Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1258: Onsite benefits

Chapter 1258 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Home Visit Benefits (2700 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1258: On-site Benefits

Although these three people are immortal figures, their strength is ordinary, and they are roughly at the level of one hundred steps broken, and Li Xing has already surpassed one thousand steps broken, so they can be easily killed.

It is learned from memory that this refined immortal deity comes from the mountain of forbearance. For refining this person, Li Xing wanted to make a magical effect for Prince Qian Ren.

The Prince Ninja has brought his family into the mixed Yuan world long ago, but he has not been as outstanding in cultivation as others, and it is currently the Great Desolation. With this elixir of patience, he may break through to the immortal realm, and the mixed world will have another master.

At that time, he gave the elixir to Prince Chinen, who was extremely grateful and immediately retreated. At the same time, Li Xing found a few items from the drug dealers, including a few of them. The stubborn stone was naturally included.

Immediately after the three people were killed by lightning, Li Xing immediately took Li Xuanbai and Li Yingxiong away from the scene, and returned secretly to a stronghold of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce.

During the period of the auction, the eighteenth emperor was troubled because the ancient insect Datianzun had been asking him about the whereabouts of Li Xing. Li Xing brought him into the hunting continent, and naturally he could not say that he did not know.

Ancient Worm Datian then repeatedly asked him to surrender Li Xing for investigation. But in fact, the eighteenth prince did not even know where Li Xing went and when he would return, of course he could not surrender.

Moreover, even if he knew Li Xing's position, he could not say it. The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is now on the rise, and it will not be long before the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce can be squeezed out. At this time, it is absolutely impossible for Li Xing, a partner, to have problems.

However, the ancient worm can not help but explain, after all, this is a task assigned by the Five Elements Emperor. So after a while of thinking, the eighteenth prince said that Li Xing was missing.

The ancient worm was naturally dissatisfied with this answer. After an in-depth investigation, he learned that the Four-Herald Chamber of Commerce was run by Li Xing, so he secretly started to monitor the Four-Herald Chamber of Commerce.

This action did not hide the eyes and eyes of the eighteenth prince. He was very angry and repeatedly found the ancient worm and asked the other party to stop this surveillance activity. But every time the ancient worm used the command of the emperor as a shield, which made the eighteenth emperor helpless.

On the same day, at the Eighteenth Prince's Mansion, several think tanks were summoned to discuss the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce.

"Now the situation is not good. Go ahead and investigate this way, and something will happen as soon as possible. Once there is a problem with the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, we will suffer heavy losses." The eighteenth Prince said, "Now we must think of a way to deal with the current situation."

A ray of cold road flashed in the eyes of a person below, offering a plan: "His Royal Highness, now the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce has basically taken root in the Five Elements Continent, presumably without Li Xing, it can work as well."

"Fart!" Said the eighteenth emperor angrily. "Without Li Xing, can you organize the supply of goods? The Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce can rise because the supply of goods is extensive and sufficient. This is all a means of Li Xing. Can you replace him?"

The person who proposed it turned red and lowered his head.

Second Humanity: "His Royal Highness, it seems that there is only one way right now. His Highness can announce to the public that Li Xing is dead, and the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is currently His High's private property. In this way, the relationship with this Li Xing can be left out. . "

After hearing this, the eighteenth emperor groaned: "Only this way, will Li Xingsheng be suspicious? You should get in touch with him first to act."

"It's easy. His Royal Highness passed the news directly to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, and they must have a way to contact Li Xing." The proposed humane, "Li Xing is a smart person and must understand that we have a lasting distress."

"That seems to be the case." The eighteenth emperor nodded, "Just do so, you act now and complete as soon as possible."


Now, Li Xing is hiding in a stronghold, dealing with several things from the auction.

The stubborn stone has been placed under the ancient tree of civilization, nourishing it with the breath of civilization. The effect was obvious. The stubborn stone immediately began to devour civilized forces frantically. Before long, this stubborn stone became transparent, and a great power was released, shocking the plane.

The women were all attracted, talking around the stubborn stone, Xueling said: "Xing brother, this stone is a treasure. After the birth of the innate magic weapon, I am afraid that it is better than the Emperor Ding and the purple electric sword. I do n’t know which one Series. "

Li Xing laughed: "In short, there is no loss, this stone is made for nothing." After speaking, he took the book of civilization and tried to open it. However, this book of civilization was banned, and he could not open a page by all means.

Chen Xuedao: "The Book of Civilization is very precious, and Xingge doesn't have to rush to open it. It is enough to keep the ancient civilization tree first, and there will always be a solution in the future."

Li Xing nodded: "That's right." Then he no longer reluctantly tried, turned to the women's Tao, "I have new insights this time, I want to study with you, maybe you can open up civilization . "

The ladies were overjoyed and said, "Really?"

Li Xing laughed: "Then there are still fakes? Nine of you represent Su Yin, Lie Yin, Yin Yin, Jue Yin, Ling Yin, Zhi Yin, Magic Yin, Xuan Yin, Pure Yin. Nine-yin rule. The yin-yang civilization is a very extensive civilization. The nine-yin rule should be able to independently develop new branch civilizations. Of course, this requires opportunity and luck. "

"How exactly can we open up civilization, you say faster, don't slow it down." Chen Xue was still flatulent, urging.

Li Xingdao: "In fact, it is also simple. From now on, you have traveled through all the mixed Yuan sub-planes, seeing the civilizations, and then return to the civilization space-time practice in the ancient tree of civilization. At that time, I will wake you up, you should all Can open up civilization. "

"So, can Xingge make anyone a great civilization?" Xiaoxiu asked in surprise.

"Of course not ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can, because practicing the core rules is equivalent to having the same qualifications as some heavenly seeds, and others are not so lucky." Li Xingdao.

As soon as they heard that they could become the great celestial being of civilization, they were eager to try. They said that they would leave, and on the same day, they began to travel around the deputy plane and began a journey of civilization.

Li Xing, however, began to build ancient trees and began to repair and arrange 870,000 warships of various types. If these warships are complete, their lethality is not weak, and the average combat power is not under the imperial class warships.

Of course, building ancient trees is not a simple repair, but adding their unique insights, adding something that makes the warships not only renewed, but also has several times the lethality.

The maintenance process also consumes materials, but Li Xing still makes a lot of money.

During the construction of the ancient tree maintenance battleship, Li Xing solemnly took out the twenty civilized tanks, and he would personally participate in the maintenance of these twenty tanks.


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