Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1266: 7 other civilizations

Chapter 1266: The Seventh-Class Civilization. Kingdom of War

Chapter 1266: Seventh-Class Civilization. Kingdom of War

When the three major avatars were working wildly outside, occupying the Five Elements Spirit Land, rebuilding the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, and building a large number of battleships, Li Xing's deity continued to improve within the gate of time. [Fe ?!

Li Xing's deity is the foundation of the mixed plane. His promotion will directly lead to the promotion of the three avatars and the entire civilization, which is the core and foundation.

Over the past few decades, one continent after another has been refined, and then transformed into warship components according to the design style of civilized warships. Every refining continent, the mixed-yuan civilization absorbs the essence of it, and it is constantly improving.

In particular, for some higher civilizations, each enlightenment will have a significant impact on the mixed civilization. This led to the mixed Yuan civilization being promoted three consecutive times in just a few decades.

From the intermediate nine-level civilization, it rose to the intermediate eighth level, and then entered the intermediate seventh level. Every improvement of civilization can be described as a change of nature, which has been promoted in essence, thus upgrading a series of civilization achievements.

For example, the ancient trees of miracles and the construction of ancient trees. The improvement of civilization allows them to create more powerful and complex warships; and the ancient trees of war, each of which can independently develop a war country.

In that war country, there are various war appliances and war arms. The equipment includes war ships at all levels, war cannons of various impact planes, plane crossbows, war floor ships, and so on.

Although the war forces born in the war country can not be compared with the many warships built by Li Xing, they also have a considerable combat effectiveness. The comprehensive puppet of a war country can basically destroy a primary immortality.

Of course, the ancient war trees of this kind of war country are only part of them, and they are constantly evolving and improving. With the improvement of civilization, they will become more and more powerful.

With the guarding of civilization, not only the number is constantly increasing, but the combat power is also leaping. Today, the number of civilized guards has reached one million, and the unit's combat effectiveness has reached a thousand times the infinite peak of its combat effectiveness.

The comprehensive combat capability of all civilized guards is approaching a broken level, which further guarantees the safety of ancient civilization trees.

However, while Li Xing's deity was refining the mainland, the Hunyuan plane also swallowed the new continent, so he could not get out of the gate of time in a short period of time, and the external affairs still had to be completed by the three majors.

Fortunately, the improvement of the civilization level has increased the speed of refining the continent many times and greatly shortened the retreat time. Li Xing predicts that there will be more than a hundred years at a time, and he will be able to step out of time and reach a new level at that time and look at the world.

The Five Elements Lingtu controls a billion continents. Its power is not only on the five elements, but not on the forces on the remaining one billion continents. Now, although Li Xing has mastered the Five Elements, but some forces on the one billion continent are unwilling to submit.

The immediate priority is to have complete control over the Five Elements.

In fact, this result was as long as Li Xing expected, the Five Elements Empire is a huge country with a large population and a wide range. After beheading the Five Elements Emperor, he only controlled the Five Elements continent and a few core continents.

For the other continents, Li Xing knew that it was not possible to use strong, otherwise the whole of the original Five Elements Empire would be chaotic. Therefore, he adopted the Huairou policy. As long as these forces verbally acknowledged that they belonged to the new mixed Yuan empire, they would be safe.

In addition, these forces must agree to allow the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce to be established on it.

For a powerful master who can slay the Five Elements Emperor, although these forces are numerous, they dare not provoke them. As long as they can keep them safe, they will naturally be willing to confess to the mixed Yuan empire.

However, verbal acknowledgment is verbal acknowledgment. Over the years, some forces have secretly colluded with external forces and have begun to eat away at other relatively weak forces and gradually grow stronger.

What gives Li Xing a sense of crisis is that most of the external forces in collusion point to the neighboring four-phase continent. The overall strength of the four-phase continent is slightly stronger than the five-element continent.

Originally, the Four-Continent Continent and the Five Elements Empire were friends of each other, and together they competed against the pure land of the gods not far away. But recently, the pure land of the gods are fighting a powerful force on the other side, so they will not take care of this side for a short time.

In this way, the four-phase continent believed that the time was ripe, it had to take the opportunity to annex the territory of the original Five Elements Empire. In just a few years, hundreds of millions of continents have been swallowed up, either secretly or implicitly, into the territory of the four-phase empire.

At the beginning, Li Xing did not react at all. At most, he sent a messenger to the Four Phase Empire to express his opposition. The four-phase empire will also give explanations for various reasons, and it will not tear up its face with the newly born mixed-yuan empire.

But secretly, the four-phase empire continued to eat away more continents, and among the 900 million continents under the jurisdiction of the Junyuan Empire, it supported the puppet regime to oppose and destroy the rule of the Junyuan Empire.

This situation lasted for nearly ten years, and now Li Xing is finally going to react.

I always swallowed it because it was just swallowing the fat of the Five Elements Empire, which was too difficult to digest, and I didn't have time to take care of others. But now, the empire has embarked on a path of steady development.

In particular, the rapid development of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce and the continuous progress of Li Xing's deity within the gate of time have made the mixed-yuan empire more and more powerful, and it has qualified for the four-phase empire.

Mixed yuan empire, military aircraft hall.

Li Xing's three major avatars, and many high-level officials gathered here, are convening a conference against the four-phase empire.

Qi Se avatar told everyone: "In recent years ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have traveled almost every corner of the empire, especially those problematic graves." He reached into the air, and there was a huge map of space. In manifestation, the territory of the original Five Elements Empire was marked above.

Li Xing pointed out that he stretched out his hands in the area of ​​each area. Each area had as few as hundreds of thousands of continents and as many as tens of millions of continents. Then he said solemnly: "These places accounted for almost three Two-thirds, they either secretly colluded with the four-phase empire and annexed the surrounding continents to strengthen themselves. Or they simply went out independently and declared that they no longer belong to the mixed-yuan empire and were loyal to the former five-element empire. "

"That's not even here!" Li Xing stroked across a large area again. "This is a 100 million continent, which has been completely annexed by the four-phase empire."

Seeing this, the faces of the people present were full of anger, and Zilong Datian said: "Your Majesty, what is the scope of the actual control of the Junyuan Empire?"

Li Xing stretched out his hand on the space map, drew a fist-sized range, and sighed, "There is only such a point, only a few hundred thousand continents."


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