Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 116: Danger is approaching

Zhu Jun quickly stepped forward to pick up the maid, and the maid waited for Li Xing with a smile, respectfully, and said with a smile, "Hou Ye took Mr. Li very seriously, and let Mr. Li rest for three days. After three days, he went to Xuanwu City to listen to the seal. . "

Li Xing looked dull and thanked the servant. Zhu Jun called a trusted letter and ordered him to have a good hospitality.

The scriptures of Xun Wangxing made the scene lively.

"Fang Hou is doing this, 80% of them are going to reuse Li Xing! This Li Xing is invincible. With one person's strength, he can kill the general Lei Peng, and the striker camp also has a powerful lethality. Such a person, if I were Fanghou, it will definitely be reused. "

"I don't think so, don't forget, Li Xing is the enemy of Houfu King Yang Shizi. There is a gap between the two sides. How can Houye use him?" Some people put forward the opposite view.

"Fang Hou is able to sit in Liudong. Is it ordinary people's vision to be able to reach? He will never miss such talents because of private waste."

People of all colors and others came forward to toast Li Xing. If it wasn't for Li Xing, Qingyun City would not have been guaranteed, and they might have become lonely ghosts.

Suddenly, Li Xing looked forward, Li Ying came with a glass of wine, smiling.

Li Xing looked at the uncle with a mixed mood. In fact, neither Li Xing nor Li Xing have any feelings for Li Ying. However, nominally, Li Ying is still his uncle.

"In what attitude will Sanyiyuan face me? Are they enemies? Are they friends?" Li Xing's thoughts flowed and he couldn't think of a reason.

英 Li Ying stepped forward and laughed, "Li Xing, you not only saved Qingyun City, but also saved Sanyi Garden. I respect you!"

兴 Li Xing said lightly: "I said, it's all about matters."

英 Li Ying sighed: "Before, there were many misunderstandings between you and me. Today, you are a famous figure in Qingyun City, shouldn't you count things before?"

Li Xing stared at Li Ying, he could not guess at the moment, what kind of attitude Li Ying held. However, he didn't want to completely tear his face with Sanyiyuan, so he smiled slightly: "Li Xing didn't dare."

In the distance, Bai Pingdu and Chen Jinsong talked secretly, their faces seemed happy and worried.

Bai Pingdu: "Brother Chen, have you regretted it?"

Chen Jinsong sneered: "Remorse? Look at Li Xing's scenery today, but there are crises beside him. Even if he is great, I don't want to have anything to do with him!"

Bai Pingdu smiled "Hey": "But it seems that Li Ying has decided to take advantage of Li Xing."

"Li Xing is in the midst of the sun today. If I were Li Ying, I would have to downgrade to welcome it. We ca n’t see the future achievements of this son. However, if he can be smoother, there will be some achievements in the future.

Chen Jinsong disagreed: "It's hard to change his nature. People like him are doomed to live forever!"

That being said, Bai Pingdu faintly heard the sourness from Chen Jinsong's tone. At that time, if he allowed Li Xing and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang to marry, it will be another scene today.

Xi Baipingdu smiled a little, no longer said anything, but thought in his heart: "In the future, he should spend more time with Li Xing, no matter whether he has a future or not, this person cannot be offended."

The wine banquet lasted all day. This banquet was prepared for Li Xing, so he could not leave early, and it was only after dark that he had to leave.

Zizhuwan in Sanyi Garden has been renewed. It turned out that Li Ying had already sent someone to renovate the place and added furniture and other things. Li Xing neither expressed thanks nor refused to live in Zizhuwan as usual.

He servants were repelled by him. Inside the bamboo building, Li Xing talked with Emperor Tianxie.

"Master, what is Li Ying doing?" Li Xing asked.

Emperor Wu Tianxie sneered: "If I were Li Ying, no matter what idea I made, I would never offend you again."

"Why?" Li Xing was puzzled.

Wu Tianxie asked in a strange tone, "What did you do?"

Li Xing smiled: "It is nothing more than annihilating Su Zhanshan and defeating Wu Ling."

Tian Xie hummed: "This is enough! In peace, the princes join together, you hit me, I cut you, if anyone can get your support, it will be very helpful for the future hegemony. , 36 princes, will know your name, and then send someone to recruit. Therefore, Wang Zixing will find a way to leave you, or ... "He smiled," Just get rid of you! "

Li Xing's eyes flashed: "Will you get rid of me?"

"Yes, that Prince Xing can sit in today's position, it is by no means ordinary people. People like you, it is better to kill them than leave them to the enemy."

Li Xing frowned, he thought that after this vicious battle, he could resolve the contradictions around him, but now it seems that he put himself in a more dangerous situation.

"Boy, what's your intention? Decided to stay or leave Liu Dong?" Tianxie asked.

Li Xing thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Master, how is a disciple, your disciple of the elderly, surrendered to such a small place? Pingguo is very big, the world outside Pingguo is bigger, there are countless strong Countless experiences are waiting for the disciples to experience. "

Emperor Xie Tianxie laughed and said with satisfaction: "Okay! This is my Tianxie disciple. Hugh said that he is a Fang Hou, even if he is an emperor of Pingguo, he doesn't have to look at it!"

Li Xingdao: "Master, UU reading www.uukankan.com is still weak, so he decided to break through the practice of blood and become a scholar before making plans."

Emperor Xie Tianxie: "It should be so. You want to be arrogant, but also have arrogant capital. Wait until you can kill Wang Zixing the day before you can leave."

In the forbidden city of Zhu Cheng, he frowned, and the development of the incident was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that Sanyiyuan actually took out the Tsing Yi League, and did not expect that Liu Xiwu Linghou would take the shot. I never expected that Sanyi Garden would have a great figure like Li Xing.

清 Zhu Qingying came behind Zhu Ban and sighed softly, "Father, what now?"

Zhu Zhu sneered: "The Qingxiao faction wanted to establish the Tsing Yi League, attacked Su Zhanshan and Wu Ling in and out, and ate Wang Zixing. Unfortunately, they can't figure it out. If they can't, Li Xing will emerge.

Zhu Qingying: "It's a pity that little alchemy."

Zhu Zhu's face didn't take it seriously: "Do you think that the father really needs a little alchemy?"

清 Zhu Qingying Yuyan stayed for a while: "Isn't it?"

Zhu Zhu took a jade bottle out of his sleeve. The jade bottle was pure white. After he opened the stopper, a scent of fragrance suddenly spread out. Zhu Qingying smelled it, feeling refreshed, his eyes brightened.

"Is Xiao Lian Xing Dan?" She showed surprise.

Xi Zhu banned the jade bottle and said lightly: "Yes, Xuan Bingmen sent three small refining dandelions long before Qingxiao sent out."

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