Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 113: Phantom City [Unban]

On the side of Wu Lingjun, there were also four scholars. Seeing the three messengers' shots, they also rose into the air and attacked violently. Of the six patriots, four of them practiced one Qi and two of them practiced Qi. They had an advantage over Qingyun City.


The news ambassador punched a punch with one of the scholars, and both of them retreated, the police fired their weapons and fought again. The sound of "ping pong" came out, and Zhu Ban realized that Qingyun City was at an absolute disadvantage.

Twenty-seven thousand warriors, six warriors, Qingyun City seems unlikely to win. However, the people in Qingyun City have not lost their fighting spirit, they still fight desperately, behind them is their homeland, and there is no retreat!

杰 Li Jie originally thought it was safe on the third floor, but after several assassinations through the crossbow, he scared the second floor and began to organize the warriors to launch the crossbow. However, the second floor is not very safe. From time to time, several warriors jumped up and rushed to kill.

争 Li Zheng and Li Fei followed Li Jie like their tails, and they were also afraid of fighting. They think that their strength is still weak and they are not suitable for desperate efforts.

On the other side, a group of children from Chen Xia and Bai Leng joined the battle, fighting desperately with the enemy.

The enemy fell one by one, and the defenders fell down one by one. In the city, some people who can sense their blood also gathered spontaneously, bringing water and food with their own crossbow and sword, and constantly joined the battle.

An ordinary house, a teenager, eighteen or nine, rushed out of the room. In the back, his mother was in tears, but his expression was firm, holding the boy and saying, "My son! I must come back alive!"

The young boy reluctantly laughed, "Mother, I must be back!" After that, he raised his long knife, strode away, and joined the flow of people joining the army.

Li Xing and his party kept going straight to Qingyun City. However, they had to pass nine cities on the road. The first three cities were okay. After entering the fourth city of Magic Wave City, they found that the gates were closed.

Li Xing stopped and shouted, "This is the striker camp, open the gate!"

If you pass through this city, you must go over the mountains and mountains, it will consume a lot of time, and Li Xing has no time to delay.

A few soldiers glanced upstairs in the city tower, their faces changed, and they raised their whistles. After a sharp voice, the soldier yelled, "The Lord of the City has orders, and no one is allowed to enter the city!"

Li Xing's eyes flashed, the killing suddenly appeared, and Shen said: "The director is in charge of the city, disobedience, kill without amnesty! Give you ten breaths and start the city immediately!"

Qianfeng Battalion is synonymous with death, so angry that a few soldiers are scared to answer, and at the same time they dare not open the gate.

The time passed by one minute and one second. After about ten breaths, Li Xing waved: "Climb the building!"

These strong men who practiced eight or nine are tense in the air, rising up into the air, putting their hands on the wall, rising again, and easily boarding the tower. The soldiers hadn't responded yet, Li Xing came to his eyes, the sword flashed, and several good heads flew up.

"Fantasy City must have changed hands, we don't have to ask questions." Li Xing commanded, and everyone rushed along the city wall.

Not long after the limp, a group of people approached in front of him. The first one was extraordinary, at first glance, he was a strong man of the rank of scholar.

The two sides stopped, Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Give way."

The former man, with black beard and white face, wearing a green robe, about forty years old, laughed wildly: "Tsing Yi League is here to save my life!" He rose into the air and waved his hand to Li Xing.

兴 As soon as the opponent shot, Li Xing judged that this person was a dual character who practiced qi. There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and he fought without any fear.

The subordinates behind Xi Qingpao were not able to laugh out loud after seeing Li Xing's actions. Even if they are in the striker camp, are they the opponents of the qi duo patriarch? This person is either crazy or stupid!

"Si Lingling!"

As soon as the fist touched, Li Xing suddenly shot a sharp ray of light between his fingers, rushing forward, and the electricity went around. The Qingpao people were full of confidence and planned to kill Li Xing with a punch. When out of the palm, almost all qi is used for attack, and the body is really weak.

Therefore, the silkworm wing knife stepped forward and beheaded it, so that his head flew up into the air and blood spurted.


I don't need to say anything more, Li Xing was the first to stun the people.

This group of people are at the level of training, and they are vulnerable in front of the forward camp, and they are killed instantly. In less than five minutes, Li Xing and others beheaded and killed eighty-two blood fighters, one sergeant.

They kept on for a while and kept moving.

The remaining five cities have been controlled by the Tsing Yi League. With the first experience, the forward camp did not even say hello, and went straight to the city. As a result, the people in these five cities did not respond, and Li Xing and others have passed through.

If I walk for more than a hundred miles, it is Qingyun City, and the forward camp is faster.

At this moment, the sky is getting darker, and the sun has set down ~ www.readwn.com ~ On the city tower, there has been a layer of corpses, most of them are the warriors of Qingyun City, and also some people who have just started to open the sutra.

The six patriots on the Wu Ling side forced Li Ying and others to retreat back and forth, Zhu Ban was slightly injured, and the three emissaries gradually felt overwhelmed. They could not hold on for too long.

"I hope Fanghou can send someone to come!" Li Ying sighed and scanned the scene while fighting. Wu Lingjun went out to the striker camp and gathered more than 2,000 warriors. Now there are less than 500 people left. There was blood everywhere, and the stubbles of the limbs were thrown away.

The crossbow on the second floor has been used up, and the thunderbolt on the first floor has been used up. Although Wu Lingjun also killed or injured nearly two or three thousand people, they still had three or four thousand warriors, and some men from the forward camp rushed to kill them.

Suddenly, the city wall blasted and a big hole was opened.

"Did I, Sanyi Garden, really disappear from now on?" Li Ying sank, unwilling, his gaze turned to the Wu Ling Army who was still attacking.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and saw a group of people rushing away at a rapid speed. As soon as they appeared, they were immediately inserted into the Wuling Army like a knife. Six sharp and unparalleled killing arrays were spinning and strangling. Wherever they went, the Wuling Army killed a lot.

"Forwarder camp!" Li Ying sighed, "Reinforcement is here! Reinforcement is here!"

The city gate was broken, Lei Peng was directing the soldiers to rush, and suddenly there was a chaos in the rear. Lei Peng was taken aback and turned around to see that his own people were being killed and kept back, angered: "Front forward camp, intercept them!"

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