Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1251: Emperor Ding's career

Chapter 1251: Emperor Ding Is Born

Chapter 1251: Emperor Ding Was Born

Ancient Worm Tianzun: "Your Majesty's meaning, someone took the Tiandujing?"

"Not necessarily. ┌fé" the Five Elements Emperor said, "It is also possible that the Tiandu Jing is attached to a certain person, and the spirit in the scriptures is not weaker than human beings. In short, you must investigate clearly, you must find out the Tiandu Jing.

"Yes!" Gu Tiantianzun led away.

The Five Elements Emperor stared at the void and said to himself: "Heavenly poison, I wonder if you are really dead. If you do not die, it will be difficult for your husband."

When Li Xing drove the Snake Ship in Yuanyuan while traveling through the vast time and space, in the cold face of Junyuan, under the ancient tree of civilization, the two magic spirits were talking fiercely.

"I said brother, it looks like you're not in a low state, but unfortunately it's too early to be born. My brother and I are different. I have cultivated under the ancient tree of civilization for countless years and can be born today."

The Emperor Ding is talking. Its spiritual fetus has been completed, and it can break through in recent days, becoming a true immortal inborn magic weapon. So between words, there is a little complacent.

Chaotic Bow caught him in a sentence, and he asked, "Divine Emperor or Emperor?"

Di Huang Ding closed his mouth and said for a long time: "The three emperors are one, and they can't compete."

Chaos Bow asked again: "Three Emperors or Big Heaven?"

Di Huangding hummed a few times, and said, "That is naturally the greatest celestial body, but ..."

Chaos Bow preemptively said: "I entered into a contract with Datianzun. Fair and mutual assistance represents Datianzun. What do you do when you see me?"

Di Huang Ding lost his temper for a while. The world is big, but it is not as big as Junyuan Da Tian. He is the supreme plane and the master of creation. Di Huang Ding cannot refute.

After being silent for a while, Di Huangding only said: "Brother, see the boss."

Chaotic Bow said with a satisfied "um": "This is pretty much the same."

Maybe it was stimulated, the Emperor Ding's spirit womb suddenly shook, and a sky of light rose into the sky. I saw a bronze Fang Ding, with four feet and two ears, on which carved birds, beasts, grass, mountains and stones, all kinds of the world, the stars of the universe.

As soon as this tripod came out, the plane vibrated, and the emperor first sensed that he came on foot. This tripod fell into his hands and turned into the size of a palm, releasing a simple atmosphere.

With a tripod in hand, the imperial spirit of the Emperor soared and rushed to a new height. The realm of the emperor has already reached the immortal state. At this moment, he has the emperor's tripod, and his strength has leap.

The birth of the Emperor Ding shocked the world, and the Emperor came to congratulate him. The Emperor also sent a dragon elephant boy and a mountain and sea boy to Daoxi, and set a banquet to invite the Emperor and the Emperor to the banquet.

At this time, Li Xing ’s residence, Li Taichu, who had grown up a beautiful boy, was followed by a group of beautiful young girls, who were hiding in the garden of flower and butterfly dance.

Li Taichu was dressed in white, personable, elegant, and elegant. He covered his eyes with black cloth and stretched his hands to scratch. The young girls were all overwhelming, and deliberately bumped into his arms.

"Caught." Li Taichu smiled "Hey" and squeezed a few hands on the chest and hips of the beautiful girl in her arms. The latter was gasping, and Jiao Rong seemed to be unhappy and unhappy, holding his neck softly and offering incense lips.

While Li Taichu was enjoying it, he suddenly felt a pain in his head and was knocked by a thriller. He was furious and opened the cloth and scolded: "Who is impatient, dare to hit you ..."

Suddenly he closed his mouth, because Li Bazheng sneered and stood behind him. Swallowing his mouth, Li Taichu said, "Brother, you are busy with everything, how can you go home?"

Li arrogantly: "I won't come back again, haven't you ruined the girls in the family?"

Li Taichu laughed aloud: "Brother jokes, where is the mess, it is Linxing."


Li Ba struck a note on his head again: "You don't learn well at a young age, see how your father will pack you when he comes back."

Li Taichu held his head in dissatisfaction, and said, "Brother can't eat grapes and say grape sour, you obviously want to eat them, but say me again."

Li Ba blushed and scolded: "Fart! When did I want to eat?"

Li Taichu pouted, "If it weren't for the strictness of the stubbornness, you wouldn't eat more than me." Then "Hey" smiled, "Which one was punished in the yard last night and said," I won't Dare, I won't dare next time ', isn't it Brother? "

Li Ba was revealed by the third brother's teachings, and immediately became angry and smitten. Li Taichu made a strange scream, turned around and fled. "You dare hit me again, I will confess you with Xiaojuan Xiaocao Xiaohua."

Li Pa stopped immediately, looked at Li Taichu in surprise, and said angrily, "How did you know?"

Mrs. Li was proud of herself, and said, "I don't know your business without you."

Li Ba lifted his anger and grinned at Li Taichu with a smile that was uglier than bitterness, and said, "In the beginning, you must not let your grandmother know about this, or we all know the danger of our entire mixed element."

Li Taichu was called scalp numb by "Chuchu", and quickly patted his chest: "Brother, rest assured, this is rotten in the stomach, except for me, no second person will know."

"Really?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded. When I do n’t know, Bai Feifei appeared behind Li Ba, his face covered with frost, his eyes shining through.

Li Ba, like a cat with a trampled tail, jumped up and shouted, "What the hell, my father told me something, I'm leaving." After that, he turned his head and ran, and behind him was Bai Feifei, who was hunting all the way.

Li Taichu wiped his sweat, and said to himself, "You can't marry your wife if you kill him. Your elder brother is a lesson learned!"

He muttered to himself like this, and a few **** were tired again. Li Taichu was about to get some affection, and suddenly heard a cough, and saw four old men walking around.

These four people are the patriarchs of Li Taichu, the four elephants. The four old men took Li Taichu from a small tube to a big one, which was quite severe. Upon seeing them, Li Taichu was shocked and hurriedly greeted them, saying, "Four uncles, are you out of customs?"

Lao Yang in the Four Elephant Grand Celestial said indifferently: "How many times has the old man said, Lord? Www.readwn.com, call me Lao Yang. You do n’t have to be called an uncle. You are our master.

Li Taichu waved his hands indifferently, and said, "Everyone is a family, you don't have to be polite." Then asked, "Why are the four uncles looking for me?"

Shaoyang said: "The Lord has broken through immeasurably, and his combat strength is not weak. It is time to go outside and do some fighting. Don't always be under the protection of Da Tianzun."

Li Taichu froze, he has lived in the mixed world since ###. From parents to brothers, everyone loves him so much that life is carefree.

Sixiang was worried that such a life would kill his will, so he made this suggestion.

"Did the father agree?" He asked.

"Da Tianzun said that the four of me can ask the Lord with all his powers and take him out at any time." Lao Yin.


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