Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1265: Battleship era

Chapter 1265: The Age of Battleships

Chapter 1265 The Age of the Battleship

Around the Five Elements Lingtu, there are 1 billion continents under control. Among them, more than 30,000 continents can be used to build civil warships, which is enough for Li Xing to charge for a period of time. . . ''

The most important thing is that controlling the Five Elements Spirit Land and the surrounding one billion continents can make it a trading base. The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce will rise again in this place and write brilliantly.

In addition, the deities have to establish religion in this one billion continents. For the one billion continents, countless souls must believe in him, so as to further enhance their strength and stabilize their rule.

In the early days of becoming the Five Elements Emperor, there was no doubt that he had to go through a **** cleansing. Those who did not obey the education had to be beheaded. Of course, there are quite a few masters who have fled the Five Elements Continent. Although they are not equal to Li Xing, they are not willing to submit.

For such people, Li Xing didn't rush to kill them and let them leave.

Governing such a huge force has a lot of work to do, hundreds of millions of information and requests to be processed every moment. Therefore, this matter was left to the deity to deal with.

The **** avatar has a chaotic godhead. The biggest advantage of the godhead is that it can receive countless messages in an instant, and then concentrate on analysis and analysis to give accurate responses. It is born to be the ruler's material.

As for the affairs of the chamber of commerce, Qi Seshen is responsible for it. Jiuyang is still responsible for refining the mainland and sitting behind the scenes.

The Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce was reopened, and the battleship trade was re-incorporated into the Chamber of Commerce, beginning a new life and growing rapidly.

It was another ten years. In this decade, no hostile force on either side has sought Li Xing again. The beheading of the Five Elements Emperor made him famous, and the Jiuyang avatar also received a title, the Emperor Jiuyang.

In the past ten years, the development of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has been very stable and fast. It is centered on one billion continents, and the area radiating to the four sides accounts for almost one-tenth of the entire North Huang, which is a horrible figure.

Every day, a large number of monks come to trade, and every day can earn a lot of good fortune. Those earned elixir must use the entire plane to hold it. The amount is so large that a group of managers such as Sanqing Datianzun like a dream.

The battleship trade is still one of the hottest deals. Every day, a large number of warships are sold, and a large number of defective warships are acquired. The power to repair warships is endless.

However, the Daquan Dan consumed by the Hunyuan plane is also an astronomical figure. You know, the mixed plane has refined many continents, and some are still refining. All living creatures on the mainland need cultivation and promotion, all of which require the support of Dahuahuadan.

For example, a monk experienced the disaster and disaster in the Yuanyuan Plane, and his strength suddenly increased tenfold. Well, his extra power comes from Li Xing, and he has to make up for it with great fortune.

The income of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce can fully support this huge expenditure, and there is a huge surplus, which Li Xing couldn't imagine before.

The business of the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, the income is getting more and more, and the financial resources are rich, so things that could not be done in the past can now be vigorously done, such as building more mixed yuan warships.

Although we now control the one billion continents around the Five Elements Spirit Land, we are safe in the short term. But Beihuang has always been the strongest king, and several major forces around it are very powerful and are expanding wildly.

Those forces are super powerful, and as soon as they fight, they can dispatch thousands of immortal deities. And the person in charge, all are the masters of the broken realm, close to a severe realm.

Because of this, Li Xing had to prepare in advance to strengthen the defensive forces on the plane. And the best way to expand the power of the plane is to build a super battleship!

In fact, as early as ten years ago, Miracle Gushu developed the third version of the mixed Yuan battleship. Three versions of the battleship will be equipped with two giant plane guns and two thousand large plane guns.

Large plane cannons can kill ordinary immortal deities. The giant plane cannons can kill the immortal Supreme, and can also pose a threat to broken characters.

In addition, the three versions of the mixed Yuan battleships are equipped with plane shields. When this shield is fully opened, it can withstand the peak of immortal bombing.

The three versions of the mixed yuan battleship are undoubtedly powerful, but the cost is also quite high. The cost of building such a warship is about 5 billion immortal fortune. This is also because Li Xing built it by himself, referring to production, and saved a lot of costs.

If the people outside build it, even if they have this ability, the cost will not be replaced by the 20 billion immortal great fortune.

Therefore, even if Li Xing is already wealthy, he should not build too much. After some calculations, he finally decided to build only twenty ships.

In addition to the plan to build 20 three-edition hybrid warships, Li Xing also plans to build a thousand improved two-edition hybrid warships and 300,000 improved one-edition hybrid warships.

The original second edition warship was equipped with a hundred large-scale civilization cannons and a hundred large-scale plane cannons. The improved version of the mixed Yuan battleship is equipped with 400 large plane cannons, doubling its power, and newly equipped with a small plane shield, which can withstand the attack of the low-level Immortal God.

The original version of the mixed Yuan battleship, equipped with a hundred plane cannons or civilization cannons. After the improvement, it will be equipped with six hundred plane cannons and one large plane cannon, as well as a miniature plane shield, which can resist and bombard the immense peak of the immortal.

The cost of the second version of the new mixed-yuan battleship is about 100 million immortal Dahua Dan. The cost price of a new version of the mixed Yuan battleship is roughly 100,000 immortal great fortune.

For the three types of warships, the cost of costing 230 to 30 billion immortals is a huge expense.

But that's not all ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ancient civilization tree just recently researched the mixed Yuan battleships. The fourth version of the battleship is equipped with an ancient civilization cannon, two thousand giant plane cannons, and a giant plane shield.

The reason to assemble the ultimate civilization ancient artillery on the fourth version of the mixed Yuan battleship was because Li Xing knew that after this breakthrough, the civilization level had to be upgraded by several levels to have the opportunity to create the ultimate civilization artillery shell.

Even if you can't make it, first mount this ultimate civilization ancient cannon and use it later.

The fourth version of the mixed Yuan battleship belongs to the giant battleship. It will replace the current mixed Yuan battleship and become the transition between the snake battleship and the future civilization battleship.

The entire giant battleship will be built on a sufficiently powerful civilized continent, and Li Xing finally chose the Heavenly Poison Holy Land. However, since it takes time to refine the Heavenly Poison Holy Land, the construction period will be very long.

After formulating this series of ambitious arms expansion plans, Li Xing devoted himself to it and began to build vigorously.


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