Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1252: Beihuang Chamber of Commerce

Chapter Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1252 Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance (2100 flowers)

Chapter 1252 Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce (2100 flowers)

Li Taichu said, "I just have to leave, and I have to talk to my mother. [Fè"

"No need, Madam, we have already explained it." Laoyang Tiantian said, "Lord, we can go now."

Li Taichu frowned: "The four uncles are too anxious, I'd better go talk to my mother."

Laoyang Datian sighed and said, "Sometimes, Lord, you have to know how to give up, and you have to give up."

Li Taichu was a wise man. He pondered for a moment and said, "Uncle said it, it was clear at the beginning." He grinned, and said, "My father has been in the northern wasteland, so we will go to the northern wasteland."

In other words, the five turned into five streamers, left the mixed world, entered the vast northern wasteland, and began a legendary journey.

Soon after Li Taichu left, Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao manifested. Murong Jiaojiao sighed and said, "This child is used to being small and spoiled. I don't know if he can cope with the **** wind outside."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "My son is not bad. If he doesn't experience grinding, he will never grow up. The eagle will always spread its wings and fly. Sooner or later there will be this day."

In fact, he was also worried about his son, not knowing that Sixiang Datianzun could take good care of him. But even so, he resolutely watched Li Taichu leave. This is a parental state of mind, filled with contradictions.

Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao did not expect it at the moment. When Li Taichu left, it was like a dragon entering the sea, and the tiger returned to the mountain. It will set off a big storm in the northern wilderness, and it will stretch in all directions.

The Snake Warrior drifted outside for more than a month and swallowed up a lot of continents, then turned around and returned to the Five Elements Continent.

At first, Li Xing chose to leave after hunting, because he was worried that the change of the Heavenly Poison Lord's affairs would affect him. His prediction was undoubtedly correct. Soon after he left, all those involved in the hunt were investigated.

This investigation doesn't matter. Some people who have nothing to do with the whereabouts of Tiandujing have been implicated, and some have been executed and some have been detained. Moreover, during the investigation, some unscrupulous inside information was also exposed, which led to a purge of the Five Elements continent.

This storm lasted for more than a month. He had originally wanted to investigate Li Xing, but he had left Shichichizi Mansion, his whereabouts were unknown, and the ancient worm Da Tianzun could not investigate, so he had to stop.

Li Xing returned to the Five Elements Continent and did not go to see the Eighteenth Prince. What happened during this time, he has learned through the news channel of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, understand that at this time it is not appropriate to contact the Eighteenth Prince.

Once the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce entered the right track, its advantages immediately appeared, and the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce of the Seventeenth Prince could not compete with it at all. Today, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has surpassed the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce, occupying two-thirds of the market share, and this quota is still rising.

It doesn't take long for the entire Tianbao Chamber of Commerce to be squeezed out of the market. This is expected. However, Tianbao Chamber of Commerce naturally will not sit still and has launched many sales strategies, but the effects are not obvious.

For example, in the recent period, Tianbao Chamber of Commerce intends to hold a large auction to increase its popularity. It is said that the auction was a trivial matter. It was initiated by the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce and an organization called the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Li Xing doesn't know much about the organization of Beihuang Chamber of Commerce, but only some superficial understanding. Beihuang Chamber of Commerce is rumored to consist of 370 million chambers of commerce. The alliance has divisions at all major points of influence.

Tianbao Chamber of Commerce was not previously a member of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance, but in order to fight against the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, the seventeenth prince chose to join this alliance, hoping to use the strength of the Chamber of Commerce to fight a turnaround.

The alliance branch is newly established, and its appearance should be part of the agreement between the two parties. As for the specific collusion between the two parties, what agreement was reached, and how to hold this auction, Li Xing was not aware of it. However, he can guess the points after careful analysis.

The biggest reason for this return is because of this auction. An alliance of 370 million chambers of commerce has terrifying power, and the auctions organized by its branches are certainly no small matter.

Therefore, he wanted to enter the auction site and see if there was anything useful. After the establishment of civilization, his eyes became quite spicy, and good things basically could not escape his eyes.

Back to the Chamber of Commerce, Li Xing's first thing was to transfer a large amount of Daquan Dan from the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce. Of the total, there are 5 million immortal Great Fortune Dans and 5 billion Great Immortal Fortune Dans.

These great creations were prepared for the auction organized by the North China Chamber of Commerce, and he had a hunch. At this auction, maybe you can find good things.

In fact, the real good stuff is often related to civilization, and Li Xing is the great deity of civilization, so he can always see with wisdom. For example, the ancient artillery can not be used by others. Even if it can be seen, it cannot be used, but he can.

Prepared the Dahuahuadan, the auction meeting over there is also open, so he took Li Xuanbai and Li Yingxiong to the auction together. The reason for these two is to distract at auction and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Li Xiongbai and Li Xuanbai's cultivation are not bad. Li Yingxiong has reached the peak of the 95th calamity. Li Xuanbai is also the 94th calamity. He can help Li Xing share some things.

The auction is held at the headquarters of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce, which is a huge jade platform suspended in the air. Yutai is three thousand miles long and eight hundred miles wide. Qionglou Yuyu on the top, the street is wide, and the shops are connected one by one.

Once upon a time, this place was always in full swing, but since it was robbed of business by the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce ~ www.readwn.com ~, it has become lonely in front of the door. However, due to the auction held today, the number of guests is obviously many times more lively.

After the three arrived, they were not in a hurry to enter, but inquired about the situation, and then walked towards Tianbao Tower. Tianbao Tower is the core of Tianbao Chamber of Commerce, where many high-level figures sit.

Today, the auction is held in Tianbao Tower. This is obviously a high-end auction, so not everyone can enter and must have a considerable net worth.

Li Xing, Li Xuanbai, and Li Yingxiong entered separately. They had passed the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce for a long time and got a qualification sign, so they were not blocked and entered smoothly.

The interior of the Tianbao Tower is decorated with pearly jewels, and even the paintings on the wall are immortal-level instruments, and the small urn serving tea and water is also a massive celestial statue.

This is a rectangular hall with a high platform at one end of the hall, where Guanghua meets, which is obviously the place of Liangbao. It is worth mentioning that the high platform was actually built with a whole piece of immortal real gold!


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