Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 115: Pull Cloud City Master [Unban]

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I am a man from Qingyun City. All this is a matter of division."

Zhu Zhu nodded: "That's right!"

Next, Zhu Ban directed everyone to treat the wounded, count the losses, and clean the battlefield. Li Xing did not leave the scene and led the striker camp to defend his place. No one knew whether Wu Ling would launch a second attack.

In Qingyun City, I played the gongs and drums. I do n’t know who is good. He posted a portrait of Li Xing on the wall with the words “Hero of Qingyun City” on it.

The three messengers left silently. Now that the crisis has passed, they will all go underground.

Above the city tower, Li Xing and his striker camp are resting. Rushing all the way, non-stop, then immediately joined the battle, they were exhausted. In front of them was the food from the Qingyun people, and everyone ate something indiscriminately, all with their eyes closed.

At night, Shino was quiet. The battlefield has been cleaned, and only a slight **** atmosphere is permeated in the night wind.

Suddenly the warrior at the strike camp suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Li Xing, Shen said, "I am not dead!"

Next, the second and third people opened their eyes one after another, and they said the same thing one after another: "I'm not dead!"

Only as a forward battalion soldier who has experienced killings, do you know the meaning of this sentence. Once in the striker camp, there is no death! But they have fought two big battles, not only survived, but not long ago, they drove thousands of enemy forces!

Li Xing opened her eyes slightly and smiled, "Yes, we are still alive."

"Everything is a gift from the master!" The first savage warrior bowed down to Li Xing. Without Li Xing's spin dragons, without Li Xing's invincible courage, they would not live now.

"Thank you master!"

All fifty warriors got up and thanked Li Xing.

Li Xing nodded slightly: "Get up all, we are living together and die together, no need to thank."

After all the people sat back to where they were, Li Xing thought for a moment and said, "Today's battle, Wu Ling retires. What are your plans for the future?" Wang Zixing promised that after the victory, the people in the striker camp will be free.

"Let's follow the master!" The people said in unison, with a firm tone.

Li Xing rejoiced in his heart, showing a touch of pride: "Okay! In the future, I will share with you the blessings, and the hardships! Do!"

Everyone raised a glass and drank the wine in the glass.

Wu Zixing has received the news from Zhu Ban, Wu Lingjun retreated. He never expected that the striker camp could actually retreat Wu Lingjun. Originally, he just planned to let Li Xing stand by Qingyun City and wait for the army to arrive.

"This Li Xing! It really surprised me!" Wang Zixing's expression sitting in the lobby, I do not know whether it is joy or worry. Qingyun City made a siege, he no longer needed to go, and drove the army directly to Xuanwu City.

In the hall, Feng Tangxu Xu, groaned: "Master, Li Xing is a great talent, if it can be retained, it must be a great help. If it is not for my use, it must be removed as soon as possible." He also knows Li Xing and Wang Resentment between Yang.

Xun Wangxing waved his hand: "Because of being a great talent, would it be worthwhile to kill him when it is worthwhile to use him? However, this son has a different personality and it is very difficult to tie him up."

Feng Tang asked: "There is a plan for Li Xing that will make Li Xing willing to work."

Wang Zixing's eyes brightened and he busily said, "Speak!"

Feng Tang laughed: "A man's pursuit of life is nothing but fame and profit. As long as the commander can give him these things, what reason is he not to submit?"

"Specifically." Wang Zixing was interested.

"First of all, he rescued Qingyun City. The Marshal must thank him personally, so that everyone in the 35th city knows that the Marshal has given such a hero. Then he is named the master of the city. Secondly, give the beauties, wealth lords, and reward the land, this is Lilu. You must know that the world is full of benefits, all are good, and all are good. Although this son is a great talent, it is not exempt. Just give him enough He will be loyal to the commander with all his heart! "

After hearing this, Wang Zixing nodded slowly and said, "I have also thought about it, but I just said that this person's personality is different. This is not necessarily effective. However, there is no better way at present, and only I can try that. "

The range under Wu Linghou's rule was called Liuxi. Thirty-five cities ruled by Wang Zixing are called Liudong. Because there is a long willow forest between the two spheres of influence.

Tamarix West, in Biyue City, a middle-aged man with a wide-nose lion nose and a mighty expression. At this moment, he had a look of anger and an appalling expression.

"A group of stupid people! Seven thousand people couldn't even win a Qingyun City!" He was furious when shooting the case, in front of him, several generals and five scholars bowed their heads.

The middle-aged man is Fang Hou Wuling.

Wu Wuling relieved his anger and sternly asked, "What is the origin of that person?"

One stepped forward and replied: "Houye, that person is named Li Xing, and he has ten strong training skills. Liu Dong is a native of Qingyun City, and he is from Sanyiyuan. His father, Li Ziran, was once a character of Liu Dong. His current whereabouts are unknown. "

什么 "What? A person who trains with great blood can kill the two fighters who practice Qi? Nonsense!" Wu Lingteng stood up, shocked.

"The source is reliable, Li Xing is really training the blood ten times. Three months ago, this person was only training the blood five times." The subordinate added.

Wu Wuling tightened her eyebrows and suddenly said, "Go and ask for a messenger!"

Uh ...

After dawn, Qingyun City was illuminated by Chenyang with an orange color. People in the forward camp were banned by Zhu for access to the city's main government ~ www.readwn.com ~ for a banquet. There are head and face figures in Qingyun City, all of whom were invited to accompany.

When these people saw Li Xing, they all called "Mr. Li" with a very respectful expression.

People from the Sanyiyuan also came. Three families, Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong, also appeared, and children such as Li Jie also appeared.

After the people sat down, Zhu Ban stood up, raised his glass, and yelled, "General Manager Li has improper courage. If it weren't for him, if not for the brothers of the forward camp, Qingyun City would die more people and fall into the enemy. Hand, killed! Today, we want to thank Director Li and Qianfeng Camp! "

"Thank you, Mr. Li! Thanks to Qianfeng Camp!"

Li Xing stood up, and everyone in the forward camp stood up.

He smiled slightly, respected everyone with a wine ring, and said in a deep voice: "Li Xing grew up in Sanyi Garden and was born in Qingyun City. Everything he did yesterday was not only ordered to act, but also to defend his homeland. Thank you, Li Xing Don't dare! Thank you, thank the brothers behind me, do! "

After drinking a glass of wine, someone suddenly preached: "Fang Hou has a maggot!"

Everyone was full of color, and they stood up straight, welcoming the prince's letter.

An uncle came into the hall, glanced at the crowd, opened the uncle's book, and read: "Qingyun City, Sanyiyuan Li Xing, since he led the striker camp, he has repeatedly made great achievements and he has fought fiercely. Under his careful consideration, Feng It is the Lord of the Cloud City! Reward ten beautiful women, five hundred and eight million yuan of Xuanjing. And Zhu Qing, the host of the Qingyun city, built an iron in Qingyun City to show Li Xing's military achievements! "

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