Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1264: Slay the 5th Line Emperor

Chapter 1264: Killing the Five Elements Emperor

1264 Killing the Five Elements Emperor

The last time the Great Demon Venom was poisoned and killed, the Five Elements Emperor was furious, and continued to send a large number of staff to track down Li Xing's whereabouts, and to notify several major forces nearby, who must report Li Xing's trace. . . ┗ # _ 网 Otherwise will be regarded as the enemy of the Five Elements continent.

Although the Snake Ship of the Yuan Dynasty is erratic, sometimes it is found by the ears and eyes sent by the Five Elements Emperor, and is forced to run continuously. This life of being ready to escape lasted for ten years.

Moreover, the Emperor of the Five Elements repeatedly harassed the branches of the Warship Chamber of Commerce, causing the Chamber of Commerce to lose a lot of personnel and property.

Therefore, all of this made Li Xing's heart extremely uncomfortable. Now that the time is right, he naturally thinks of a way to get rid of the Five Elements Emperor and remove this trouble.

And he recently got the news that the door of order did not stop chasing him. Now is the time to make a big sale and let everyone in the world know his strength. Only in this way can the hostile forces know his strength and become discouraged.

What he needs now is time, full development and cultivation, if not necessary, he is unwilling to do anything with others easily. But this five-element emperor, he must kill, if he does not kill, he cannot rest, and if he does not kill, it is difficult to calm the anger in his heart.

The Five Elements Spirit Land, inside the Palace of the Five Elements Emperor, the Five Elements Emperor was discussing matters with the ministers, and suddenly heard a thunderous noise in the void, and someone screamed, "Five Elements Old Man, come out and die!"

The Five Elements Emperor was full of anger. He stood behind five close friends, all masters of immortality, all saying, "Your Majesty, let us capture the arrogant outsiders and let His Majesty fall."

The Five Elements Emperor nodded: "Okay, this Emperor wants to see who is so arrogant."

Five people rushed up into the sky, and saw a young monk standing in the air, staring at them coldly, with a terror that destroyed everything. They stared at the alert and drank, "So daring, who are you?"

The comer is Jiuyang's avatar, and he sneered: "The five-element old man has chased me for many years, don't you even know me? I am Li Xing, the Lord of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, let the five-element old man come out and die!"

"It's ridiculous! The Emperor is a character from the Broken Realm, and you don't even deserve to raise shoes for him!" A sneer sneered and spread out and surrounded Li Xing in the middle. Like the ancient worm of the day, they were all accompanied by the emperor, and their combat effectiveness was amazing.

Li Xing said ruthlessly: "It seems that you can only clean up your **** first." He blasted out in one punch, his body was divided into five, and he killed five people, but he had to use one person to kill five masters at the same time. .

"Arrogance!" The five were furious, and pulled out their waist knives, attacking with all their strength. In their hands, they are all immortal, powerful.

"Boom!" Five consecutive sounds, five of them were blasted away at the same time, the violent force shocked them with instability and horror.

How can their strength, that is, seven or eight million steps of broken combat power, compare with Li Xing's Jiuyang score of 100 million steps? Immediately after being shaken, he couldn't move, and the plane broke apart almost to pieces.

Li Xing was so powerful that he gave out five punches in succession. This punch was more lethal, and he concealed Li Xing's evolution of three lives. Only five bangs were heard, five immortal worlds were blasted, and five masters fell.

The voice shocked the Five Elements Emperor, his face remained unchanged, and he cried, "Not good!"

Incorporate a dragon-shaped killing light, soared to the sky, carrying boundless killing intentions, rushed to Li Xing. The latter sneered and turned away.

The two walked forward and backward, breaking like electricity, breaking through the five elements of the continent, and entering a stream of time and space. During the limping, the Five Elements Emperor was secretly shocked, because he saw the enemies in front of him, which is actually the immortal strength of the Five Calamities, and progressed quite fast!

And watching his limping fast, his strength is extraordinary, he couldn't help being vigilant.

At this time, Li Xing stopped suddenly and turned around and shouted, "You are the Five Elements Emperor?"

To prevent fraud, the Five Elements Emperor stopped ### 子, coldly: "It is the Great Emperor!"

After that, a horrible suction was generated. The five-element emperor was unstable, faced with astonishment, desperately trying to fly back, but unfortunately could not defeat the powerful suction. Among his seven holes, a yellow figure rushed out first, but one of his five avatars was sucked away.

Then there were black silhouettes, white silhouettes, green silhouettes, and red silhouettes, one after another. The five figures are exactly the five avatars of the Five Elements Emperor. They all have the immortal peak strength.

The Five Elements Emperor shouted, "You actually use a restraint! Animals, you must not die!"

Li Xing looked at him indifferently, holding a detention Yinling in his hand, and said lightly: "If the Five Elements Emperor, I would kill me repeatedly and destroy my chamber of commerce, I would not fall into this end today. In addition, I have to tell you For one thing, this great emperor is the heir to the Lord of Heavenly Poisons, and I am beheading you today to take revenge! "


The Five Elements Emperor was arrogant and persisted, but his left leg was broken with bones, then the flesh was torn and sucked into the detention bell. Then the right leg, arms, and finally the entire body was sucked into it.

After devouring the five avatars and deities of the Five Elements Emperor, the placenta in the Yinling suddenly rose, and the baby inside gave a weird smile and opened his mouth.

Then the extremely dangerous breath was released, and Li Xing was locked out.

Li Xing had been prepared for a long time, and said lightly, "I knew you would be guilty." In other words, the Yuan Dynasty altar blasted ###, releasing billions of black light.

In the Proto-Altar, there was an exhilarating thought: "Okay! Very good, this is a great supplement to restore the altar to its full strength!"

Wu Guang trembled, suppressing the detained Yinling. Among the bells, the baby turned into a ghost image of the devil, covering the sky and covering the sky, and said, Yin: "Little devil, give me your life!"

But as soon as he stepped out of the bell, he was swept by Wu Guang, and the black smoke raged. The devil screamed angrily, "What?"

Li Xing smiled coldly: "Specially deal with your things ~ www.readwn.com ~ Enjoy it well." Then said to the Provincial Altar, "In exchange, after the altar's strength increases, you need to help me do three things."

The idea came from the altar: "Natural, fair trade."

The Proto-Altar and the detained Yin Ling exchanged each other, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short period of time. Li Xing estimated that he would have to fight for three or five hundred years. At that time, he was no longer afraid of the two sides.

The Five Elements Emperor was beheaded, and Li Xing's three avatars immediately entered the Five Elements Spirit Land. In addition to the Five Elements Emperor, there is no one in the Broken Realm. He has swept across all directions and no one is invincible.

Three days later, the Five Elements continent was already in his palm. There are a large number of continents controlled by the radiation of the five elements. Controlling the five elements is equivalent to controlling these subsidiary continents.

According to the records of the Northern Wilderness, quite a few of these continents are suitable for refining and possess a relatively high level of civilization. Therefore, seizing the Five Elements continent has accelerated his process of devouring the continent, and has taken a big step forward.


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