Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1255: 19 castes

Chapter 1255: The Nineteen Castes (2400 Flowers + More)

Chapter 1255 Nineteen Castes (2400 Flowers Plus Even More)

Compared to the wave of quotations higher than waves, Li Xuanbai was much lower-key, he just watched quietly. [Later, there were only three or five bidders left, and the price was raised to the high of 10,000 immortal.

At this time, Li Xuanbai knew that it was time for him to take a shot, and he said in a deep voice, "I'll do it!"

Suddenly, a thousand immortal Great Fortune Dans were raised. This courage made a few people in the fierce contention, some of them began to hesitate. For them, Li Xuanbai was Cheng Chengjin who was killed halfway, which was quite shocking.

However, there are also people who will get the stubborn stone, and an immortal celestial prince quoted: "12,000!" After that, he stared coldly at Li Xuanbai with warning.

"Thirteen thousand." Li Xuanbai did not seem to see him and continued to raise prices.

There was a flash of anger in the immortal Datianzun's eyes, and the stubborn stone may not be really valuable. He just wanted to buy it and try his luck. If the price was too high, the risk would increase.

After a moment of hesitation, the immortal still gritted his teeth and said, "Fourteen thousand!"

"Fifteen thousand." Li Xuanbai lifted up slowly.

The immortal figure finally gave up, he shook his head and stopped shouting. Li Xuanbai just let out a sigh of relief, an arrogant, arrogant, contemptuous voice sounded: "This stone is a little bit interesting, it's less expensive, 20,000 pills."

Li Xuanbai almost vomited blood. Where did this run out ###, is there such a quote? He looked towards his voice, and saw an immortal youth Da Tianzun, and behind him were two immortal followers.

This man glanced at Li Xuanbai with a faint look at the ants, and all the expressions were empty.

Li Xuanbai snorted and said, "Two thousand and one thousand."

Everyone cast a surprised look on him, and this person was also bold, and did not see anyone else's wealth and strength, how dare to argue? If you continue to fight like this, you won't have a good chance of winning the stubborn stone, and you will still offend others.

The immortal youth Tianzun smiled coldly and said, "Thirty thousand."

Li Xing frowned slightly. When encountering such a need, anyone would have a headache. He said, "Quote 50,000."

Li Xuanbai understood that Li Xing was shocking each other, so as to avoid the two sides to continue to consume it, which is not good for anyone. He immediately cried, "Five thousand immortals!"

The eyelids of the immortal youth Datianzhuang really jumped, his eyes were full of evil spirits, and a murderous flood permeated the whole audience. This was the threat of Chiba. Although he didn't say anything, he was admonishing Li Xuanbai. If he would fight with him again, he would kill.

Li Xuanbai suddenly shouted, "Who is in charge? Someone threatened me!"

Everyone stayed, but did not expect Li Xuanbai to be so direct, saying that someone threatened him. The immortal youth Da Tianzun even gloomed, as if being beaten.

The host's face sank, and he said, "Who is threatening you, this Taoist?"

Li Xuanbai pointed at the immortal youth, and said, "It's this idiot. Fuck is worried that he can't beat me, so he threatens my life."

Hearing these words, the immortal youth Datianzun almost vomited blood. An immortal Datianzun behind him yelled, "Boy, don't talk nonsense. No one threatens you. And you are not worthy of my little master's threat. "

"Get off your mother!" Li Xuanbai fooled like a hooligan, leaping and cursing. "There is a kind of newspaper to go out of the house. I will definitely visit your female relatives in the future."


The youth immortal Da Tianzun smashed the nephrite throne with one punch, stood up, stared at the fierce light, stared at Li Xuanbai and said, "Boy, this young man is from the North Famine family!"

"I see." Li Xuanbai said lazily, "I will visit them one by one later."

As soon as this sentence was linked to the above sentences, it immediately made people think, many people couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The youth immortal Datianzhuang was furious, pulled out his throne, and raised his hand toward Li Xuanbai as a sword. The sword is so sharp and unparalleled that it can be seen as an immortal sword with great power.

However, a large hand protruded from the void, releasing a shattered breath. The big hand flicked, Jian Guang shattered, and at the same time, the majestic voice came: "If there is another troublemaker, kill."

The fluttering words, a faint tone, surprised everyone, even the young immortal Da Tianzhuang obediently put away the sword, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Li Xuanbai smiled "Hey" and said to the host: "It was about no one robbed me, is this the stubborn stone belongs to me,"

"Sixty thousand!" Said the youth immortal Datianzhuang fiercely, and he could not swallow this breath. He is a drug dealer, and the drug dealer is one of the nineteen castes of the Northern Wilderness. He has a huge power and no one dares to despise it.

"70,000!" Li Xuanbai stared at the other side with a bad intention, as if to say: Grandson, I will consume you to the end!

"80,000!" The youth immortal Da Tianzun said gloomily, biting his teeth when he spit, obviously hating the extreme.

At this time Li Xing secretly said: "You don't have to fight with him."

Li Xuanbai was very unconvinced, and said, "Brother, why not fight with him? The elixir we have is sufficient."

Li Xingdao: "This item has a starting price of three thousand, and it has now been lifted nearly thirty times. It is too high. Even if it is bought, it will be a major bleeding. And it is expected that these people will not let you go. Things are delivered to the door. "

Li Xuanbai stunned and smiled: "Yes, this idiot will do it."

In fact, the price has risen to 80,000 yuan, and the immortal youth is also very pressured. When he went out this time, he brought 200,000 immortal masterpieces, which are of great use, and must be kept behind the auction.

Seeing that Li Xuanbai did not bid again, the youth immortal Da Tianzun was relieved, but his heart was full of resentment. A thing that could have been taken for 10,000 or 20,000, but it cost him 80,000, causing him a great loss.

"You do not need to be angry. After the auction is over, the old slave will remove this person on behalf of the master." An immortal big **** behind the young man said, ~ www.readwn.com ~ The young man nodded and paid the deposit , And then stay tuned for the auction below.

There were a lot of lots and lots of auctions last time, and the whole auction lasted three days. On the second day, a heavyweight thing finally started to bid.

This is a book of civilization. The Book of Civilization is a book that records the changes of civilization by the observers. It is very helpful for practitioners. The viewers are very mysterious. Some people think that they are a group of top-level characters who are above the ground.

Li Xing had once obtained a book of civilization and benefited a lot from it. His mixed-yuan civilization wanted to advance, and to improve, he needed to understand civilization, so the book of civilization was very important to him.

At the same time, he also knew that if he wanted to take this book of civilization, he would have to pay a considerable price.

At this time, the host began to introduce the origin and important value of the book of civilization, and began to announce the auction.


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