Chapter 1271: Broken

Chapter 1271: Broken

Inside the gate of time, after Jiuyang avatar took Ice Queen Snow, before Li Xing's cultivation. At this moment, the treasure is solemn, and there is a circle of civilized light behind his head.

The couple could not help but worship, and trembled: "It really is Supreme!"

After worshiping, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but wonder: "The Lord has the strength of his deity, I don't know which realm he has reached?"

Jiuyang's avatar smiled slightly: "My deity is not very strong at present. After he exits the customs, he should be able to set foot on immortality. By then, the broken master is nothing in front of me."

The ice emperor was shocked and said, "So, is it possible for the Lord's deity to touch a broken piece?"

Li Xing nodded: "I'm still not sure about this opportunity."

After the snow exclaimed: "Oh my God! It is possible to reach a broken power in immortal realm, is it possible? Throughout the ages, countless epochs, I am afraid such a person can count it with ten fingers."

Li Xing couldn't help wondering. He knew that the couple were extremely knowledgeable and asked, "Do you know such people? Who are they?"

"The Supreme Kings that once appeared in the Four Desolations, the East and West Emperors, and the North and South Emperors should all be this type of character." Xuehoudao said, "In addition, there are a group of peerless powers such as the Proterozoic Great Heaven.

Li Xing nodded: "The emperor of the east and the west and the emperor of the north and south should indeed have such qualifications, otherwise it would not be possible to unite the wild."

Ice Emperor Road: "With the power of the Lord, in the future, we will be able to unify the four wastelands and surpass the two emperors and two emperors! Even beyond that person."

"That person?" Li Xing frowned. "Who is the person you said?"

The ice emperor smiled bitterly and said, "This person's name cannot be mentioned."

Li Xingqi said: "Can't mention it? Did it mention the death?"

This was a joke, but the ice emperor nodded: "Yes, as long as the person's name is mentioned, the power of the sky will induce the killing force and beheaded in one fell swoop. Only masters with more than ninefold crushing can resist this killing force."

Li Xing was shocked: "Someone who is so powerful?"

The ice emperor and Snow Queen nodded at the same time, saying: "That man is really powerful. It is said that even the Emperor Yuantian almost died in his hands. Compared with the emperor and emperor, the emperor and emperor can only be seen by little witches."

Li Xing took a breath, but no longer asked, and said lightly, "Okay, don't mention it again, I will understand when I get to that level in the future."

He took the two to another area of ​​the gate of time, and ordered Binghuangxue to sit in front of him and let go.

He spit out Pangu's vitality, and the black phosgene rushed into the two planes at once, and began to refine and refine. This is an extremely painful process, and it is also a dangerous process. If two people cannot keep up, it is very likely that they will fall.

After the ice emperor and snow, I felt that there were hundreds of millions of ants in the body gnawing, countless poisonous needles were pricking, bones, muscles, skin, and even the Holy Spirit were extremely painful, making harsh screams.

Li Xingshen said: "This kind of pain is very bearable. Even if you are immortal, you may not stick to it. You can succeed or fail here, no matter how much pain you have to hold on, or you will only die!"

Binghuang sweated heavily on his forehead and bit his teeth, "Relieve the Lord, the old servant can hold on!"

"Well, this is just the beginning. Every inch of your plane and flesh must be washed by Pangu Yuanli. Metamorphosis is painful, but as long as you persist, you can break through!" Li Xing said loudly, "Your current The combat power, which is less than a thousand steps of broken combat power, is too weak and must be all purified! "


The ice and snow planes are burning with blazing flames, and the living people inside are all ashes. Although the two immortal deities could not bear the pain in their hearts, they had to do so, because to purify the kingdom of the world, the souls in the plane must be purified together.

Of course, after purification, they can still use the power of creation to resurrect all dead souls, but only to consume some of the power of the world. The power of the world, with the power to create the world, can create creatures and change rivers and mountains.

Every strand of the world's power was destroyed by Pan Gu Yuan's power, then reorganized, Nirvana reborn, and transformed. This process made Ice Queen feel like they were going through the cultivation process again.

From the Great Realm in the beginning, to the legend, to the ancient, perish, nirvana, infinite, infinite, immortal, and re-experience, they have made their world powers very different, more pure and more powerful.

The process of purification is long and dangerous. The momentum behind Ice Queen Snow is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the world is getting more and more pure. Similarly, their combat power has soared, 10 million steps of broken combat power, 30 million steps of broken combat power, 100 million steps of broken combat power, 300 million steps!

When the purification was over, the combat power of Ice Queen Snow broke through 480 million steps.

At this point, the two immortal gods respected the sky and shouted, and got up, rushed out of the gates of time, into the chaos of time and space, and began a splendid calamity. They succumbed for too long, hundreds of epochs could not be broken, and they were released at this moment.

The terrible and broken plague fell from the sky, and the mighty power alarmed the Quartet. The two holy gods emerged from the cocoon and turned into jade gods, fearlessly meeting the sky and thunder.

People outside can only hear huge voices and feel the momentum of terror. They cannot see clearly what the calamity looks like, but none dare to approach.

People on the billion continent were shocked, and some old antiques like the Queen of the Ice Queen came out in a loud voice, "Who broke through? Has anyone broken through?"

"This breath seems to be after the Ice Emperor Snow? Haven't they been defeated by the Emperor Jiuyang ###? How did they break through at this time? So powerful! The old man's qualifications are still above his two, how can he let Their couple broke through early? "

"It's still the strongest in the broken! It seems that their potential has not been fully realized. When the realm is stable and the strength will be improved, maybe there is a chance to step into a heavy crush."

"There must be a problem here. Check it. You must find out what is going on. I don't believe their couple can break through. If they can break through, the old man can break through!"

The terrible calamity ~ ~ After seven days, the powerful ice emperor snow landed from the air. Once they landed, they paid homage to Li Xing: "Thank you for your gift!"

Li Xing was also very happy, and nodded: "It is your firm will, otherwise no one can help." Then he said, "You have just made a robbery, it is better to go everywhere and see your old friends. "

Binghuang naturally understood Li Xing's meaning after the snow, so that now they are going to win them while everyone is shocked, so it is more convincing.

The ice queen laughed: "Relief the Lord, the old servant can bring back at least three hundred immortal old guys!"

(Today is the last day of the month. There are 6273 red flowers. Even if it is 6,300, you should add 63 chapters, 30 chapters have been added, and 33 chapters are left. In addition, there are two chapters. # ## Not written. The total of 35 chapters will be completed from the 1st to the 10th of the next month. As for the number of ### in the next month, it will no longer be linked to the safflower, and will do its best.


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