Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 114: Heavenly Order Gongfa. No Phase Cut [Unban]

With more than 50 striker battalions, they attacked Li Xing and others. Their killing, a group of five people, called the Little Five Elements, is quite powerful.

The striker camp is facing the striker camp, a rare scene, all the soldiers can't help but see it. Even the eleven patriots in battle were distracted. They all know that the success or failure of the striker camp will determine today's battle.

Twenty-six spin-on dragons killed each other and came in, colliding with ten small five elements.

"Si Lingling!"

The dagger array was strangled intensively, and the small five-element array collapsed instantly, and a red lightning "booming" rushed in, like a sky thunder, and the earth trembled. Red light everywhere, Wu Ling's striker battalions fell to the ground one by one.

With Li Xing's fierce blood, raising his hands and feet, he can kill the **** top ten warriors. With a single stroke, you can split the small five elements to fight, and you are invincible!

The five spinning dragons behind the squadron were squeezed from all sides to cooperate with Li Xing's killing. Within five minutes, the Wuling forward camp was wiped out. On the one hand, the spin dragons are too fierce and powerful. On the other hand, Li Xing is too ferocious.

I can say that even if only Li Xing is alone, he can fight with the striker camp.


A red lightning bolt rushed towards Lei Peng, 300 meters away. Li Xing raised the long knife, he is going to cut off this general!

"Stop him!"

Upstairs, a gentry was shocked. The bravery that Li Xingfang only showed, made them chill, and Lei Peng might not be able to stop it!

"Stop them!" Zhu Ban roared loudly. The five scholars on the side of Qingyun City went all out as madly as they could, and restrained the six scholars in Wuling.

The distance of 300 meters is not too long for Li Xing, and it will be an instant. A knife tore the air, and "Sen" was cut off and crossed a curtain of white light.

Xun Leipeng's blood power is as high as three hundred fightings. He has always been conceited, and he is invincible in battle. If not, he would not be in the position of general. But as soon as Li Xing's sword came out, Lei Peng knew he was going to die.

Li Xing's sword intentions, ruthlessly overbearing, Li Xing's strength is extremely powerful, Li Xing's speed is faster than lightning.


Lei Peng blocked with a crossblade. The black iron knife was cut by Li Xing. Cut diagonally from the left shoulder to the right waist. Half of Lei Peng's body slipped slowly, not staring.

He slayed Lei Peng, Li Xing continued to rush into the battle, slaying the enemy.

"It's Li Xing! It's Li Xing in our Sanyi Garden!" On the three-story building, a child from Sanyi Garden suddenly yelled, and the whole building boiled.

Lei Peng is dead, the Lord is dead, can Wu Lingjun still win?

天 "God! Is he still Li Xing? The strength has become so scary!" Chen Xia was surprised and envious.

"It's him! Why is he here? Why is he so powerful?" Li Jie stayed first, then gritted his teeth, and he could be jealous and envious of Li Xing.

"Amazing! Amazing!" More people praised loudly.

英 Li Ying's pupils shrank slightly, but immediately he shouted, "Li Xing!"

When the people stunned, Li Ying cried a second time: "Li Xing!"

Subconsciously, everyone shouted Li Xing's name.

"Li Xing! Li Xing! Li Xing! Li Xing!"

Sheshan shouted a tsunami-like voice, and everyone shook their fists and swords. The huge sound wave spread down, Li Xing's blood seemed to be boiled, and he shouted loudly in the sky. This howling, through the clouds and cracks, echoed endlessly between the clouds and the earth.

Both armies are shocked, so deep!

On the side of Wu Ling, when the general died, morale plummeted, and the entire army of the front battalion was annihilated. The addition of Li Xing and others increased their pressure.

Twenty-six patriots could not see the right way, and looked at each other. One of them, who practiced dualism, rushed out of the siege and rushed towards Li Xing. He wanted to reverse the war by beheading Li Xing.

"Not good!" The five kingdoms of Qingyun City had to go to the rescue, but they were all entangled. Their mood is just like the talent of the six enemies of the enemy when Lei Peng was assassinated by Li Xing.

凛 Li Xing was not afraid, and his body crackled into a crackle, and his body became more than two meters tall.

In front of the patriarch, the qi condensed into a giant sword and beheaded Li Xing.

The person with the double energy training has a real power of up to seven hundred buckets. This chopping power can definitely kill the ten strong men.

But Li Xing is not an ordinary person. He yelled and punched hard.


Li Xing's huge "Blood King Kong" body was shaken back a dozen steps. The patriarch also changed his face, sliding tens of meters away in the air with a shocked expression.

"How so powerful!"

He felt that the blood quality and quality of the other party were extremely high, and there were at least 1,400 fightings. With high quality and strong blood, he was able to fight with him!

After carrying a hard blow, Li Xing's confidence increased, and he heard the emperor Tian Xie yell, "Apprentice, kill him with nothing!

Wu Xiang, the Emperor Tian Xie taught Li Xing's martial arts skills, which belongs to the super-current Heavenly Order! Li Xing's Tianlei cut is the super-flow gold stage, two grades lower than it.

Li Xing is not familiar with phaseless cutting. He spends most of his time in practicing Heavenly Swords. However, Master's words are naturally not wrong. The black iron knife in his hand was shocked and cut off.

No phase is cut. The word "phaseless" is intangible and invisible. People can't see the attack target, and they don't know how to defend.


When the sword came out, the opponent found that the opponent disappeared for a moment. He hesitated, showing surprise.

Li Xing seized this opportunity, and the sword was cut to the opponent's neck.

The guillotine is too fast. Although the opponent is a scholar, he can't avoid it, and can only resist it with all his strength. If Li Xing was an ordinary warrior, he would never be able to kill him. This person can shake the black iron knife even with his strong infuriation.

Li Xing's strength is too great and the speed is too fast. The black iron knife breaks open the body's true strength, and slaps off his head with a bang.

Yizhuang succeeded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing was also surprised, I didn't expect this powerlessness was so powerful!

Emperor Wu Tianxie smiled: "This is Wu Xiang, you can kill the enemy with one stroke!"

The remaining ten scholars were stunned. Li Xing's sword was so weird that they couldn't stop themselves from asking.

Li Xing's knife stimulated the remaining scholars in Wu Ling, and one person yelled, "Retreat!" The joke, if he didn't leave, would he be killed by that monster?

Twenty-five patriots fought with Li Ying and others for a long time, and no injuries were seen, but they were cut by one by a blood practitioner. This was unacceptable to them. A strong sense of fear rose from the bottom of their hearts and immediately retreated.

The Guo State retreats, and the remaining warriors will naturally not stay. Wu Ling's army disintegrates, and it is immediately defeated.

Li Xing's forward battalion did not catch up, nor did the defenders on Qingyun City catch up. They were too tired to chase.

Li Xing jumped a little and jumped onto the tower. In front of him stood three emissaries, as well as Li Ying, Zhu Ban, and many defenders of the city.

Although he killed countless enemies, his blood was not sticking and he was restless. And after the days of the Great Evil Emperor's words and deeds, Li Xing's body naturally exuded an arrogance and a slight evil intention.

This temperament makes people look unpredictable.

"Li Xing, the people of Qingyun City, thank you all!" Zhu Ban smiled and gave a gift.

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