Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1253: Auction starts

Chapter 953: The Auction of Jiuyang Xiejun (2200 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1253 The Auction Begins (2200 Flowers Plus Even More)

When Li Xing built the imperial battleship, one of the raw materials was immortal real gold. He is not worthy of real gold. It is a solid thing that is extracted from the bones of the immortal God, and is extremely precious. Such precious things have been taken out as materials for building Taiwan.

However, it is clear that the Beihuang Chamber of Commerce has done so in order to show its extraordinary financial resources so as to attract more customers.

On the other side of the platform are rows of nephrite thrones. These nephrite are all superb. A large palm is worth hundreds of thousands of good fortunes. Once a mortal sits on it, he can extend his life for hundreds of years, which has a greater effect on practitioners.

Next to the nephrite throne, there are jade tables with fruit and tea on them. The guests were talking about tea and waiting for the start of the auction.

The three Li Xing took their seats separately and each chose a seat. These seats can be seated at will, but for the sake of low-key, the three of them are seated relatively backward.

Li Yingxiong grabbed a handful of melon seeds fried with the fat of the immortal monster and swiftly held it. On the seat to his left, there were two young monks, a man and a woman.

The male monk was handsome, but in fact, all the great men are handsome and handsome, and most of the women are beautiful. Only those who have cultivated their mind to a certain level will not care about appearance.

Hero Li appeared in his original appearance. Yushu was in the breeze, and his appearance was ten times better than that of the man next to him, causing the woman to secretly glance at him from time to time.

Li Yingxiong was very despised. He said that Lao Tzu had such a charm without taking off his clothes. If the clothes were cut off, this chick would not be able to give her away directly.

Thinking so wildly in the heart, the male practitioner over there was unwilling. He coughed, and slapped Li Yingxiong with the light of the corner of his eye, and said lightly, "Cousin, what kind of person do you think of him? Look at his undress, The temperament is insignificant. At first glance, I know that there is no person with status. Maybe it is the slave who ran out of the Wuling continent. "

Hearing the other side's evaluation, Li Yingxiong was furious, and with his eyes glaring, he was about to go up the shelf. But at this time, if Li Xing's eyes swept him from afar, he immediately lowered his head and said, "This grandson, wait until the auction is over, Grandpa will teach you!"

What's more depressing for Li Yingxiong is that when the female Xiu heard that he might be a slave, she could not help but frowned Liu Mei and said, "Cousin, how can such a poor person be mixed into the auction?"

The man Xiu immediately found a sense of superiority, and deliberately exclaimed: "Maybe it is the master's qualification sign that is stolen, hum, this kind of slave is very cheap, and about to do this kind of stealing things."

"I bear!" Li Yingxiong bowed his head and ate the fried sunflower seeds fiercely, but he chewed together with the belt kernel and swallowed it all.

Li Xuanbai was much more secure. Standing on the throne of nephrite with both hands and feet, one hand was scratching it in his clothes, and the other was holding a teapot and a cow drink.

Everyone around him was far away from him, with a look of scorn, and said in his heart how did such goods come here?

He has always been wavy, and now he is showing his original shape, making people laugh. But for the people who commented on him, Li Xuanbai was more calm, and he didn't hesitate. He didn't listen at all.

In contrast, Li Xing sat quietly, looking around the auction hall, looking for someone who might become a competitor.

At the auction, you can see who has the most purchasing power. Generally, you can fix it. Often, the higher the strength, the stronger the person, the more he will carry with him.

He glanced at everyone, and sure enough he found a lot of experts. Among the thousands of people in the hall, there are hundreds of Immortals.

There are also some people with unpredictable strength, most likely those in a broken state.

Li Xing secretly was surprised, knowing that at today's auction, you must be extremely careful and do your best to not offend people.

As the crowd waited for the auction to begin, outside the hall, in a hidden space, the seventeenth prince was talking with several middle-aged people. These middle-aged people are mostly immense gods, one of them is an immortal figure.

The immortal master must have white hair, benevolent eyes, and smiled at the seventeenth prince: "His prince, rest assured, the things put up for auction this time are treasures of the town league that have been treasured by the Northern Wild Chamber of Commerce."

"The holding of this auction conference is to cheer Your Highness and enhance the reputation of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce. On the other hand, it is also the first package of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce in this region. We must let the world know that the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance It's a powerful force, and joining us will have no harm. "

The seventeenth prince is worried about the authenticity: "My prince is not worried about the lack of things. On the contrary, I am afraid of releasing too many good things. Those who participate in the auction cannot afford it. What should I do?"

The old man with white beard laughed and patted the seventeenth prince on the shoulder and said, "This prince need not worry, as long as it is a good thing, there is no fear that no one wants it. In fact, people who come to participate in the auction are not only locals, but also far Many of the great figures have already arrived, but the prince did not know. "

The seventeenth prince made such a big movement for the first time. In fact, he was not sure whether joining the Chamber of Commerce was good or bad.

In the midst of many calls, the auction meeting finally began. The auction host is a white robe immortal deity. He smiled and walked up the platform made of immortal real gold, announcing loudly: "Let you wait a long time, I announce that the auction will now begin!"

Then there was a flash of lightning across the void, the thunder blew, and a portal appeared above the platform.

Seeing this portal, the female Xiujiao beside Li Yingxiong shouted, "Cousin, look, this is the portal to the immortal world!"

My cousin nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said, "The portal to the immortal world is nothing. The gateway is unpredictable. Bacheng is an immortal figure."

Li Yingxiong shook his lips and couldn't help but said, "I really don't know, this is the portal of immortality, it's just an open channel, idiot!"

The nun was so ironic that he looked angrily with a look of anger. This is an auction. He didn't dare to do it. It was a move to death. He would be directly killed by the masters here.

Li Yingxiong glanced back at him, and said the word "idiot" again with his mouth shape, so annoyed that the male Xiu wanted to vomit blood.

But even if he vomits blood, he has to swallow it back, because the auction has started, and a boy comes out of the face channel and holds a jade plate in his hand. On that jade plate, a radiant fabric was covered, and the contents were not clear.

The host spoke to everyone and said loudly: "Comrades and friends, this is the first thing to be auctioned, please see!"


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