Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1256: Book of civilization

Chapter 1256: Book of Civilization (2500 Flowers)

Chapter 1256 The Book of Civilization

"This book of civilization was found by the victors after a family was slaughtered in Beihuang. ┠ ★ & 网 When the slaughterers got this book, they found that it could not be opened. Even the slaughterers left the wasteland I couldn't open this book if I found several civilized deities. "

"According to our experience, this book of civilization must have been banned by viewers, and not every deity can view it. Of course, once this book is opened, the benefits will be huge."

"In the extraordinaryness of the Book of Civilization, the price of this object starts at 50,000 immortal great fortune, and each time the price increases, not less than 5,000!" The host announced.

There was a fierce bidding immediately below, and this competition soon became heated. Prices soared from 50,000 to 100,000, 200,000, and 300,000, and continued to rise.

Li Xing secretly sighed. He had known that the competition in this book was fierce, but he did not expect it would be so fierce. The movement of several large households raised the price nearly tenfold. In secret thinking, he asked Li Yingxiong to compete for this object, and gave the bottom line of 1.5 million immortal great fortune.

One and a half million immortals is 30 times the starting price, which is already sky high. If it is higher, he will give up. When he went out this time, he brought five million immortal fortunes, which must be saved.

Although a lot of good luck has been obtained in the past, and there have been entries from the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, it can't be spent without restraint.

In the process of competing for the Book of Civilization, Li Yingxiong was not as calm as Li Xuanbai. He joined the bidders at the beginning and stunned everyone.

With the price soaring to half a million, there are very few people who continue to bid. Only five heroes are counted. These five people are obviously wealthy and have been biting each other with Li Yingxiong.

Until the price rose to one million Immortal Great Fortune Dan, three of them withdrew. The remaining two bidders, one is a girl, with a white veil on her head, makes people look unclear.

The other was a middle-aged man with brilliant eyes between the opening and closing of his eyes. Although he was alone, he was very strong. He was an immortal character. He was steady and pressing.

In comparison, the girl in white veil was far more brutal, with a price increase of at least 20,000 at a time. And Li Yingxiong is also a Feng. Sao character, biting her bitterly, the two fight more than ever.

This method of bidding is too fierce. The middle-aged person shook his head and chose to give up when the price was raised to 1.25 million. If he had a deep look at Li Yingxiong.

When Li Yingxiong quoted the price of 1.25 million immortal Great Fortune Dan, a man and a woman on the adjacent seat were stunned. The female monk said, "Cousin, 12.25 million immortal masterpieces, why is a servant so rich?"

The cousin concluded, he could not say that this person was stolen from the host. It may be possible to steal one or two pills, but it is too nonsense to steal 120,000, even pigs.

After taking a spit, his cousin finally thought of a possibility, saying: "Perhaps he deliberately raised the price with others, but in fact he did not have a panacea."

Although her cousin wasn't very smart, she wasn't foolhardy either. She asked in confusion: "But if he does this, isn't he afraid that the auction will kill him? This is a taboo."

The cousin didn't speak, but pretended to be deep and authentic: "Keep looking down, you will know soon."

At this time, the girl in white veil stagnated for a while, and seemed to be thinking about whether to continue the fight. The 1.25 million immortal Great Fortune Dan is already astronomical, making her feel the pressure.

Behind the girl, there were two female nuns, who were both weak and immeasurable. One of the female Xiu secretly said: "Mrs. Seven, the price given by the master is 1.5 million, so be careful about the next bid."

The girl said: "I understand, the other party should not be able to support it."

"Huh, that person looks very poor, and he can actually bid with us, it's really inconceivable." Another female Xiu shook her head. "And look at his appearance, it seems to be dead with us to the end."

The girl is actually more depressed than anyone else. She wanted to use about 600,000 to win the book of civilization and surprise the master. But now, the price has been raised to 1.25 million, and it looks like it will continue to rise.

Thinking of this, she glanced angrily at Li Yingxiong through the white veil. At this time, Li Yingxiong was looking at her proudly. After picking up her left eyebrow and right eyebrow, she seemed to be teasing her.

"This apprentice, I will kill him after the auction!" Madam Seven was angry and gave birth to murder.

"1.3 million!"

Finally, after some consideration, Mrs. Qi raised the price by 50,000, hoping to startle hero Li by this.

At this moment, Li Yingxiong just wanted to show off. He saw that the nun sitting next to him looked at him with admiration, and he was not angry with the "cousin" beside him, and he didn't speak with black face.

"Hey" smiled, Li Yingxiong said: "It's boring to call it that, let's just increase the price by at least 200,000 each time, how about it?"

Everyone at the auction was shocked, saying that it was the cargo head that was broken? A price increase of 200,000? Does he think he has a treasure tree?

If everyone knows that there is indeed an ancient elixir tree in the plane of the mixed Yuan, I am afraid they will vomit blood and sigh.

The face of Madam Seven suddenly sank. She was most afraid of encountering heroes like Li, and dared to bid, and dared to raise the price, as if the used elixir was not her own.

"I have 1.5 million." Li Yingxiong said faintly, leaving everyone with a magnificent impression.

In fact, this is a strategy of Li Yingxiong. He has a rough idea and knows that it will be consumed a little bit. Even if he finally wins the civilization, he will have to pay a huge price. As a result, he simply raised 1.5 million directly, and gave the other party a false impression that he was desperate to the end, thereby scaring the other party.

Obviously, his strategy was more successful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although it reached the bottom line, it did scare the final competitors. After hearing Mrs. Li's words, Mrs. Seven was cold in heart, knowing that there was no hope today, she sighed and gave up bidding.

On the other side, Li Xuanbai's nose was crooked, and he did not secretly scold: "Fuck is rich and wealthy, 1.5 million. If you dare to buy it, your brother has more than one product, and your boy will lose it! "

"I don't need to worry about your work." Li Yingxiong left Li Xuanbai's head directly without much argument.

The elixir of flowers is indeed a little more, but anyway, Li Xing is satisfied with the book of civilization.

At this time, after seeing Li Yingxiong pay the deposit, the admiration in the seated nuns became even stronger. However, Li Yingxiong turned suddenly and said to her, "Beautiful lady, will there be any time, let's go for a walk?"

The cousin said shyly, "My son is invited, but a young woman would never dare."

Suddenly, his cousin's face darkened.


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