Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1263: 10 years

Chapter 1263: Ten Years

Chapter 1263 Ten Years

Zutian gave inspiration to Li Xing. After entering Beihuang, he decided to use the three avatars to do several things at the same time. Alas, Jiuyang controls the Hunyuan Snake Ship and collects the mainland, while the rest cooperate fully.

The second thing is that the gods who are increasing in strength every day are responsible for business affairs, mainly operating the warship business, and responsible for the name of the warship chamber of commerce. And for a long time after that, Li Xing decided to temporarily abandon the name of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

The third thing is to retreat, refining many continents and improving one's own strength. After the civilization was upgraded to the intermediate level, he is now refining the continent at a much faster rate. Before the strongest broken ancient road was opened, all the civilized continents that built civilized warships were refined and made into the parts needed for warships.

There is also a seven-color avatar. This avatar is mainly responsible for assisting the Jiuyang avatar and the **** avatar, and there is no special task.

With such a division of labor, Li Xing can practice two things in the cultivation industry without any mistakes. The three aspects are carried out simultaneously, and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Under the control of the Jiuyang avatar, the snake ship swallowed the mainland faster and faster, and the strength of the Jiuyang avatar continued to increase in the process. You know, every time Li Xing refines a civilization, the Pan Guzhu in his body will liberate a hint of strength.

On the other hand, as the continent continues to devour the continent, the population of the Hunyuan Great World continues to increase. In this case, the number of believers of the deities is also increasing, and the strength of the obtained faith is constantly increasing, and the strength is also increasing rapidly.

The deity is mainly responsible for the battleship business. With the cooperation of Sanqing Datianzun and others, he penetrated the major forces and established a series of chapters of the battleship chamber of commerce in the form of plane channels.

Through the channel plane of the chapter, you can directly enter the Snake Ship of Hunyuan for trading. And in order to expand the scale of the transaction, Jiuyang was in the middle of the North Famine and extensively built such clubs. In ten years, it has built tens of thousands of branches.

Because the name of the previous battleship chamber of commerce passed out long ago, after the chamber of commerce returned to the mountain, it developed rapidly, and the daily trading quota continued to increase.

In addition, in order to further increase its sales, Jiuyang's detachment specially dispatched a group of warship salesmen to sell warships to those northern areas where the war was in turmoil.

For example, Party A fought with Party B, and Party A was at a disadvantage, so Li Xing sold the warship to Party A, which led to a reversal of the situation. Seeing that when Party A's victory was achieved, he would sell the battleship to Party B again, so that the two sides would be equal.

In the end, both Party A and Party B will continue to buy and maintain warships from Li Xing in order not to be at a disadvantage. And after the warship breaks down, it will be sold to the warship chamber of commerce.

This strategy is very useful for some small forces, but if it encounters larger forces, there is a considerable risk. Because of forces such as the Five Elements Continent, the demand for warships is very large, more stringent, and it may be eaten.

However, in the past ten years, Li Xing also accumulated a lot of experience. When selling warships to large forces, he often had to go out in person and had a great chance of success.

On this day, Jiuyang's avatar suddenly moved his heart. The original deity in the gate of time had learned several types of civilization while refining the continent. The deity's understanding of civilization means that several avatars also understand civilization.

As a result, the three major avatars started robbing at the same time, and they were robbing continuously.

The most horrible thing is Jiuyang's avatar. He has long been the peak of cultivation. He has recently reached a 100,000-step broken level, and has 104 great calamities, which is the immortal combat power of nine calamities.

The horrible immortal plague could not stop his progress in the least. The ninety-sixth and ninety-seventh calamities rushed to the level of the one hundred great calamities, that is, the five immortal masters.

Once in immortality, the **** of life becomes more powerful, called the immortal god. This deity can be turned into an entity, searching for heaven and earth treasures, running immortal mysteries, and casting in the plane.

The forged device will be used in the future to open up that layer of shackles that binds power, which will be called broken. The cast device, also known as the broken device, has great power.

On the day when the broken device was cast, the immortal deity's cultivation often reached the peak of immortality and the broken point. Booming through this barrier is the vast sky; if Booming is not opened, it will be torn apart by the laws of heaven and earth.

Jiuyang double stepped into the immortality of the five calamities, but also has to go through a long time to find the material of the caster and create the founder's mysterious power. Nothing.

Theoretically, the immortal deity can be immortal, but there are unpredictable circumstances. They may be killed by powerful enemies, or they may encounter unforeseen circumstances. It is simply impossible to live in peace forever.

Therefore, the immortal Grand Celestial God still has to continuously improve, impacting the broken barrier.

Consecutively broke through the fifth level, and Jiuyang's combat power broke through 100 million steps for the first time, rushing to 150 million steps. In other words, with his current strength, he can challenge those who have broken into the realm.

Because in general, the Broken Realm has a strength of about 300 million steps, and the Jiuyang avatar now has half of its combat power, so it can be beaten.

The progress of Jiuyang's avatar is undoubtedly huge. The improvement of his strength will have a significant impact on the development of the battleship chamber of commerce and the speed of devouring the mainland. He stepped into the age of immortality and became the turning point in the development of the mixed plane.

At the same time, the avatars of the gods are also looting. The spirit of the Devil's avatar is not as powerful as the Jiuyang avatar ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it can also be called horror. He has been baptized by the disaster and disaster of the Heaven and Earth from time to time. realm.

Naturally, like Jiuyang's avatar, his strength has improved qualitatively, reaching 70 million steps of broken combat power.

Comparatively speaking, the Seven Color avatars are a little weaker. They have only raised the realm to the ninety-nine calamities, and their combat power is only five million steps. However, such fighting power can also be arrogant in the immortal Great Supreme.

The three avatars have all improved their combat strength, which has greatly improved the strength of the Junyuan Plane. Some things that could not be done now can also be done now, such as the formal establishment of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce and the fixation of the Great World Portal.

However, before fixing the portal, find a suitable location. Li Xing decided to attack the Five Elements continent, destroy the Five Elements Emperor, and then use it as a foundation to strengthen his power.

The strength of the three avatars, if used properly, can completely destroy the Five Elements Emperor. One of them will avenge the Lord of Heaven ’s poison and fulfill his promise, and the other will also give birth to the Five Elements Emperor.


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