Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1254: Civilization Chariot

Chapter 1254: The Civil War Chariot (2300 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1254: Civilized Chariot

The host lifted up the fabric covering the jade plate, exposing a palm-sized, egg-shaped thing with a smooth surface, as if it were a piece of jade. ┠⊿ & Net

However, there are sharp-eyed people under the field, and at a glance, they can see the origin of the object, and said loudly: "Broken Buddha Fat!"

Everyone immediately talked and looked surprised.

"This is the fat extracted from the Buddha in the Broken Realm. A piece of nail size can enhance people's cultivation. It can be used for alchemy and can be used to light the lamp. Especially after the lamp is burned, the light shines on all heavens and earth. Putting it on the plane to ignite can improve the living people as a whole by several levels! "

"This slap is a large piece of Buddha fat, which can burn for 10,000 years, and the price must be expensive. It seems that we have little chance to grab it." Someone sighed.

"Be sure to buy it, at any cost!" Someone clenched his fists and made a secret decision.

Li Yingxiong was the most impatient. He left his throne, stood up, stared at Fo Zhi, and looked at him secretly, and said to Li Xing, "Brother, take a picture, good things!"

"What's the matter, there is something in this warehouse. Sit down, the good stuff is still behind." Li Xing secretly scolded.

Hero Li scratched his head and sat down again.

"Okay, the price is quoted below. The starting price is two hundred immortal chemical alchemy, and each increase is not less than twenty chemical alchemy.

A fierce scramble began immediately below.

"I have two hundred!"

"I'm out of two hundred and twenty!"

"Two hundred and forty!"

"Two hundred and eighty!"

The price soared quickly, and it was not long before it reached the five hundred immortal great fortune, and finally it was won by the five hundred and twenty immortal.

Next, the second and the third, more things are presented one after another. There are indeed many darlings, even Li Xing was excited about it. However, everyone knows that such things are precious, so the bidding is very fierce.

The twentieth auction object was highlighted on the high platform. There were 20 items in this auction, which filled the entire high platform.

These are twenty seemingly tattered chariots with a quaint and desolate atmosphere. There are some weapons on it, including cannons, crossbows, giant shields, nets and so on.

As soon as Li Xing saw these things, his eyes brightened, and he secretly said to Li Yingxiong, "Photograph these things."

Although Li Yingxiong felt that these broken cars were not worth anything, he believed in Li Xing's eyesight and said, "Brother, look at me, I must win it!"

At this time, the host began to introduce these combat powers, and said, "You guys, these twenty seemingly broken tanks in front of you are very precious civilization tanks! Although they are damaged, they still bear the mark of civilization, and There is still some lethality. "

"A good civilized chariot can kill immortality. Do you see the sixty cannons on the chariot? This is a large-scale ancient artillery with amazing power! And this ten-wheel crossbow can continuously find the arrow light. Suitable for group battles. "

"The giant shield in front of the chariot, called the reflection shield, can rebound 50% of the attack. If you take it down and repair it, it will be more beautiful than an immortal defense weapon!"

"Look at this net again, it's called 'Tianluo Di Net' and it's specially used to hunt and escape enemy forces. Once the net comes out, nothing will happen! What more hesitates? Buy this thing, it's absolutely worth it!"

"Twenty civilized combat powers, starting at one hundred immortal great fortune, with a price increase of not less than ten each time, the one with the highest price!" The host announced the bidding after some evaluation.

This time, Li Yingxiong was so angry that he was not the first to bid.

Obviously, not many people were interested in these tattered chariots. Only a moment later, one person said: "I have a hundred immortal fortune!"

After this person quoted, no one actually competed with it, making the bidder slightly regret. When the host was preparing to finalize, Li Yingxiong lazily said, "One hundred and twenty."

The first bidder hesitated for a moment and said, "One hundred and thirty."

Li Yingxiong murmured loudly: "Lao Tzu was rotten. After these things are returned to the furnace, they are worth up to 135 immortal fortunes."

Everyone heard his murmur, rolled their eyes, and said that no wonder this virtue, it turned out to be broken!

After he muttered, he exclaimed: "One hundred and forty."

The man was shocked by the words "buckled up", hesitated again and again, and gave up.

"Filled" is actually not low status, and they are often entangled in generations. There are only a few big celestial beings doing this business, so the world lacks understanding and often looks down on them.

"One hundred and forty one, two hundred and forty one, three hundred and forty ..." The host regretfully said, "Twenty civilized chariots, found the master."

At the auction site, someone immediately went to Li Yingxiong and asked him to pay a deposit first. Li Yingxiong quickly took out forty immortal chemistries and continued to follow up the auction.

More than a dozen auction items in the back did not attract Li Xing's attention until a huge stubborn stone appeared in front of him. The stone is tens of feet high, and the waistline is more than ten feet high. The surface is rough and uneven, so nothing special can be seen.

However, the host introduced that the stone will not burn if it burns, it will not boil when it is boiled, it wo n’t break with a knife, it wo n’t break with a thunder, and even the celestial being in the broken realm ca n’t damage it by a penny. stone.

"What is the use of this stone?" Someone asked strangely. "Even if it is strong, it cannot be eaten, let alone used as a weapon."

"What do you know, if there is such a strange thing, there must be treasure in it, but I don't know what it is. Good luck, maybe it is not a wonderful treasure, bad luck, or nothing at all, or ordinary Something, "someone explained, looking like an experienced character.

Li Xing looked closely. In his eyes, the light of civilization flashed a little, and he saw something in the stone faintly. It was a huge stove with three-legged round mouths and a simple style.

However, because the breath was sealed in the stone, he couldn't see what it was, but it must not be ordinary.

After thinking about it, Li Xing decided to take down the stone, and said to Li Xuanbai: "Xiao Jin, prepare yourself and take down this thing."

Li Xuanbai immediately took his waist off the jade seat ~ www.readwn.com ~ and began to take it seriously, staring at the stubborn stone.

"Within this stone, you will hide the treasure, please take the opportunity! The treasure is stubborn, starting at three thousand immortal fortune, and the price increase is not less than three hundred each time.

The crowd immediately started bidding, which was very fierce, and many people wanted to bet their luck.

"Three thousand immortal fortunes!"

"Three thousand three! This thing belongs to me!"

"Three thousand sixteen, it's better not to grab me!"

"Four thousand! I want to order this thing!"

"Joke, I am five thousand, who is fighting?"

Everyone who dares to come out to bargain, all of them are wealthy and powerful, they are brazen and arrogant when bidding.


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