Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1270: Purifying the Power of the World

Chapter 1270: Purifying the Power of the World

Chapter 1270: Purifying the Power of the World

After the ice and snow dynasty fully integrated into the mixed yuan empire, Li Xing moved the ice emperor to the mixed plane. As soon as they entered the mixed plane, the two immortal peaks were greatly shocked. They never saw such a grand plane, and for the first time entered the plane of civilization.

"Is this the civilization plane? It is really shocking. It is no wonder that in the rumor, the great civilization can step into the broken!" Binghuang said with emotion, full of awe of Li Xing in his heart, even if he is higher than the other side, it is far Far from being comparable.

After the snow ca n’t help asking: “I do n’t know what level of civilization the emperor is?”

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Intermediate seventh class is constantly improving."

The couple looked at each other and both saw an incredible look in each other's eyes. The Ice Emperor murmured: "How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that once the civilization is established, has the level been determined? If it was a primary civilization when it was established, then it will be the primary civilization throughout its life. How can it be improved?"

He shook his head after the snow and said, "Even if you can ascend, it will be a difficult thing. Of the tens of thousands of civilizations, they may not be able to pick one."

Li Xing smiled and said, "My civilization is different. I can absorb all the specialties of civilization and use them for my own purposes, so that the level of civilization continues to rise to the peak."

"This ..." After the ice emperor snow was shocked and didn't know what to say, Li Xing's words completely subverted some of their previous views. Isn't such a person destined to reach its peak in the future, or even break up and break the **** of heaven and earth?

Suddenly, Binghuang and Xue realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for them to break through and even approach the thirty-three heavy days!

"The emperor, my couple, I am willing to be the servant of the emperor, loyal!" Both immortal peaks, immortal, actually bowed down to Li Xing in front of many high-ranking empires.

Li Xing was very surprised. He stepped forward and raised the two men and said, "It doesn't have to be this way. I respect the two senior men. How can I accept you as servants?"

The ice emperor said positively: "Lord, my couple stayed at the immortal level of 317, and after countless years, they have long been ashamed. Today, meeting the Lord, that is the greatest opportunity for my couple. I will regret it in the future. My husband and wife do n’t ask for too much. They only want to follow the emperor to witness the rise and glory of the emperor. I just hope that the emperor can bring my husband and me together when they are strong enough. "

Li Xing thought slightly and nodded: "Okay, now that you have explained everything, I have no reason to refuse, please call up."

The two stood up and looked happy, and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

After accepting two capable subordinates, Li Xing was in a good mood and called everyone to the military aircraft hall to discuss the next step. When he talked about the next attack plan, the ice queen disagreed.

"Lord, in the opinion of your servants, it is not appropriate to use soldiers now."

Li Ba disagreed, saying: "Ice is old, no soldiers, are these forces obedient to surrender?"

The ice queen laughed: "The eldest son is right, no need to send troops, they are obedient and obedient." Then he said to Li Xing, "Do you remember the old servants speaking well? Among the many forces, like old servants, stay There are many people who have been at the immortal level for too long. As long as the Lord can let them break through this level, they will inevitably follow the left and right, and serve as slaves. "

Li Xing thought about it, and said, "I understand what you and the two mean. Want to break through immortality now, step into the broken, and show them a living example?"

Binghuang nodded: "That's what the old servant meant."

Sanqing Datian snorted and said loudly: "Lord, if this person breaks into a rebel heart, wouldn't it be difficult?"

The ice emperor said coldly: "This Taoist, my ice emperor will not be afraid of death, and even disdain for deception!"

Li Xing waved his hand and said, "Bing Lao doesn't have to be angry, San Qing is not malicious, but he doesn't understand you." He thought for a while, "Your idea is good, I will help your couple make a breakthrough. However, the process of breakthrough There is a risk that you may fall in the process. "

After the snow, he said lightly, "The Lord has been worrying a lot. My husband and wife haven't said that at this time, life and death will not be accepted. Death is liberation, success is also liberation. Both are my couple's wishes. Only ask the Lord. For one thing, if my couple is unfortunate, ask the Lord to take care of our descendants. "

Li Xing nodded: "You can rest assured, I will do my best."

The following was a detailed discussion, and everyone generally accepted the suggestion made by the ice emperor. That is, first let him ascend to a broken state, and then take himself as an example to talk about other forces to join it.

In the ice emperor's prediction, if his couple can successfully break through, then at least one-third of the power of the original Five Elements Empire can be brought together. Those forces, like the Ice and Snow dynasties, are completely under control. As long as their leader surrenders, the rest will also belong.

By that time, the mixed-yuan empire would occupy a third of the site at once, with 30 million continents. With such a powerful power, it would be much easier to want to unify the five-element empire with a billion emperors.

Moreover, this rule is a complete rule, far from the original Five Elements Emperor, Li Xing is the righteous emperor and hegemon.

After the meeting, Li Xing invited the ice emperor into the gate of time, and then operated the destructive power in Panguzhu to teach the two people the way of destruction.

Jiuyang's avatar has reached the level of the King of Destruction, and the level has been improving. He has long been at the peak of the King of Destruction, refining a considerable part of Panguzhu's power.

Pan Guzhu's power was originally overbearing and overbearing. If he entered the big world, he would immediately allow the plane to subvert and explode. However, if this power is under the control of Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~, it will have another function, it can purify the power of the world.

Jiuyang avatar has always had this ability, and also knows that using this method can make people break through quickly and has incredible power. However, he did not apply this method to any monk because it was not necessary.

The monks in Lianyuan Cold Noodles will be able to step into a glorious world sooner or later, even at the current practice speed, and do not need such assistance at all.

But the Ice Emperor and the Snow Queen are different. They have no other way to break through, only this way. Of course, when implementing this method, there are also great risks, and you must be careful.

Through the purification of the power of Pangu, the power of the world will have more powerful destructive power. For example, some of the world's powers had only twice their power before purification. If purified, the power of this world will have tens of millions of times of power, a qualitative change!

The process of world power purification is the process of plane transformation. When this transformation reaches a certain level, these two immortal deities can also break through.


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