Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1259: Battleship business

Chapter 1259: Battleship Business (2800 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1259 Battleship Business

Twenty civilizations are extremely powerful, carrying a large number of powerful weapons, including large civilization cannons, crossbows, giant shields, and nets. . . ┠⊿ & Net If they can be repaired, their attack power is absolutely horrible, and they can kill masters below 500 steps and broken.

More importantly, the combat power of civilization belongs to the weapon of civilization and has the possibility of evolution. In the future, as the level of Li Xing's civilization rises, civilized chariots will continue to upgrade and improve their combat effectiveness.

Li Xing mobilized the most powerful ancient tree to repair 20 civilized chariots. Three days later, 20 brand new chariots appeared in front of him.

These civilized chariots after maintenance can be operated manually or automatically against the enemy, and can be used at will. A civilized chariot can carry up to 800 people. It belongs to an elite chariot, and its soldiers are not expensive.

After the chariot was repaired, Li Xing found 16,000 peak immeasurable deities, and ordered them to control these 20 civilized chariots and practice confrontation in the plane.

On the school ground, only twenty combat powers floated side by side in the air, and each chariot was covered with clouds of war, making it impossible for outsiders to see the inside scene. With an order from Li Xing, twenty chariots and 1,200 large-scale civilized ancient artillery all ### in one direction.

Subsequently, the crossbow on the chariot fired at full speed, and I saw that the sky was full of arrows, and quickly killed in one direction. Li Xing calculated that the crossbow of a chariot fired an arrow quickly. One breath can fire more than one million arrows.

Arrow Light's power is limited, and it can be shot and killed without great heavenly respect. However, when the round always shoots and kills a harsh target, the power will also increase, and it can shoot countless and immortal characters.

In particular, after the reconstruction of the ancient tree, the crossbow can find the large arrow light, and the power is still on the large civilization ancient cannon, directly killing immortality.

The third type of chariot weapon is a giant shield. When this shield is extended, it can form a defensive light shell similar to the ancient artillery cannon, which is extremely difficult to break. This object was also transformed by an ancient tree. Based on the rebound damage, it has the ability to absorb damage and create damage for warriors.

In other words, when someone hits a punch and hits the shield, the shield can absorb the power of this punch and create an injurious combat power. The lethality that hurts the soldier is equal to the lethality of that punch.

However, this function is limited. The first is that the number of fighters injured is limited. A chariot cannot exceed 100,000 fighters at most. The second is that the damage cannot exceed the limit. After exceeding the limit, the giant shield cannot rebound the damage, causing damage to the warrior, and may even be destroyed.

The fourth weapon is a net, which is the most widely used one. After the transformation, the net can capture the enemy, clean the battlefield, salvage items, and create traps.

The net trap can, under appropriate circumstances, even capture the Immortal Deity, with considerable power.

However, civilized chariots also have disadvantages, that is, its operation requires the support of civilized forces. Li Xing must turn the power of civilization into a spar of civilization and be the source of power for combat vehicles.

The consumption of civilization spar by civil war power is quite large. In just a few days of drills, twenty chariots consumed two thousand civilization spar, which is roughly equivalent to the civilization force required for a large civilization to fire a thousand cannons. .

After a few days of exercise, the 16,000 Unbounded Grand Celestial Masters became familiar with the control of the chariot and couldn't bear the fighting power. They all expressed that they would drive the chariot in the future.

Time passed like this, half a year in a blink of an eye. The 870,000 warships have been repaired one after another. After improvement, their combat power has been improved accordingly.

However, these warships are diverse, with different methods of use and huge differences in firepower. They cannot form an effective cooperation during the battle, so Li Xing does not intend to use all of them, only select a part of them.

A small portion of these 870,000 warships of various sizes are of considerable size, and they include three types. The first type is called the piercing battleship, which can directly hit the enemy with the hull, which is suitable for charge.

Under the puncture battleship Quanli ###, you can knock and fly to the immortal Great Celestial Master, and hit the peak of immeasurable Great Celestial Master. There are more than 43,000 such warships, the largest number of which can form an assault fleet.

The second type is called flash strike battleship. This type of battleship is small and flexible. It has a displacement capability similar to that of ancient trees in space.

However, this battleship is not as powerful as a piercing battleship and cannot cause damage to immortality. There are about 31,000 such warships, and they can also form warships.

The third category is the most powerful and is called the ring warship. This ship can emit a kind of circular killing light, lock the enemy and make it lose combat effectiveness. A ring battleship can fire up to 500 kills.

When more than one hundred circular kills lock one person at the same time, even if the other party is immortal, they may not be able to move and be slaughtered by anyone. The number of this warship is small, about 5,000.

The remaining warships were either insufficient or insufficient in number, so Li Xing did not plan to stay, but sold them to the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce. The Ronghua Datianzun, who is in charge of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, immediately estimated the value of the remaining 700,000 warships, with a total value of more than one billion immortal creatures!

This number frightened Li Xing. After being excited, he thought of a very promising way to make money, which is to collect destroyed warships, and then sell them after maintenance. It is definitely a profitable business.

So, he gave an order to the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, which was to purchase a destroyed warship at a high price. At the same time, they are willing to perform warship maintenance to receive compensation.

What surprised Li Xing was ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the news of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce released the repair of the warship, dozens of forces came to contact immediately, hoping that the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce could repair their warship.

At the same time, some people are willing to sell too-broken warships.

Soon after, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce established a special branch of maintenance, sales, and acquisition as a whole. The branch only engaged in warship business. What is unexpected is that the business was booming as soon as the branch was established, and the vast majority of customers came from far away.

Even the forces outside the North Famine sent people to check the situation and discuss the purchase and maintenance of warships. This made Li Xing very surprised. After investigating, he figured out the reason.

There are a large number of wastelands, and there are countless forces in it. No matter the big forces or the non-powers, they are fighting for years, and the demand for warships is very large.

A small force, after getting a battleship, is likely to dominate. For example, with the imperial battleship, Li Xing destroyed the Xuanhuang Kingdom and eventually dominated the Xuanhuang continent.


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