors are really brilliant and can't hide anything from you. But the predecessors and juniors' words are not actually misery. I did accidentally enter this place, and I am not the emperor of the Five Elements."

"Isn't it the spirit of the Five Elements, how could you break into this place? The entire Heavenly Poison Continent is banned, and only those who participate in hunting in the Spirit of the Five Elements can enter."

"Although the juniors are not people of the Five Elements, they can enter through others." So he mentioned the establishment of the chamber of commerce in cooperation with the eighteenth prince, but did not elaborate.

After listening to it, the Lord of Heavenly Poison thought for a while, and said lightly: "It seems that you little ambition is not small, and you actually set up the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. Do you want to control the Four Wildernesses? I dare not say that we can unite the four wastelands. "

The deeds of Emperor Dongxi and Emperor North and South, Li Xing also learned a few things from the memory of Emperor Bei. In history, among the four wastelands, there was a shocking and brilliant person. The power that ruled the world was the East Emperor and the West Emperor; the South Emperor and the North Emperor.

These four people are said to have reached the state of thirty-two broken pieces, with outstanding strength and dominating the world.

It is a pity that the four powers have fallen one after the other, and none of them can be unified.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Heaven's Drugs, Li Xing smiled bitterly: "How can young people have such ambitions? They just want to establish a chamber of commerce and earn some elixir."

"Really?" The Lord of Heavenly Poison looked at Li Xing. "You look at the means of killing you before, threatening to be overbearing, and have the spirit of a master of the world, not like an unwilling person."

Li Xinggan laughed: "Let seniors laugh."

The Lord of Heavens Poison sighed. She looked at Li Xing's eyes, she was kind of loving, and said, "If my son is not immortal, he may be as great as you. There is a strong cultivation at a young age. . "

Li Xing knew that there must be a story between the Heavenly Poison Lord and the Five Elements Emperor. He was silent for a moment and said, "The younger heard that the Five Elements Emperor attacked the Heavenly Poison Holy Land while their predecessors practiced poisoning. The rumors may not be true. "

The venomous expression of Tiandu Shengzhu's handsome face showed Li Xing's heart startled, and he could not help being alert.

"The five elements, this **** beast! I am his lover for many years, but he is so vicious, the poisoned hand is secretly accounted to me, and he wants to conquer the" Tiandujing ", so that the conflict will be broken in the future." Tianduo Lord hated his voice "Unfortunately, he counts so many things, not even Tiandujing has been integrated with my child."

"So he killed his predecessor's son and wanted to take away the poisonous classics?" What was happening in Li Xing's mind could not help but be surprised.

"It is my common son with him." The Lord of Heavenly Poison's voice was cold. "He killed his son with his own hands! But after all, the scriptures were not taken away, and the scriptures contained highly toxic substances. Watching it go back into my hands. "

Speaking of this, the Lord of Heavenly Poison laughed coldly, with a harsh voice, apparently there was a skyward resentment and boundless anger in her heart.

Li Xing still had doubts in his mind, asking, "Is the poisonous classic really so important that day, after training you can greatly enhance your strength?"

The Lord of Heavenly Poison looked at Li Xing and asked, "What is poison?"

Li Xing thought about it, and replied: "Poisoner, kill! Yeah, fierce and violent, killing human lives."

"Yes, the poisonous way is the ultimate killing way. When it reaches the extreme, it can kill everything. Tiandujing has recorded nine kinds of strange poisons. If these nine kinds of strange poisons are all refined, it can corrode thirty with the poison mystery. Triple Sky. "Heavenly Poison Lord," Breakthrough all the way to help him. "

Li Xing couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Break through the thirty-three days ~ www.readwn.com ~ this way is not your own strength."

The Lord of Heavenly Poison said: "I warned him like that, but he didn't listen. Because I didn't give him the Heavenly Poison Classic, he wanted to harm me and seize the scriptures. I think he is a figure in a broken state, actually It's ridiculous than your little ghost's knowledge. "

Li Xingdao: "He may have been in the broken environment for too long and didn't want to wait any longer, so he came up with this method."

"This beast, I curse that he can't step into a broken one in his life!" The Lord of Heavenly Poison hated her voice, and her tone sounded strange. There seemed to be a poisonous power to kill the world, curse everything, and made Li Xing's heart cold.

After telling his own past, the Lord of Heavenly Poison suddenly stared at Li Xing, saying, "Little ghost, if I pass on your mantle, will you accept it? If you accept it, I will kill the Five Elements Emperor in the future! You If you don't accept it, I will let you taste all the strange poison now, and violently die here! "

(Oh, dear, let ’s talk about it, save the flowers first, and send them off next month. The combat power has reached its limit.)


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