Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 112: Bing Lincheng [Unban]

The rest is left to the forward camp. The left and right roads are behind, and the middle road is ahead. Both sides besiege the remnants of Su Zhanshan. Without the leader and hope, when the number of people lost nearly half, they finally gave up the resistance, dropped their swords and knelt on the ground.

In this battle, Wang Zixing won at the cost of losing 1,000 warriors! More than 8,700 people were annihilated, and only coach Su Zhanshan fled.

Although he won the battle, Wang Zixing was still anxious. He called Li Xing and patted him on the shoulder. "Today, you are brave and unparalleled. In the future, you will be the handsome confidant of Wang Shu! Do n’t worry about the matter of Wang Yang. The handsome got news, Wu Linghou The soldiers are near Qingyun City, and you take the striker battalion to the reinforcements. As long as Qingyun City can persist for a day, the army can arrive! "

Li Xing's gaze was fixed, and the day seemed not long, but he knew the danger and difficulty. But he did not hesitate, but simply answered: "Yes!" He understood that thousands of people could not walk too fast.

And along the way, many cities have turned mutiny, full of unpredictable risks. One day, Wang Zixing's army might not even be able to reach Qingyun City.

Twenty-five minutes later, Li Xing led the forward camp to Qingyun City. Wang Zixing immediately drew up his army and moved back. But for the sake of insurance, he still left a fifteen hundred warriors to guard the Qingyang Pass.

Although Su Zhanshan was annihilated by the entire army, this person has a strong family base and may not return again. It is not difficult for Su Zhanshan to convene thousands of warriors in a short time. A previous battle won the most vitality and was not fatal.

Forward strike camp is as fast as electricity, but the distance is long, and they can take up to five hours to arrive.

At this moment, the hearts of the people in Qingyun City.

When the Wuling Hou soldiers came under pressure, the city's owner Zhu Ban called Sanyi Garden and the city's warriors, and temporarily gathered a thousand warriors. Zhu Ban was appointed as the general manager, and the three homeowners of Sanyi Garden acted as deputy general managers and boarded the tower.

Xi Zhuban himself is a scholar with a heavy training spirit. He stared coldly down the city, and saw that a black group of warriors was neatly listed in front of the city, with a number of six or seven thousand. The first Meng general, wearing heavy armor, two meters tall, with a leopard-necked eye, shouted: "The people of Qingyun City listen, don't kill! You are only allowed to open the gate within ten or so, otherwise, slaughter the city tonight ! "

The word "slaying the city" made everyone feel an air conditioner on their backs.

Zhu Zhu banned coldly: "There is a strong general under Wu Linghou's account. He has two qi exercises and is called Lei Peng. Is that your Excellency?"

The general laughed aloud, "You have some vision."

Zhu Ban said indifferently: "Qingyun City only obeys the prince and the party, and it is difficult to obey!" He waved his arms, "Brothers! Qingyun City is our parents, wives and children, and we have our homeland. Today, I would rather die in the city Come and defend your home! "

Fighting for more than a thousand warriors, the blood surged and roared, "Protect your home! Protect your home!"

Lei Peng was furious, waved his huge axe, and yelled in a cruel tone: "Give me, men and women, young and old, do not stay! Kill!"

Thousands of warriors, built high, went straight up the tower, built low, drove the ladder to siege the city, shouting and killing the earth, the momentum was terrifying.

Li Yingli whispered: "Listen to the children of Sanyiyuan! Everyone comes forward, the retreat, cut!"

He is not Li Ying's greatness, but Qingyun City is where the foundation of Sanyi Garden is located. The city is broken and Sanyi Garden is gone. He must work hard.

In Wucheng, some warriors who could not be recruited in the future appeared one after another and joined the battle. In a courtyard, all three messengers under Li Xing were present.

The messenger of the message: "The city of Qingyun cannot be broken, otherwise we all have to die."

Save money: "So we have to take a shot and use all available power."

但 "But even if we do, the odds won't be too big," the message ambassador said. "But now, there is no other choice."

Twenty-five hours later, three nationalists and ninety blood fighters joined the battle.

The people I joined joined the creeks, making the ocean grow stronger. In the end, the warriors in the city actually reached 2,500! Among them were Li Ying and Zhu Ban, as well as three emissaries and five scholars during the Qi training period.

Above the city wall, Zhu Ban had no time to inquire about the origin of the messenger and others. As long as he went to the tower, he was a brother, a comrade in arms, and he would face life and death together.

Sanyiyuan can stand in Qingyun City so far, it is not good luck, it has enough strength.

Wucheng Tower has three floors. The first floor is the first line of defense. It is the most dangerous and must fight against the enemy. The second floor is the site of crossbowmen, archers and trebuchets. On the third floor, all are children of Sanyiyuan. The weapons they used were special thunderbolts, which killed hundreds of people in Tsing Yi League.

When the first warrior, Wu Linghou, rushed to the next level, the fight began. Behind it, hundreds of warriors jumped with all their might or with the help of a ladder.


Short soldiers met, the blood flashed.

The first batch of Wulinghou Mengshi who attacked were all elites. The Qingyun City warriors are not all strong, so the situation is one-sided, most of the casualties are Qingyun City warriors.

Three messengers shot, each occupying a section, killing the killer. The qi sages defeated the enemy in one shot.

On the second floor, the crossbow volleyed, which greatly suppressed the siege.

On the third floor, Sanyiyuan was also properly coagulated. Chen Jinsong screamed, "Let me!"


A thunder vehicle was launched, and a firelight landed like lightning www.readwn.com ~ and then a loud noise.


The city wall also struck three times, a thunderbolt that killed hundreds of warriors. Lei Peng was furious and shouted, "Use a broken city car!"

The broken city car is completely made of steel. It is 20 meters high and has four wheels under it. It is towed by four giant elephants in the middle. The front iron pillar hits the city wall. The giant elephant, ten meters tall and fifteen meters away, was immensely powerful, holding the broken city car, "Rumble" approached.

On the third floor, Chen Jinsong was in charge of shooting the minecart.

"Jing Hong!", A thunderbolt accurately hit a giant elephant. Suffering from the pain of the giant elephant, he suddenly went crazy and rushed around. The broken city car suddenly fell, fell to the ground, and made a loud noise.

Xun Leipeng yelled, "Have a crossbow!"

After the battle, the 800 crossbow car was ready, and "a scramble" for a while, the 800 huge and rapid crossbow guns rushed into the sky and straightened to the third floor.

"Shield!" Chen Jin drank with a gun, and the man in front of the building held a twenty-centimeter-thick steel shield in front.


The huge impact force made the shield bearer vomit blood on the spot and could no longer stand up.

劲 Chen Jinsong looked stubborn and continued to fire the thunderbolt.

The most intense battle was on the ground floor, and the ground was already covered with a heavy body. Zhu Jun watched the battlefield, and sighed in his heart: "I'm afraid it won't last until it's dark!"

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