Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1250: Sky poison boy

Chapter 1250: Heavenly Poison Boy

1250 Sky Poison Boy

Li Xing was taken aback. This woman was too poisonous. Others were unwilling to inherit her mantle and had to be killed with poison. What's the reason?

Seeing Li Xing's expression of astonishment, the Lord of Heavenly Poison asked coldly, "Why, you are not willing? You know, you just learned all the secrets of this Lord. You think I will tell these strange things casually. people?"

Li Xing sighed, knowing that the thief could get on the boat today, but not on it. He thought for a while, and said, "It is a good thing to be able to get the inheritance of the predecessors. It ’s a good thing to fly.% 文? ^ 网 网The strength of the Five Elements Emperor has reached a state of fragmentation, and the juniors are immeasurable, and I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve the wishes of the seniors in a short time. "

"Anyway." The Lord of Heavenly Poisons said, "I have waited for so many years, and there is nothing to wait for a few years. As long as you can kill the Five Elements Emperor within this era, it will be successful."

Li Xing was relieved and said, "In this case, the junior promised to come down, and within this period, the Five Elements Emperor will be cut."

"Don't be too happy first." The Lord of Heavenly Poison ruthlessly said, "The Lord of God cannot completely believe in you, so you must place a restraint on you. If you fail to fulfill your promise, you will be subject to the nine poisonous phage. Suffering will be very miserable. "

Li Xing felt sore for a while, and he was afraid of what was coming. This woman really wanted to poison him, so as to control his behavior.

With a dull expression, Li Xing said, "The juniors talked a lot, and using poison to control is so much, I won't agree." He sneered, "The junior also gave the seniors two choices, either to control me with poison, or kill me now. . "

The Lord of Heavenly Poison looked cold and said arbitrarily, "Why, do you think I won't kill you?"

Li Xing laughed, suddenly stood up, and released a strong sense of civilization around him. He looked at the Heavenly Poison Lord: "Senior, within this era, I killed the five elements as if they were searching for things, which is not a great event. Except me Besides, I am afraid that the seniors cannot find a second more suitable candidate. "

On the surface, Li Xing was so "deemed to be dead", in fact, he had already secretly urged the detention of Yin Ling. If this woman really wanted to do anything, then he had to start and detain the person first.

The sacred Lord of Heaven's poison looked shocked and murmured: "Civilized Heavenly God, you are actually a civilized Heavenly God! Good, very good!" She laughed to heaven, seeming to be releasing a kind of resentment that has accumulated for many years.

After laughing, the Lord of Heavenly Poison said positively: "Child, you don't have to worry, I won't poison you." She sighed, "You are the great deity of civilization, and you will have unlimited achievements in the future. You will set foot on the broken ancient road. "What is the Five Elements Emperor? You can make him fly away with your fingers."

She was disappointed for a moment, and said, "How good would I be if I could watch you grow, kill the Five Elements Emperor, and then step into the source of civilization and search for the source of poisonous civilization."

Li Xing was taken aback and said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

The Lord of Heavens Poison sighed and said, "Don't you find out, I'm already dead?" Her appearance changed and turned into a scripture. The book floats in the air, and the five-color light flow turns, releasing spooky killings.

The voice of the Lord of Heavenly Poison: "I was killed by the Five Elements Emperor that year, but before dying, I put all my strength and will into the Heavenly Doctrine and held this area, hoping that one day You can meet the right people and pass on the poisonous path for revenge. Child, you are the one I want to wait for. I will pass the poisoned scriptures to you today. I hope you will carry it forward. "

"Don't forget your promise to slay the Five Elements Emperor and take revenge on me. In addition, when you killed the Five Elements Emperor, tell him your identity as a descendant of Heavenly Poison."

With a sigh, Li Xing had a bit of pity for her, so he held up the Tiandujing with both hands, and said in a deep voice: "Relax!"

Tianduo vibrated slightly, Li Xing felt that the will of Tianduo Lord gradually dissipated, leaving only pure poison. Sutras suddenly turned into a five-colored poisonous light, condensed into a teenager, dressed in boy costumes.

The boy bowed to Li Xing: "The younger see the master."

Li Xing nodded. He knew that the primal consciousness of Tiandu Jing had been changed by the Lord of Dudu, so he enshrined him. It is a great help for Li Xing to leave Tiandu boy.

The strength of Tiandu Boy should not be weak. Even if it is not as good as the Five Elements Emperor, it should not be much worse. It belongs to the top masters. Moreover, the poisonous boy is an expert in poisoning, which greatly enhances his combat effectiveness.

"Tiandu boy, please help me leave this place first." Li Xingming said.

The boy responded, stretched out his hand and grabbed, and a five-colored strange light fell into his hand, but he put away the prohibition of the poisonous road, indicating that Li Xing could leave.

Li Xing ordered him to enter the Yuanyuan plane, and then quickly left the scene.

As soon as the prohibition disappeared, the monks who came to hunt the continent felt it. They were stunned, but did not dare to get too close. Li Xing returned to the Eighteenth Prince immediately.

The eighteenth emperor was so anxious that when he returned, he quickly asked, "Where has the Emperor Tianguang gone?"

Li Xingdao said: "The chase is lost, this man really has extraordinary means."

The eighteenth prince breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Anyway, the hunt is about to end soon, and he will shoot again, not as much as you."

Speaking of which, his face was proud, and he patted Li Xing on the shoulder. He said, "Thank you for your help, thanks to you this time. After returning, my prince will thank you well."

Li Xingxin said that it was right to thank you. It gave me a bow of chaos and a door of faith, and a boy of Heavenly Poison. The harvest was huge. On the surface, he said positively, "The things of your Highness are things of your Highness. Why be polite?"

The 18th prince was very moved and said, "This prince can be friends with Brother Li, which is the wisest decision in this life."

The hunt soon ended, and there was no suspense. The 18th prince hit the most prey ~ www.readwn.com ~ and became the biggest winner. Of course, no one will ask whether the prey was hit by his own hands. During the hunting process, he can bring his own with him, and other princes also have masters to follow.

Although the hunting conference is over, there are many follow-up events, such as the awards conference, hunting banquet, and so on. Li Xingdu said that there was no time to push it all out, and excuses to go out.

On the day of the return of the hunt, in the Imperial Palace of the Five Elements, the ancient ancestor Tianzun was reporting to the Great Elemental Emperor: "Your Majesty, the prohibition has indeed disappeared."

"Have you found the Tiandujing?" Shen of the Five Elements Emperor asked.

"Subordinates searched the entire continent and found no Tiandujing, and no Tianduo Lord."

"This is impossible." The Five Elements Emperor narrowed his eyes. "Tiandu may be dead, but Tiandujing will not disappear for no reason."

After thinking for a moment, he said ruthlessly: "Investigate all the people involved in the hunt, rather than kill a thousand by mistake, not one!"


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