Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1267: Imperial force

Chapter 1267: Dili

Chapter 1267 Dili

Zilong Tianzun sighed, shook his head again and again, and said, "It's so ridiculous! The grand empire of Yuan Dynasty, the places under control can't even match those of the rebel forces! Your Majesty will give an army to the generals to calm these places!"

The Purple Dragon Supreme has always been the general of the mixed-yuan empire. Especially in recent years, the practice has advanced by leaps and bounds. Last year, he entered the realm of the immortal Great Supreme and became one of the core figures of the empire. [Fe ?!

Li Xingdao: "To call everyone today is to discuss countermeasures, and this situation will naturally change. However, the version of the Five Elements Empire is too large, there are as many as one billion. Even when the Five Elements Emperor was in that year, it was not a comprehensive control, but a kind of cooperation. Relationship."

Everyone nodded and understood this. In fact, the entire Five Elements Empire was more like a coalition regime, except that the Five Elements continent was the most powerful one, so other forces obeyed the call of the Five Elements Emperor.

If there is an enemy invasion, then all the general trends are willing to send troops and pay money to unify the outside world. If there is any fat meat in sight, then the Emperor of the Five Elements can also call on everyone to fight together to grab the fat meat.

In short, a billion continents is a huge organization tied together by a chain of interests. This organization can run smoothly when the Five Elements Emperor is present, because everyone has the same interests, it is recognized that the Five Elements Emperor is the boss, and they are all working as classmates.

Now the situation is different. The Five Elements Emperor was killed and a new Yuan Emperor was born. Everyone's misunderstanding and mistrust of the Emperor Yuanyuan, coupled with the four-phase empire's stubbornness and constant differentiation, made the situation worse.

Until now, it can be said that the country will not be a country, the mixed Yuan empire has its own name, and the control of the territory is small. Although the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce's power is spread all over the place, it is because the forces in the empire need the existence of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, because they are also trading.

If not, it would not be possible for the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce to roll out such a large stall.

The main thing is that the governance policy of the mixed Yuan Empire is completely different from that of the Five Elements Empire.

At that time, the Five Elements Continent was like a boss. The other continents were a group of younger brothers. After the younger brothers recognized the big brothers, they led the big brothers to eat a large piece of meat, drink a lot of wine, and share happiness and happiness.

This is also the method adopted by the major forces in the Northern Famine. Otherwise, it will not be able to create a behemoth like the Five Elements Empire, or even a force larger than this.

In contrast, the rule of the mixed Yuan empire is completely different. It requires complete control, does not allow the emergence of hilltops and separatist forces, and establishes a true empire and real authority.

Such a ruling policy is undoubtedly disgusting to all forces. They don't want to be vassals of the empire, they just want to find a big tree that can take advantage of the cold, and have a chance to gain benefits.

This led to many years after the beheading of the Five Elements Emperor, why the mixed Yuan empire could only control a few continents, not even some small forces.

Li Xingdao: "The Five Elements Empire has a billion continents, countless living people, countless separatist forces, and even hidden many masters. The Five Elements Empire we perished is just an emperor of the Five Elements and his handful of loyalty. The real Power is a billion continents, not the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. "

"This bone is very difficult to crack. We haven't even been able to move it before. So I haven't expressed anything over the years. I can only open my eyes to what happened on the site.

"But after so many years, the empire has built a number of powerful warships, with a large number of tyrannical soldiers. The main thing is that we have a strong business network and huge wealth, all of which are the support of the empire's external soldiers."

After listening to this analysis of Li Xing, everyone nodded, Li arrogantly: "Father, in this case, please tell us your specific plan."

Li Xing nodded, and he stretched out his hand. A series of bean-sized battleships appeared on the space map, lined up densely. Seeing these battleships, everyone's eyes lit up. They knew that this was the power accumulated by the empire over the years and the guarantee of conquering a billion continents!

He pointed at these warships and laughed: "The main force of the empire is the warships, and the warships are also the mainstream war tools of all the great powers. The warships of our empire are divided into two categories, one of which is the dilapidated acquired from these years Of the warships, they were selected for their powerful combat capabilities and a certain number of warships. "

"The total number of such warships currently has more than 6.7 million. They are divided into 47 formations according to the type of warships. The number of these formations varies, and the combat effectiveness of individual ships varies. But overall, this The 6.7 million battleships are powerful enough and large enough to occupy some small and medium continents. "

"The second class of warships, built by the Miracle Ancient Tree, includes one version of the Hunyuan battleship 300,000, the second version of the Hunyuan battleship 1,000, the third version of the Hunyuan battleship 20, and a four version under construction Super battleship. This type of battleship is mainly used to attack relatively powerful forces. It is the main force of the empire. "

"In addition to battleships, the empire is suitable for key forces, as well as ancient trees of space, ancient trees of war, and ancient trees of plunder. They are numerous and can be used to attack small and medium-sized continents."

"Except for the part of the mixed Yuan empire, which is used for warship driving, the rest will be selected from it as individual soldiers. These individual soldiers will be equipped with single soldier uniforms made by the ancient miracle tree. A series of weapons such as ancient artillery on individual planes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although these well-equipped soldiers are built in different realms, they basically have the highest combat power in the world, and will be firepower outside the battleship. supplement."

"The remaining troops will serve as reserve soldiers to supplement the front line at any time. In addition, there will be civilized chariots and a group of immortal masters, which will be the core forces responsible for the command and key battles of the army."

After introducing the strength of the empire, Li Xing said: "The above is the full power of the empire. It does not have an advantage compared to the four-phase empire, and it faces a complex situation. Therefore, the empire can only engage in a limited range of local wars. The next continent is a continent. "

Everyone took it for granted that the Five Elements Empire had deep waters, and the Five Elements Emperor of that year would not have been able to do anything. Now that the mixed empire wants to completely control this great force, it cannot be completed in a short period of time. It must advance in small steps, gradually control, and slowly achieve its purpose.

With the lightning-speed development speed and the speed at which the Four Desperate Chambers of Commerce accumulate wealth, the mixed-yuan empire will only become stronger and stronger. Going forward step by step, it will sooner or later take down the entire Five Elements Empire and exercise absolute control!


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