Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1257: Tattered Battleship

Chapter 1257 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Destroyed Battleship (2600 Flower plus more)

Chapter 1257 Tattered Battleship (2600 Flower plus more)

Although his cousin was so depressed that he vomited blood, he understood that a million-dollar figure like Li Yingxiong was definitely not the one to provoke, so he chose to swallow his voice and quietly left the nephrite throne. ┌

So, there was a gentle and obedient woman beside Li Yingxiong.

At this time, Li Xuanbai again said: "Rich, you won't really look at this woman, right? There are a lot of beauties on the mixed Yuan plane. Why haven't you seen your heart?"

Li Yingxiong said: "There are two situations in the phase, one is in the phase, the other is his soul in the phase, and the brother belongs to the former."

The auction is still going on. On the second and third days of the auction, Li Xing successively bought some rare materials, and spent a total of more than 300 hateful immortals. These materials can be used to build mixed-yuan battleships, ancient cannons, plane cannons, and so on.

After bidding again and again, the three-day auction finally came to an end. During the entire auction, the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce ’s revenue of 130 million immortal Great Fortune Dan, which made Li Xingdu jealous. In comparison, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce cannot yet hold such a large-scale auction.

"It seems that it is still too weak. When will the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce be able to compete with the Northern Desolate Chamber of Commerce, is it really bigger and stronger." Li Xing lamented.

Just before the auction was about to close, the host announced to the crowd: "Dear guests, friends from all walks of life, the auction has ended successfully. In the end, the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce will sell a batch of items for sale, and interested parties can come forward Buy, discount for larger ones. "

Talking, someone launched a destroyed warship in that portal.

This is a battleship that Li Xing has never seen. It is loaded with ancient cannons, but they have been damaged. The hull is severely damaged and cannot be used normally. The construction of such warships is a difficult project, and most people cannot repair it even if they buy it.

Therefore, the price given by the host is very low. A ship with only one hundred thousand immense amount of good luck, and said that the auction can provide up to more than 800,000 similar broken warships. If you buy more, you can get a discount of at least 10% to 20%.

When everyone saw this broken warship, there was no interest at all. They turned around and left, which made the host quite embarrassed. He couldn't help but blame the superior's decision, and said to himself: "A group of idiots, who have said that these rotten ones are not wanted, but they have to come out to find trouble, and it seems they must all be pulled back."

When Li Xing saw these tattered warships, his eyes suddenly flashed. The ancient trees built in the plane of Hunyuan have powerful maintenance functions. Not to mention this degree of damage, even if they are all turned into powder, they can be restored as new.

He immediately motioned to Li Yingxiong for a "closed-up" bid.

Li Yingxiong stepped onto the high stage and said to the host who was preparing to end his work: "After these things are returned to the furnace, they can make a lot of materials. If the price is a little cheaper, I can buy them."

The host's eyes brightened. In fact, the bottom line of the price above was a ship of 30,000 immense amount of good luck, and immediately said: "Good negotiation, I don't know how much you can ask?"

He suddenly remembered that the person in front of him was a "trash", and it was normal to be willing to buy these things.

Li Yingxiong said negatively: "We are doing a lot of business. More than 800,000 ships can be swallowed, but the price is still to be negotiated."

"It's good to say that you can get a 30% discount. How about 70,000 immeasurable Dan?" The host was shocked, and immediately excited, said quickly.

Li Yingxiong shook his head and said, "There is only one ship of 10,000 immense amount of good fortune, only this price can be given."

The host's face was dark, and he bit his teeth and said, "Aren't you kidding me? Even if you sell scrap iron, they are worth ten thousand dollars!"

"I collect waste products." Li Yingxiong looked at each other like an idiot. "Do you think I'm collecting battleships? No, they are all waste products."

The host paused, and thought about it, these junk warships are really not much different from the scraps, they are just more valuable scraps. He sighed and said, "This price is really low, please raise it again."

Li Yingxiong frowned: "Fifteen thousand, this is the bottom line, if you do not agree, then forget it."

The host looked bitter, and secretly contacted his superiors. After a while, he got a reply that the price could be low, but not less than 20,000. So he had something in his mind, and said positively, "Friends, even if you sell scrap products, it can't be less than 20,000. So, if you want, 20,000, we can close the deal immediately."

In fact, the bottom line of Li Xing's price was 50,000 immense amount of good fortune, and 20,000 was definitely earned. Li Yingxiong reluctantly said: "Forget it, the recent business is not good, 20,000 is only 20,000. However, We will do business in the future and hope that the price will be lower. "

"It must be." The host was overjoyed, and the two sides clapped.

In this way, 870,000 dilapidated warships of various kinds were bought for the price of 17.5 billion infinitely large amounts of good chemical weapons. In fact, if these warships are new, the price will be tens of thousands more than now!

The auction was over, and the three of Li Xing delivered the final payment. After receiving the auction products, they left the chamber of commerce and entered a turbulent time and space.

In fact, immediately after the auction, Li Xing felt that the master poisoner and the followers behind him locked them with divine thoughts. With a sneer in his heart, he knew that the other 80% had a murderous heart, so he pretended not to find out, and continued to fly.

When the flight was far enough and surrounded by no one, three figures ran forward, blocking the way. These three people are naturally the young master of one of the nineteen castes of the poison family and his two immortal followers.

The master poisoner smiled sharply and stared at Li Xuanbai: "Boy, the three of you are in the same group! Very good, if the book is remembered correctly, you took the book of civilization ~ www.readwn.com ~ then Give it in first! "

Li Xuanbai was not surprised at all, but smiled at Li Xing and said, "Brother, this product is here, hehe, come here, come here!"

The performance of the other side made Master Poison feel bad, and what else to say, Li Xing had already started. Only he fluttered, three big avatars rushed out at the same time, and four figures rushed over.

Among the three major avatars, the Jiuyang avatar and the **** avatar have millions of peaks of power, and the seven-color avatars are not weak, with hundreds of thousands of peaks of power. The three cooperated with him, and it was unstoppable.


The master of the poisoned house was directly blown by the punch of Jiuyang's avatar, and another immortal celestial deity was smashed into a powder by the avatar of the god.

The remaining one was caught by Li Xing, because he felt a strong sense of forbearance on the man, and he was refined on the spot. Suddenly, the immortal deity from the mountain was forged into a magical effect.


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