Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1268: After Ice Queen Snow (Modified)

Chapter 1268: Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1268 After The Ice Emperor Snow (Modified)

Chapter 1268 After the Ice Emperor Snow (Modified)

Once the strategic goals are set, the rest is gradually implemented. . . After discussion, everyone thinks that the first target to start is an ice and snow dynasty with the separatist forces closest to the control area and the ice and snow continent as the core.

The Ice and Snow Dynasty controlled 360,000 continents, and all were under direct control. Because of this, soon after the emergence of the Emperor Yunyuan, the ice and snow continent erected the banner of independence, declared autonomy, and established a dynasty.

A force that controls 360,000 continents is undoubtedly very powerful. According to the information collected by the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce over the years, there are two immortal peak masters in the Ice and Snow Dynasty. They are a couple who claim to manage the Ice and Snow Dynasty together.

After Binghuangxue, there are more than 1,000 immortal-level masters, 3,500 battleships, and more than 8 million non-magnificent monks. Each of the plane warships was equipped with two hundred plane guns.

In addition, there are more than 13,000 warships of various types, which are either strong or weak, but the overall combat power is quite considerable, not less than that of the 3,500 plane warships.

For such a force, Li Xing naturally could not afford to take it lightly. After analysis, he decided to carry out a beheading operation. After slaying the Ice Emperor Snow, he then effectively controlled the entire dynasty, just as he had dealt with the Five Elements Emperor.

The mixed Yuan empire dispatched included three major clones of Li Xing, 20 three-version mixed-yuan battleships, 1,000 second-version mixed-yuan battleships, and 300,000 first-version mixed-yuan battleships. In addition, there are ten immortal masters such as the Emperor, the Emperor, and the Purple Dragon, who are responsible for enclosing the fish in the nets.

The choice of the mixed yuan empire was unpredictable. When a ray of murder came to the palace of the dynasty, the ice queen immediately issued an alert order to the dynasty. After the order was issued, the Jiuyang avatar and the **** avatar appeared in front of the two.

"The Emperor Jiuyang?" Seeing Jiuyang's avatar, Binghuang narrowed his eyes, his expression a little nervous.

In the shadow of a person's famous tree, the Emperor Jiuyang had killed and defeated the characters of the Five Elements Emperor. He knew he was out of reach.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Since you know that the Great Emperor is coming, then surrender quickly and don't make useless resistance. This place has been deployed by Tianluodi.com, and the two have no chance to escape."

The ice emperor sneered: "I have countless experts in the ice and snow dynasty. The idea of ​​the emperor is too simple."

"The Ice and Snow dynasty is indeed very strong. If the two sides line up a large army and fight for one, the mixed Yuan empire will have a lot of losses." Li Xingdao, "but if the two emperors control the two hands, your army will be wary. . "

"Don't even think about it!" Said after the snow angrily, "The Ice and Snow Dynasty did not yield to anyone, and the Five Elements Emperor at that time did not dare to say that he could control us."

Li Xingdao: "Even if you build a strong dynasty, as long as you are not a master, you are not powerful. Hugh said that you have thousands of immortal deities, even if there are 10 million, this great emperor kills you like a sack. It's your weakness. "

The ice emperor's face was iron-green, Li Xing was right. People like him who can kill and kill masters in the broken realm can indeed kill their husbands and wives at any time. It is easy to take the first rank of the coach in the hundreds of millions of troops.

For a powerful force, its leader must have the corresponding strength, and only such a rule will last long. Otherwise, once the leader is beheaded by the enemy, the entire force will dissipate and quickly die.

This is an iron law no matter in the North Famine or anywhere. Without strong force, a strong rule cannot be established.

This ice emperor and the snow Queen can also be regarded as masters, immortal peaks, millions of steps of broken combat power. Unfortunately, compared with Li Xing's hundreds of millions of steps of broken combat power, this kind of strength is simply not enough.

Seeing the two of them silent, Li Xing said: "Two, give you a chance to choose. If you are willing to submit to this emperor, you can be free and continue to fill this continent. The only difference is that you will Be obedient to this Great Emperor and be absolutely loyal. "

The ice emperor took a breath, and said in a deep voice, "I think I am a divine immortal, and I will be at your mercy?"

Li Xing frowned: "You two are so stubborn, aren't you afraid that you will be transformed into flying ash? It is not easy to repair this step. Maybe you will have a chance to step into the future. Is it a pity to give up like this?"

The ice emperor smiled bitterly, and said, "What is the difference between death and life for my husband and wife? We have set foot on the immortal level for hundreds of epochs. We are accustomed to the separation of life and death. Can't scare us. "

"Yes, our husband and wife still retain that dignity, even if they die, they will not give in." After the ice also said coldly.

Li Xing was silent. He didn't expect that the two were actually antiques. They existed for hundreds of epochs, and they really had enough knowledge. Yiji is more than 4.3 billion years, how many is tens of billions?

A person who has lived for such a long time, no matter how strong the Taoist heart, will be lonely and lonely. It is nothing to say to them that life and death are separate, and non-happy separation is common to them.

It can be said that their hearts are old and hard, like iron, and they have broken through hopelessly, and they may have settled here for a lifetime. They can't break this sky, they can't get out of this land.

Throughout his life, he has to live lonely, watching the sunset and watching the changes in civilization. One cycle after another has consumed their will, and the passion has been poured.

In fact, the immortal gods have an infinite life span. Even if they are not killed, they will be tortured to death by endless life. Some immortal gods will choose to do suicidal things after they are hopeless.

For example, challenging more powerful people, such as entering some extremely dangerous areas, etc., they are not afraid of death, and death is a relief for them.

It's like a person ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you can live endlessly, live for generations and go through reincarnation. Even if he has such a strong will and no matter how much passion, I am afraid that he will pass away and become worse than life.

All things grow and fall, life and death. Although the immortal Great Heavenly Supreme can reverse the laws of heaven and earth and obtain eternal life, they also have to pay for it, that is, loneliness and despair.

Although Li Xing has not set foot on immortality, he can appreciate this helplessness and despair. He could also feel that the ice emperor and the snow in front of him did not fear death.

After thinking about it in his heart, Li Xing suddenly smiled and said, "It's very good! Since the two are not afraid of death, they shouldn't be afraid of a suggestion of this emperor, right?"

The ice queen said coldly, "You have something to say."

Li Xingdao: "The two are tired of the world. It is about being unable to break through the last layer of barriers and breaking into a broken environment. What am I right?"

Ice Queen: "What is it?"


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